# 阿里的这个配置文件的注释特别详细,我只摘出我们需要修改的项目来进行修改。 # source redis configuration. # used in `dump`, `sync` and `rump`. # source redis type, e.g. "standalone" (default), "sentinel" or "cluster". # 1. "standalone": standalone db mode. # 2. "sentinel": the redis address is read from sentinel. # 3. "cluster": the source redis has several db. # 4. "proxy": the proxy address, currently, only used in "rump" mode. # 源端redis的类型,支持standalone,sentinel,cluster和proxy四种模式,注意:目前proxy只用于rump模式。 source.type = cluster # ip:port # the source address can be the following: # 1. single db address. for "standalone" type. # 2. ${sentinel_master_name}:${master or slave}@sentinel single/cluster address, e.g., mymaster:master@;, or @; for "sentinel" type. # 3. cluster that has several db nodes split by semicolon(;). for "cluster" type. e.g.,; # 4. proxy address(used in "rump" mode only). for "proxy" type. # 源redis地址。对于sentinel或者开源cluster模式,输入格式为"master名字:拉取角色为master或者slave@sentinel的地址",别的cluster # 架构,比如codis, twemproxy, aliyun proxy等需要配置所有master或者slave的db地址。 source.address =;; # password of db/proxy. even if type is sentinel. source.password_raw = 123123yu # auth type, don't modify it source.auth_type = auth # target redis configuration. used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`. # the type of target redis can be "standalone", "proxy" or "cluster". # 1. "standalone": standalone db mode. # 2. "sentinel": the redis address is read from sentinel. # 3. "cluster": open source cluster (not supported currently). # 4. "proxy": proxy layer ahead redis. Data will be inserted in a round-robin way if more than 1 proxy given. # 目的redis的类型,支持standalone,sentinel,cluster和proxy四种模式。 target.type = cluster # ip:port # the target address can be the following: # 1. single db address. for "standalone" type. # 2. ${sentinel_master_name}:${master or slave}@sentinel single/cluster address, e.g., mymaster:master@;, or @; for "sentinel" type. # 3. cluster that has several db nodes split by semicolon(;). for "cluster" type. # 4. proxy address. for "proxy" type. target.address =;; # password of db/proxy. even if type is sentinel. target.password_raw = 123123yu target.auth_type = auth
This guide provides a comprehensive step-by-step approach to successfully installing the MongoDB PHP driver on XAMPP for macOS, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup process. ...