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The company I am working for is looking to switch platforms from ColdFusion 8 / Windows to Ruby on Rails / Linux. Our database solution will remain as MSSQL 2008 on Windows. I will likely follow up with a series of questions relating to this migration separately, but for now I have a MSSQL & Rails specific question.

我正在努力的公司正在寻求将平台从ColdFusion 8 / Windows切换到Ruby on Rails / Linux。我们的数据库解决方案将在Windows上保留为MSSQL 2008。我可能会分别跟进一系列有关此迁移的问题,但现在我有一个MSSQL和Rails特定的问题。

Back in 2006 when I was working with Ruby on Rails for the first time, support for MSSQL installations was pretty iffy. Things worked for the most part, but ActiveRecord couldn't cope with certain functions lacking from T-SQL. Primarily, I recall auto-paging not working due to a lack of an OFFSET keyword like the one found in MySQL.

早在2006年我第一次使用Ruby on Rails时,对MSSQL安装的支持非常不确定。事情大部分都有效,但ActiveRecord无法应对T-SQL缺少的某些功能。首先,我记得由于缺少像MySQL中那样的OFFSET关键字,自动分页无法正常工作。

I am curious if our primary DB server running MSSQL 2008 will be able take advantage of most of ActiveRecord's functionality. If there are particular features that are not available, I'd be curious as to what they are.

我很好奇我们运行MSSQL 2008的主数据库服务器是否能够利用ActiveRecord的大部分功能。如果有特定的功能不可用,我会很好奇它们是什么。

1 个解决方案



Yes, there will be pain.


We're running Rails/SQL Server in production at the moment. All of our develompent is done on OS X / linux, and deployed to linux app servers.

我们目前正在生产Rails / SQL Server。我们所有的开发都是在OS X / linux上完成的,并部署到Linux应用服务器上。

We went with JRuby in the end as connecting via JDBC rather than ODBC was much less painful. JRuby itself is a good platform, but we've had no end of trouble due to quirks with 3rd party gems and plugins which often don't work under JRuby (especially if they've got native extensions).

我们最后使用JRuby,因为通过JDBC而不是ODBC进行连接不那么痛苦。 JRuby本身就是一个很好的平台,但由于第三方宝石和插件的怪癖通常在JRuby下不起作用(特别是如果他们有本机扩展),我们已经完成了麻烦。

There are still holes in the support - paging is still iffy, but kind of works now. From memory there are some quirks around unicode and character encoding as well.

支持中仍然存在漏洞 - 分页仍然是不确定的,但现在有点起作用。从内存中也有一些围绕unicode和字符编码的怪癖。

The only reason SQL Server is used is because that was what the IT infrastructure team mandated. MySQL/Postgres is a much better solution if possible. It all just works.

使用SQL Server的唯一原因是因为这是IT基础架构团队的强制要求。如果可能的话,MySQL / Postgres是一个更好的解决方案。一切正常。

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