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时钟 Clocks


To perform timing analysis, you must specify the period of the clock or clocks used in the design and possibly the transition time, waveform, latency, uncertainty, relative skew, and other timing characteristics, as shown in Figure 1-9. The timing analysis takes all of these clock characteristics into account to determine the worst possible conditions for each type of timing check. The command for specifying clocks is create_clock.

图1-9 时钟特性

Figure 1-9 Clock Characteristics


If multiple clocks are used in the design, you must specify the timing relationships between those clocks so that the analysis tool can check the timing of a path launched by one clock and captured by another. By default, the tool assumes that after the occurrence of a launch event at a path startpoint, the very next clock edge that can occur at the path endpoint should capture the data at the end of the path. Any exceptions to this basic assumption must be specified as timing exceptions. Some examples of timing exceptions are false paths,multicycle paths, and explicit minimum-delay paths and maximum-delay paths:







• A false path is a path that physically exists in the design but never propagates data from the startpoint to the endpoint due to the logic configuration, expected data sequence, or operating mode.

• A multicycle path is a path designed to take more than one clock cycle from launch to capture.

• A minimum-delay path or maximum-delay path is a path that must meet a delay constraint that you specify explicitly as a time value.

A clock signal typically has a very large fanout to many sequential devices. Therefore, each clock is usually implemented as a branching tree of buffers organized in a multilevel hierarchy. Clock tree synthesis is typically performed at the placement and routing stage, not at the logic synthesis stage, because placement and routing provide the interconnect length information needed to build the tree. To perform timing analysis before clock tree synthesis and layout, the logic synthesis tool must estimate the delays from the clock source to the clock pins of sequential devices.


Input and Output Delays


The analysis tool determines the timing slack for a path by comparing the startpoint-to-endpoint delay with the time span between the launch and capture clock edges.However, for a path starting at an input to the design, the arrival time of the data cannot be determined from the design netlist. This is because the external launch time and logic delays are unknown. Therefore, to analyze the input-to-register timing, you must specify the external timing conditions leading up to the input as an input delay. This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-10.

图1-10 外部输入延迟

Figure 1-10 External Input Delay


The design being analyzed is enclosed in the dashed rectangle. The data arriving at input port "A" is launched by an external sequential device clocked by CLK. Then the data passes through some combinational logic before reaching input "A." To analyze the timing of Path 1,you need to specify the amount of delay from the clock edge to the arrival of data at input "A." In this example, the input delay is the CLK-to-Q delay of the external flip-flop plus the delay of the external buffer. You can also specify the drive characteristics of the external buffer for a more accurate calculation of the interconnect delay from input "A" to the combinational logic inside the design.


Similarly, for a path ending at an output of the design, the capture time of the data cannot be determined from the design netlist. This is because the capture time and external logic delays are unknown. Therefore, to analyze the register-to-output timing, you must specify the external timing conditions beyond the output as an output delay. This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-11.

图1-11 外部输出延迟

Figure 1-11 External Output Delay


The data leaving output port "Z" passes through some combinational logic and is captured by an external sequential device clocked by CLK. To analyze the timing of Path 3, you need to specify the amount of delay from the arrival of data at output "Z" to the capture clock edge. In this example, the output delay is the delay of the external buffer plus the setup time requirement for the external flip-flop. You should also specify the load characteristics of the external circuit to accurately account for the interconnect delay at the output "Z"The commands for specifying input delays and output delays are set_input_delay and set_output_delay.

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