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Running Rosbridge Description: This tutorial shows you how to launch a rosbridge server and talk to it.

Keywords: rosbridge, roslibjs, teleoperation, Robot Web Tools

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


  1. Installing Rosbridge
  2. Running Rosbridge
  3. Talking to Rosbridge

Installing Rosbridge

Rosbridge depends on a basic installation of ROS. Check out the ROS Installation Guide for installing ROS on your machine.

After ROS is installed, you can install Rosbridge from a .deb package:

sudo apt-get install ros--rosbridge-suite

This will install the suite of rosbridge packages needed to get started.

Running Rosbridge

After installing ROS and rosbridge, you need to make sure your system is aware of the packages. To set up your environment for ROS and rosbridge:

source /opt/ros//setup.bash

All that's left is to run rosbridge. To launch rosbridge and its packages like rosbridge_server and rosapi, a launch file is included in the install. To launch the file, run:

roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

This will run rosbridge and create a WebSocket on port 9090 by default.

You can configure the port by setting the ~/port param in ROS. An example launch file that will run rosbridge on port 8080 would look like:


Talking to Rosbridge

Now that rosbridge has been launched and a WebSocket connection is available, we can create a basic HTML webpage to send and receive calls to rosbridge. Roslibjs is a Javascript library that handles the communication for you. Check out the getting started with roslibjs tutorial to create a webpage with roslibjs and rosbridge.

AGVS Tutorials

In this page there's a list of tutorial to start using the Agvs robot.


  1. AGVS Tutorials
    1. Launching gazebo model and controller
    2. Building a map of Willow Garage
    3. Autonomous movement (Pure Pursuit)
    4. VREP model

Launching gazebo model and controller

1. Launch Gazebo model

  • roslaunch agvs_gazebo agvs.launch

2. Launch Gazebo controller

  • roslaunch agvs_robot_control agvs_robot_control.launch

3. Launch pad to control the robot with a ps3 joystick

  • roslaunch agvs_pad agvs_pad.launch

Building a map of Willow Garage

1. Launch Gazebo model

  • roslaunch agvs_gazebo agvs_office.launch

AGVS Gazebo

Nao is a commercially available humanoid robot built by Aldebaran. The ROS driver was originally developed by Freiburg's Humanoid Robots Lab and Armin Hornung. It essentially wraps the needed parts of Aldebaran's NaoQI API (versions 1.14 and 2.1) and makes it available in ROS. It also provides a complete robot model (URDF).

Robots using ROS: Aldebaran Nao

Robots using ROS: Uni Freiburg's "Osiris" Nao


  1. Aldebaran Nao
    1. Community
    2. Tutorials
    3. Library Overview
      1. Basic Configuration
      2. Hardware Drivers and Simulation
      3. High-Level Capabilities
    4. Simulation


There is an official SIG for NaoQI and Aldebaran's robots at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/ros-sig-aldebaran. Please subscribe to it to get the latest news !


A complete list of tutorials can be found under tutorials. This includes the installation, startup and further advanced instructions how to connect ROS with your NAO.

  • Start all robot nodes: nao_bringup

  • See getting started for a walk-through guide to installing ROS, NAOqi, and rviz (may be outdated by now).

Library Overview

The core functionality is implemented in the nao_robot stack (can be installed on the robot or on a remote PC), extended with further functionality in nao_extras (should be installed on a remote PC).

sudo apt-get install ros-.*-nao-robot
sudo apt-get install ros-.*-nao-extras

For an outline of the libraries included, please see the tables below.

Basic Configuration


ROS package/stack

Robot-specific Messages and Services


Robot model (URDF)


Robot meshes


Hardware Drivers and Simulation


ROS package/stack

Actuator drivers

naoqi_driver naoqi driver C++

naoqi_driver_py naoqi driver Python

Basic sensor drivers

naoqi_driver naoqi driver C++

naoqi_driver_py naoqi driver Python

Sensor drivers


Robot control


High-Level Capabilities


ROS package/stack



Footstep planning


Execute / manage body poses


Follow 2D path / walk to target


Diagnostics / Visualization




Planning / MoveIt!


And more at nao_extras.


You have the following options for simulating NAO:

  • You can use a simulated Nao in Webots and connect the driver to NaoQI on your local machine.

  • You can use a simulated Nao in Gazebo using plain ros_control architecture and no NaoQI features.

  • You can use a simulated Nao in Gazebo and connect the driver to NaoQI on your local machine.



TurtleBot 2 TurtleBot 1

TurtleBot combines popular off-the-shelf robot components like the iRobot Create, Yujin Robot's Kobuki, Microsoft's Kinect and Asus' Xtion Pro into an integrated development platform for ROS applications. For more information about hardware, please see http://turtlebot.com.

BDFLs: Tully Foote (OSRF), Melonee Wise (Fetch Robotics)

ROS SW Maintainers: Michael Ferguson (Fetch Robotics), Tully Foote (OSRF), JihoonLee (Yujin Robot), Daniel Stonier (Yujin Robot)


  1. Overview
  2. About
  3. Preparation
  4. Bringup
  5. Applications
    1. Looking Around
    2. Teleoperation
    3. Navigation
    4. Something Funny
    5. Android Interactions
  6. Simulation
  7. Development Corner
  8. Appendix
    1. Rocon QT App manager
    2. Multi TurtleBot Concert
    3. Other Resources
  9. Contributing
  10. Support

Recently overhauled entire tutorial for indigo (24/03/15).


  • Migration - what's new and shiny in your indigo turtlebot software!


  1. Turtlebot-Developer Habitats

    Various usage scenarios for turtlebots and their developers.

  2. Interacting with your Turtlebot

    The many ways you can provoke/inspire your turtlebot to action!


  1. Turtlebot Installation

    Installing software onto the turtlebot.

  2. PC Installation

    Installing the software for your monitoring workstation pc.

  3. Network Configuration

    Get turtlebot and your pc chatting to each other.


  1. TurtleBot Bringup

    How to start the TurtleBot software.

  2. PC Bringup

    Connecting to the turtlebot from the PC.

  3. TurtleBot Care and Feeding

    This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.

  4. Create Odometry and Gyro Calibration

    /!\ This is only necessary if you have a Create base. The Kobuki comes with a factory calibrated gyro. This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.


Looking Around

  1. A First Interaction

    Run your first interaction with the turtlebot - chatter!

  2. Visualisation

    Find and call launchers to visualise the turtle and its data streams.

  3. 3D Visualisation

    Visualising 3d and camera data from the kinect/asus.


  1. Keyboard Teleop

    Keyboard teleoperation of a turtlebot.

  2. Joystick Teleop

    Joystick teleoperation of a turtlebot.

  3. Qt Teleop

    Qt teleoperation of a turtlebot.

  4. Interactive Markers Teleop

    A tutorial describing how to use rviz interactive markers for controlling the TurtleBot.


  1. SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot

    How to generate a map using gmapping

  2. Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot

    This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.

Something Funny

  1. The TurtleBot Follower Demo

    This describes how to run the TurtleBot Follower Demo on your TurtleBot.

  2. The TurtleBot Panorama Demo

    This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.

Android Interactions

  1. Download Turtlebot Android Apps from Play Store

    Download android apps from Play Store to run turtlebot rapps on your turtlebot via android device

  2. How to Run Turtlebot Andorid Application

    Instructions how to run turtlebot android application

  3. Turtlebot Android Application Dev Tutorial

    Instructions how to develop turtlebot android app



  1. TurtleBot in Stage Simulator

    How to start turtlebot stage simulation

  2. Customizing the Stage Simulator

    Explains how to use your own map with the stage simulator for turtlebot and adjust configurations for your needs


  1. Gazebo Bringup Guide

    See the simulated turtlebot in Gazebo.

  2. Explore the Gazebo world

    Cruise around in the Gazebo world and use RViz to "see" what's in it.

  3. Make a map and navigate with it

    Use the navigation stack to create a map of the Gazebo world and start navigation based on it.

Development Corner

  1. Customising the Turtle

    Pre-load your own customisations/configuration on the turtle.

  2. Create your First Rapp

    Create, load and execute a 'babbler' rapp, and, is it really worth the effort?

  3. Create your First Interaction

    Create, load and execute a 'babbler' interaction.

  4. Adding New 3D Sensor

    Add support for a new 3D sensor to the turtlebot stack.

Tutorials describing how to develop android interactions can be found in the android corner.


Rocon QT App manager

  1. Start Rapp with QT App manager

    How to start implementation rapps with Rocon Qt App manager

Multi TurtleBot Concert

Teleop Concert

Teleoperate multiple turtlebots!

  1. TurtleBot Concert Bringup

    how to start the turtlebot concert

  2. Bring up Turtlebot as Concert Client

    how to start the turtlebot concert

  3. Teleop a turtlebot via Concert

    how to teleoperate turtlebot in concert

Other Resources

  • Turtlebot Quick Start Tutorials - Gaitech EDU Portal

  • learn.turtlebot.com

  • Getting Start TurtleBot with Matlab

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