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Here's the colophon for my home wiring series. Everything is working great. Here's what I learned.

这是我的家庭布线系列的主题。 一切都很好。 这是我学到的。

  • Cat 6 was very likely overkill for my house, but I still feel better doing it and would do it again, if only for the sense of future-proofness (future-proofocity?) that I have. Cat 5e would very likely have been fine, but the difference in cost was minimal.

    Cat 6很可能对我的房屋造成过大杀伤力,但即使只是出于我对未来的适应性(对未来的适应性?)的感觉,我仍然会做得更好,并且会再次这样做。 Cat 5e可能很好,但成本差异很小。
  • I should have got a wiring closet that was twice as wide as what I got. My closet is large by home standards - it's 4 feet tall - but it's cramped. It's not as tidy as the ones you see in the literature because I used my own switch. Unfortunately it's a 1U switch so it's ridiculously Velcro-ed to the back of the panel, making the whole thing look kind of less-than-sanitary.

    我应该有一个比我大两倍的布线室。 按照家庭标准,我的壁橱很大-高4英尺-但空间狭窄。 它不如您在文献中看到的那样整洁,因为我使用了自己的开关。 不幸的是,它是一个1U开关,因此在面板的背面很不可思议地魔术贴固定,使整个外观看起来不卫生。

  • Once you get a really reliable wireless router, don't ever flash the firmware, or even look at it crooked. I've got a new Verizon FIOS ActionTec router and it's rock solid. It's perfect. It's so good I'm shocked how bad the original old one I had was. The wireless performance is stellar and complete, with coverage throughout the whole house (it's a big house). The signal is strong and every single laptop - even the ones that I thought of as finicky - connect perfectly to it. If you're having wireless problems, it's probably your router.

    一旦获得了真正可靠的无线路由器,就不要刷新固件,甚至不要看它弯曲了。 我有一个新的Verizon FIOS ActionTec路由器,它非常坚固。 这是完美的。 真是太好了,令我震惊的是我原来的那本旧书有多糟糕。 无线性能出色且完整,覆盖整个房屋(这是一栋大房子)。 信号很强,每台笔记本电脑-甚至我认为很挑剔的笔记本电脑-都能完美连接。 如果您遇到无线问题,则可能是您的路由器。

  • WPA (AES) is a nice simple and very secure way to setup your wireless if you've got Vista or Mac clients throughout. I am also able to get my Wii and PSP hooked up to the wireless easily. Seriously, take the time and give up on WEP and go update your whole house to WPA today.

    如果您已经安装了Vista或Mac客户端,则WPA(AES)是一种非常简单且非常安全的设置无线方式。 我还可以轻松将Wii和PSP连接到无线设备。 认真地,花点时间放弃WEP,今天就将整个房子更新为WPA。
  • Unless you're like me, a 100 megabit network is likely all you need and you'll probably not max its bandwidth out. It was very challenging to get a file copy to 60-80 megs a second and how often does one do that really? My network runs between 0% and 1% utilization. ;) That said, I'm still happy it's done.

    除非您像我一样,否则可能只需要一个100兆位的网络,并且您可能不会最大程度地利用其带宽。 要获得每秒60-80兆的文件副本非常具有挑战性,而实际上一次执行多少次呢? 我的网络利用率在0%和1%之间。 ;)也就是说,我仍然很高兴它完成了。

Tim Heuer pointed me to Anthony Park's blog today as he's done a VERY VERY detailed analysis of Identifying Performance Factors of Home Gigabit Networks with a in-depth PDF explaining their methodology. They did 192 different scenarios and the conclusion is amazing enough that you have to read it for yourself.

Tim Heuer今天在Anthony Park的博客上为我指出了他的名字,因为他对家用千兆网络的性能因素进行了非常详细的分析,并提供了详细的PDF说明其方法。 他们做了192种不同的情景,结论令人惊奇,您必须自己阅读。

Anyway, here's the full series of posts on home wiring so far:


  • Wiring the house for a Home Network


  • Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 2 - Design Q&A


  • Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 3 - ISP Hookup


  • Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 4 - Thank You Cat 6 Gigabit Ethernet

    为家庭网络布线-第4部分-谢谢Cat 6千兆以太网

  • Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 5 - Gigabit Throughput and Vista


  • Enjoy.


    翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/wiring-the-house-for-a-home-network-part-6-identifying-performance-factors-of-home-gigabit-networks


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