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How can I control the audio & pan levels of an external FLV or MP4 video that I am playing through a Video object?


In AS 2, the way to do this was to create an empty movieclip and then use the attachAudio function, which has been deprecated. Should I go about doing this the same way or is there a better way to control the audio without having to jump through hoops?

在AS 2中,执行此操作的方法是创建一个空的movieclip,然后使用不推荐使用的attachAudio函数。我应该以同样的方式做到这一点,还是有更好的方法来控制音频而不必跳过箍?

1 个解决方案


I just figured it out. There is a much more effective way in AS 3 to adjust sound properties.

我刚想通了。在AS 3中有一种更有效的方法来调整声音属性。

stream_ns.soundTransform.volume = vol;
stream_ns.soundTransform.pan = panLevel;

ActionScript 3.0 API - NetStream#soundTransform

ActionScript 3.0 API - NetStream#soundTransform

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