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sqoop导入数据map-reduce job分析
Sqoop 导入数据
1、 本质上sqoop是一个hadoop的一个jobClient,负责定义hadoop job,然后将job提交到hadoop集群,只不过这个jobClient为了支持了能通过命令行来配置各种各样的job,做了很多处理。
2、 sqoop实现了各种关系型数据库(oracle,DB2,Mysql)等等<->到hadoop(hafs,hbase)的导入导出。Sqoop的导入导出,通过无reduce的map reduce job实现导入导出,每一个map导入导出其中的某一块数据。
为了实现关系型数据库到hadoop job的导入导出,关键是要写好,map-reduce job。
下面介绍下一般的mapreduce job的执行过程。
这是任何一个map-reduce job来解决的问题。

过一下,运行mapred job的流程
1、 jobclient启动在单独一个jvm中,通过Job类配置的配置,定义InputFomat,outputformat,map,reduce等等一系列配置。
2、 通过RPC调用,像jobTracke申请一个独一无二的JobID来标示这个Job。
3、 JobCilent将Job所需要的资源提交到HDFS中也以JobID命名的目录中。这些资源包括JAR包配置文件、InputSplit等。
4、 JobClient向JobTracker提交Job。
5、 JobTracker初始化
6、 JobTracker从hadfs获取这个Job的split等信息。
7、 JobTracker向TaskTracer分配任务
8、 TaskTracker从HDFS获取这个Job的相关资源。
9、 TaskTracker开启一个新的JVM
10、 TaskTracker用新的JVM来执行Map或Reduce。

InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits) throws IOException;
RecordReader getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter) throws IOException;


long getLength() throws IOException;
String[] getLocations() throws IOException;

这 个interface仅仅描述了Split有多长,以及存放这个Split的Location信息(也就是这个Split在HDFS上存放的机器。它可能 有多个replication,存在于多台机器上)。除此之外,就再没有任何直接描述Split的信息了。比如:Split对应于哪个文件?在文件中的起 始和结束位置是什么?等等重要的特征都没有描述到。
而 Split中真正重要的描述信息还是只有InputFormat会关心。在需要读取一个Split的时候,其对应的InputSplit会被传递到 InputFormat的第二个接口函数getRecordReader,然后被用于初始化一个RecordReader,以解析输入数据。也就是说,描 述Split的重要信息都被隐藏了,只有具体的InputFormat自己知道。它只需要保证getSplits返回的InputSplit和 getRecordReader所关心的InputSplit是同样的implement就行了。这就给InputFormat的实现提供了巨大的灵活性。
我们通过sqoop import job来展开说起,
SQOOP import features
1、Divide table into ranges using primary key max/min
2、Create mappers for each range 
3、Mappers write to multiple HDFS nodes
4、Creates text or sequence files 
5、Generates Java class for resulting HDFS file
6、Generates Hive definition and auto-loads into HIVE
对于我们sqoop InputFomat 我们从一个sqoop的一个具体的InputFormat说起,
DataDrivenDBInputFormat extends DBInputFormat extends InputFormat

public List getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException {

int targetNumTasks = ConfigurationHelper.getJobNumMaps(job);
if (1 == targetNumTasks) {//如果是一个map则把整个查询作为一块
// There's no need to run a bounding vals query; just return a split
// that separates nothing. This can be considerably more optimal for a
// large table with no index.
List singletOnSplit= new ArrayList();
singletonSplit.add(new DataDrivenDBInputSplit("1=1", "1=1"));
return singletonSplit;

ResultSet results = null;
Statement statement = null;
Connection cOnnection= getConnection();
try {
statement = connection.createStatement();

String query = getBoundingValsQuery();//得到整体分块的上下界
LOG.info("BoundingValsQuery: " + query);

results = statement.executeQuery(query);

// Based on the type of the results, use a different mechanism
// for interpolating split points (i.e., numeric splits, text splits,
// dates, etc.)
int sqlDataType = results.getMetaData().getColumnType(1);//得到分块的基准列的类型
DBSplitter splitter = getSplitter(sqlDataType);//根据基准列类型得到分片器
if (null == splitter) {
throw new IOException("Unknown SQL data type: " + sqlDataType);

return splitter.split(job.getConfiguration(), results,
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} finally {
// More-or-less ignore SQL exceptions here, but log in case we need it.
try {
if (null != results) {
} catch (SQLException se) {
LOG.debug("SQLException closing resultset: " + se.toString());

try {
if (null != statement) {
} catch (SQLException se) {
LOG.debug("SQLException closing statement: " + se.toString());

try {
} catch (SQLException se) {
LOG.debug("SQLException committing split transaction: "
+ se.toString());

public List split(Configuration conf, ResultSet results,
String colName) throws SQLException {

long minVal = results.getLong(1);//得到最大值
long maxVal = results.getLong(2);

String lowClausePrefix = colName + " >= ";
String highClausePrefix = colName + " <";

int numSplits = ConfigurationHelper.getConfNumMaps(conf);//得到分片总数
if (numSplits <1) {
numSplits = 1;

if (results.getString(1) == null && results.getString(2) == null){
// Range is null to null. Return a null split accordingly.
List splits = new ArrayList();
splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
colName + " IS NULL", colName + " IS NULL"));
return splits;

// 得到所有的分片点
List splitPoints = split(numSplits, minVal, maxVal);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(String.format("Splits: [%,28d to %,28d] into %d parts",
minVal, maxVal, numSplits));
for (int i = 0; i LOG.debug(String.format("%,28d", splitPoints.get(i)));
List splits = new ArrayList();

// Turn the split points into a set of intervals.
long start = splitPoints.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i long end = splitPoints.get(i);

if (i == splitPoints.size() - 1) {
// This is the last one; use a closed interval.
splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
lowClausePrefix + Long.toString(start),
colName + " <= " + Long.toString(end)));
} else {
// Normal open-interval case.
splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
lowClausePrefix + Long.toString(start),
highClausePrefix + Long.toString(end)));

start = end;

if (results.getString(1) == null || results.getString(2) == null) {
// At least one extrema is null; add a null split.
splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
colName + " IS NULL", colName + " IS NULL"));

return splits;

public static class DataDrivenDBInputSplit
extends DBInputFormat.DBInputSplit {

private String lowerBoundClause;
private String upperBoundClause;


protected RecordReader createDBRecordReader(
DBInputSplit split, Configuration conf) throws IOException {

DBConfiguration dbCOnf= getDBConf();
Class inputClass = (Class) (dbConf.getInputClass());
String dbProductName = getDBProductName();

LOG.debug("Creating db record reader for db product: " + dbProductName);

try {
return new DataDrivenDBRecordReader(split, inputClass,
conf, getConnection(), dbConf, dbConf.getInputConditions(),
dbConf.getInputFieldNames(), dbConf.getInputTableName(),
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);

public abstract class SqoopRecord implements Cloneable, DBWritable,
FieldMappable, Writable {

public SqoopRecord() {

public abstract void parse(CharSequence s) throws RecordParser.ParseError;
public abstract void parse(Text s) throws RecordParser.ParseError;
public abstract void parse(byte [] s) throws RecordParser.ParseError;
public abstract void parse(char [] s) throws RecordParser.ParseError;
public abstract void parse(ByteBuffer s) throws RecordParser.ParseError;
public abstract void parse(CharBuffer s) throws RecordParser.ParseError;
public abstract void loadLargeObjects(LargeObjectLoader objLoader)
throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException;

* Inserts the data in this object into the PreparedStatement, starting
* at parameter 'offset'.
* @return the number of fields written to the statement.
public abstract int write(PreparedStatement stmt, int offset)
throws SQLException;

* Format output data according to the specified delimiters.
public abstract String toString(DelimiterSet delimiters);

* Use the default delimiters, but only append an end-of-record delimiter
* if useRecordDelim is true.
public String toString(boolean useRecordDelim) {
// Method body should be overridden by generated classes in 1.3.0+
if (useRecordDelim) {
// This is the existing functionality.
return toString();
} else {
// Setting this to false requires behavior in the generated class.
throw new RuntimeException(
"toString(useRecordDelim=false) requires a newer SqoopRecord. "
+ "Please regenerate your record class to use this function.");

* Format the record according to the specified delimiters. An end-of-record
* delimiter is optional, and only used if useRecordDelim is true. For
* use with TextOutputFormat, calling this with useRecordDelim=false may
* make more sense.
public String toString(DelimiterSet delimiters, boolean useRecordDelim) {
if (useRecordDelim) {
return toString(delimiters);
} else {
// Setting this to false requires behavior in the generated class.
throw new RuntimeException(
"toString(delimiters, useRecordDelim=false) requires a newer "
+ "SqoopRecord. Please regenerate your record class to use this "
+ "function.");

public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();

* Returns an integer specifying which API format version the
* generated class conforms to. Used by internal APIs for backwards
* compatibility.
* @return the API version this class was generated against.
public abstract int getClassFormatVersion();

* Use the delegate pattern to allow arbitrary processing of the
* fields of this record.
* @param processor A delegate that operates on this object.
* @throws IOException if the processor encounters an IO error when
* operating on this object.
* @throws ProcessingException if the FieldMapProcessor encounters
* a general processing error when operating on this object.
public void delegate(FieldMapProcessor processor)
throws IOException, ProcessingException {

* {@inheriDoc}
* @throws RuntimeException if used with a record that was generated
* before this capability was added (1.1.0).
public Map getFieldMap() {
// Default implementation does not support field iteration.
// ClassWriter should provide an overriding version.
throw new RuntimeException(
"Got null field map from record. Regenerate your record class.");

* Allows an arbitrary field to be set programmatically to the
* specified value object. The value object must match the
* type expected for the particular field or a RuntimeException
* will result.
* @throws RuntimeException if the specified field name does not exist.
public void setField(String fieldName, Object fieldVal) {
throw new RuntimeException("This SqoopRecord does not support setField(). "
+ "Regenerate your record class.");

sqoop为我们生成继承SqoopRecord的类的source code,然后再编译打包,最后放入classpath中,然后指定该类为inputclass
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