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Hey all! Ive got timezone troubles.


I have a time stamp of 2010-07-26 23:35:03

我的时间戳是2010-07-26 23:35:03

What I really want to do is subtract 15 minutes from that time.


My method was going to be a simple conversion to unix time, subtract the seconds and convert back. Simple right?


My problem is that python adjusts the returned unix time using my local timezone, currently eastern daylight savings time which I believe is GMT -4.

我的问题是python使用我的本地时区调整返回的unix时间,目前东部夏令时我认为是GMT -4。

So when I do this:


 # packet[20] holds the time stamp

 unix_time_value = (mktime(packet[20].timetuple())) 

I get 1280201703 which is Tue, 27 Jul 2010 03:35:03. I can do this:


 unix_time_value = (mktime(packet[20].timetuple())) - (4 * 3600)

but now I have to check for eastern standard time which is -5 GMT and adjust the (4 * 3600) to (5 * 3600). Is there any way to tell python to not use my local timezone and just convert the darn timestamp OR is there an easy way to take packet[20] and subtract 15 minutes?

但现在我必须检查东部标准时间-5 GMT并将(4 * 3600)调整为(5 * 3600)。有没有办法告诉python不使用我的本地时区只是转换darn时间戳或有一个简单的方法来采取数据包[20]并减去15分钟?

3 个解决方案



Subtract datetime.timedelta(secOnds=15*60).

减去datetime.timedelta(秒= 15 * 60)。



The online docs have a handy table (what you call "unix time" is more properly called "UTC", for "Universal Time Coordinate", and "seconds since the epoch" is a "timestamp" as a float...):


Use the following functions to convert between time representations:


From                        To                           Use

seconds since the epoch     struct_time in UTC           gmtime()

seconds since the epoch     struct_time in local time    localtime()

struct_time in UTC          seconds since the epoch      calendar.timegm()

struct_time in local time   seconds since the epoch      mktime()

where the unqualified function names come from the time module (since that's where the docs are;-). So, since you apparently start with a struct_time in UTC, use calendar.timegm() to get the timestamp (AKA "seconds since the epoch"), subtract 15 * 60 = 900 (since the units of measure are seconds), and put the resulting "seconds since the epoch" back into a struct_time in UTC with time.gmtime. Or, use time.mktime and time.localtime if you prefer to work in local times (but that might give problem if the 15 minutes can straddle the instant in which it switches to DST or back -- always working in UTC is much sounder).

其中不合格的函数名称来自时间模块(因为那是文档的位置;-)。因此,由于您显然以UTC中的struct_time开头,因此使用calendar.timegm()来获取时间戳(AKA“自纪元以来的秒数”),减去15 * 60 = 900(因为度量单位是秒),然后放入生成的“自纪元以来的秒数”返回UTC中的struct_time,时间为time.gmtime。或者,如果你喜欢在当地时间工作,请使用time.mktime和time.localtime(但如果15分钟可以跨越它切换到DST或返回的瞬间,那么这可能会产生问题 - 总是在UTC工作时更加健全) 。

Of course, to use calendar.timegm, you'll need an import calendar in your code (imports are usually best placed at the top of the script or module).




Scroll down and read about subtracting from a date: http://pleac.sourceforge.net/pleac_python/datesandtimes.html


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