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I have set up the codecoverage to run with pydev, but the results don't appear.


Following this answer I found the .coverage file at ~/.metadata/.plugins/org.python.pydev.debug/coverage, and that works properly (gives the result when running coverage report there, gets empty when I do it from pydev, etc).

根据这个答案,我在〜/ .metadata / .plugins / org.python.pydev.debug / coverage中找到了.coverage文件,并且该方法正常工作(在运行覆盖报告时给出结果,当我从pydev执行时得到空)等)。

Does somebody know where can I configure the path to get the results to the Eclipse plugin?


1 个解决方案


I just had the same problem and the solution was to install coverage from 3.x branch (i.e. pip install "coverage <4.0.0").

我只是遇到了同样的问题,解决方案是从3.x分支安装覆盖(即pip install“coverage <4.0.0”)。

There's a hint on PyDev coverage documentation page:


... the integration is tested with version 3.4, so, this is the recommended version.


Coverage v4 has default report file name and its format changed. Older file name was ~/.metadata/.plugins/org.python.pydev.debug/coverage/.coverage and it contained binary marshal'ed output (according to this answer). Newer is in ~/.metadata/.plugins/org.python.pydev.debug/coverage/.coverage.0 and it contains JSON string prefixed with !coverage.py: This is a private format, don't read it directly! ;-)

覆盖范围v4具有默认报告文件名,其格式已更改。较旧的文件名是〜/ .metadata / .plugins / org.python.pydev.debug / coverage / .coverage,它包含二进制编组输出(根据此答案)。较新的是〜/ .metadata / .plugins / org.python.pydev.debug / coverage / .coverage.0,它包含前缀为!coverage.py的JSON字符串:这是私有格式,请勿直接读取! ;-)

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