作者:默默-的米线_601 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-09-03 14:28
I've tested released version of inputmask 4.0.0 with iPhone SE, iOS 11, and encountered such problem.
When i set mask like so
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| Javascript
new Inputmask('datetime', {
inputFormat: 'dd.mm.yyyy',
placeholder: '_',
min: '01.01.1900',
max: '12.12.2018',
showMaskOnHover: false,
showMaskOnFocus: true,
clearMaskOnLostFocus: true
}).mask(el) |
i try to delete value from input, it deletes last digit, and omit further digits, and i have so strange behavior.
PS: this example runs on Vue.js 2.5.16
This bug come from min/max properties and was reported in issue #1808 - when changing or deleting some digits from the middle it causes the rest of the digits to shift to the location of the deleted digits and date becomes broken.