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PostgreSQL , Linux , perf , 性能诊断 , stap , systemtap , strace , dtrace , dwarf , profiler , perf_events , probe , dynamic probe , tracepoint





本文将针对Linux平台下的PostgreSQL服务,讲解如何诊断PostgreSQL 数据库服务的瓶颈,了解瓶颈在哪个方面,甚至可以了解到瓶颈在哪段代码?


我们要用到的工具是 《Linux 性能诊断(profiling) perf使用指南》


要输出完备的跟踪信息,如符号表,call stack traces, 汇编指令。必须在编译PostgreSQL时设置相应的编译开关,例如GCC需要开启如下

CFLAGS="-g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer"



编译perf时需要支持libunwind, 并加上

gcc -g dwarf



wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.6.1/postgresql-9.6.1.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf postgresql-9.6.1.tar.bz2 cd postgresql-9.6.1
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-O3 -flto -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ./configure --prefix=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-O3 -flto -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make world -j 64
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-O3 -flto -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make install-world


1. benchmark

首先,需要定一个目标,比如insert only的场景,如何找到其瓶颈。


postgres=# create table perf_test_ins(id serial8 primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);
postgres=# alter sequence perf_test_ins_id_seq cache 10000;


vi test.sqlinsert into perf_test_ins(info,crt_time) values ('test',now());


pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -h $PGDATA -c 32 -j 32 -T 600

2. 实时跟踪


su - rootperf top -agv -F 1000解释
perf top --helpNAMEperf-top - System profiling tool.SYNOPSISperf top [-e | --event=EVENT] []DESCRIPTIONThis command generates and displays a performance counter profile in real time.-F , --freq=Profile at this frequency.-a, --all-cpusSystem-wide collection. (default)-g, --groupPut the counters into a counter group.-K, --hide_kernel_symbolsHide kernel symbols.-U, --hide_user_symbolsHide user symbols.-v, --verboseBe more verbose (show counter open errors, etc).


PerfTop: 23287 irqs/sec kernel:31.2% exact: 0.0% [1000Hz cycles], (all, 24 CPUs)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------samples pcnt RIP function DSO
_______ _____ ________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________________4179.00 1.6% 0000000000524e10 AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1186 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
3966.00 1.5% 0000000000043d10 __GI_vfprintf /lib64/libc-2.12.so
3822.00 1.5% ffffffff8150bb50 schedule [kernel.kallsyms]
3659.00 1.4% 0000000000082e10 __memset_sse2 /lib64/libc-2.12.so
3523.00 1.4% 00000000005782d0 LWLockAcquire.constprop.931 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
3219.00 1.2% 00000000002c9390 LWLockRelease /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
3114.00 1.2% 0000000000332e10 PostgresMain /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
3042.00 1.2% ffffffff8150e8b0 _spin_lock [kernel.kallsyms]
2948.00 1.1% 0000000000573fe0 hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.930 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
2901.00 1.1% 00000000005746d0 hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.928 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
2848.00 1.1% 00000000002db5f0 GetSnapshotData /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
2471.00 1.0% 00000000005338b0 hash_seq_search /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
2275.00 0.9% 0000000000579ad0 LWLockAcquire.constprop.932 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
2244.00 0.9% 0000000000078460 _int_malloc /lib64/libc-2.12.so
2215.00 0.9% 0000000000088aa0 memcpy /lib64/libc-2.12.so
2163.00 0.8% 00000000002df050 LockAcquireExtended /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
2057.00 0.8% 0000000000131a70 __strlen_sse42 /lib64/libc-2.12.so
2017.00 0.8% 00000000002ba2d0 _bt_compare /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1977.00 0.8% 0000000000006e40 doCustom.lto_priv.13 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/pgbench
1951.00 0.8% ffffffff8100a630 __switch_to [kernel.kallsyms]
1855.00 0.7% 000000000053d5e0 hash_search_with_hash_value /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1767.00 0.7% 00000000001c6670 hash_any /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1726.00 0.7% 00000000002c8310 PinBuffer.isra.3.lto_priv.2340 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1668.00 0.6% 00000000000ee570 XLogInsertRecord /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1604.00 0.6% 0000000000250500 pgstat_report_activity /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1572.00 0.6% ffffffff81189c00 fget_light [kernel.kallsyms]
1565.00 0.6% 0000000000426970 SearchCatCache /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1460.00 0.6% ffffffff810e03a0 __audit_syscall_exit [kernel.kallsyms]
1415.00 0.5% ffffffff81057e80 update_curr [kernel.kallsyms]
1409.00 0.5% 00000000000777f0 _int_free /lib64/libc-2.12.so
1386.00 0.5% 00000000000fbc10 CommitTransaction.lto_priv.2946 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1296.00 0.5% ffffffff8119f6d0 do_select [kernel.kallsyms]
1285.00 0.5% 00000000002c8690 LWLockWaitListLock.lto_priv.1265 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1268.00 0.5% ffffffff8150e790 _spin_lock_irqsave [kernel.kallsyms]
1247.00 0.5% 0000000000577650 hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.929 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1220.00 0.5% 0000000000538a10 AllocSetFree.lto_priv.1187 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1201.00 0.5% 0000000000389660 ExecModifyTable /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1185.00 0.5% 000000000009b6d0 gettimeofday /lib64/libc-2.12.so
1171.00 0.5% ffffffff81278a60 copy_user_generic_string [kernel.kallsyms]
1142.00 0.4% 000000000013cb10 __memcmp_sse4_1 /lib64/libc-2.12.so
1124.00 0.4% 0000000000032620 __GI___sigsetjmp /lib64/libc-2.12.so
1123.00 0.4% 00000000000ef2b0 XLogInsert /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1112.00 0.4% 00000000002d29e0 LockReleaseAll /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1108.00 0.4% 00000000003c7620 ExecInitExpr /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
1056.00 0.4% 000000000000ac80 threadRun.lto_priv.20 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/pgbench
1052.00 0.4% ffffffff81062a40 select_task_rq_fair [kernel.kallsyms]
1033.00 0.4% 0000000000017710 pqParseInput3 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/lib/libpq.so.5.9


Mapped keys:[d] display refresh delay. (2)[e] display entries (lines). (47)[f] profile display filter (count). (5)[F] annotate display filter (percent). (5%)[s] annotate symbol. (NULL)[S] stop annotation.[K] hide kernel_symbols symbols. (no) 是否显示kernel symbols[U] hide user symbols. (no) 是否显示user symbols[z] toggle sample zeroing. (0)[qQ] quit.

调整压测命令,连接回环地址,(前面连接的是unix socket)

pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -h -c 32 -j 32 -T 600

再次观测perf top结果, 采样消耗排名第一的变成了这条,找到了一个瓶颈,关闭iptables,这条就消失了,TPS也提升了。

5871.00 1.7% 0000000000002e40 ipt_do_table /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko

3. 跟踪事件计数(指定事件)


NAMEperf-stat - Run a command and gather performance counter statisticsSYNOPSISperf stat [-e | --event=EVENT] [-a] perf stat [-e | --event=EVENT] [-a] — []DESCRIPTIONThis command runs a command and gathers performance counter statistics from it.-a, --all-cpussystem-wide collection from all CPUs-c, --scalescale/normalize counter values-B, --big-numprint large numbers with thousands′ separators according to locale-v, --verbosebe more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)-p, --pid=stat events on existing process id-t, --tid=stat events on existing thread id-r, --repeat=repeat command and print average + stddev (max: 100)


event来自perf list的输出perf stat -e block:*,syscalls:*,xfs:* -a -B -v -c -- /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/psql -h -p 5288 -q -U postgres postgres -c "drop table if exists x; create table x as select a FROM generate_series(1,1000000) a;";


0 block:block_rq_abort [98.79%]0 block:block_rq_requeue [98.79%]995 block:block_rq_complete [98.79%]993 block:block_rq_insert [98.79%]997 block:block_rq_issue [98.79%]0 block:block_bio_bounce [98.79%]0 block:block_bio_complete [98.79%]18 block:block_bio_backmerge [98.79%]1 block:block_bio_frontmerge [98.79%]1,011 block:block_bio_queue [98.79%]992 block:block_getrq [98.79%]2 block:block_sleeprq [98.79%]250 block:block_plug [98.79%]2 block:block_unplug_timer [98.79%]361 block:block_unplug_io [98.79%]0 block:block_split [98.79%]1,011 block:block_remap [98.79%]0 block:block_rq_remap [98.79%]5 syscalls:sys_enter_socket [98.79%]5 syscalls:sys_exit_socket [98.79%]0 syscalls:sys_enter_socketpair [98.79%]0 syscalls:sys_exit_socketpair [98.79%]
... 略 ...


perf stat -a -B -v -c -- /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/psql -h -p 5288 -q -U postgres postgres -c "drop table if exists x; create table x as select a FROM generate_series(1,1000000) a;";22433.920027 task-clock # 24.042 CPUs utilized [100.00%]4,275 context-switches # 0.000 M/sec [100.00%]98 CPU-migrations # 0.000 M/sec [100.00%]56,484 page-faults # 0.003 M/sec 2,687,623,473 cycles # 0.120 GHz [80.73%]2,747,044,652 stalled-cycles-frontend # 102.21% frontend cycles idle [92.42%]2,358,755,489 stalled-cycles-backend # 87.76% backend cycles idle [81.89%]3,373,693,967 instructions # 1.26 insns per cycle 越高越好,说明CPU没闲着。至少要大于1,但是注意同步锁等待这个值也可能很高,CPU空转,这就不好了。 # 0.81 stalled cycles per insn [91.50%] 越低越好,说明CPU没有闲着。632,351,270 branches # 28.187 M/sec [91.82%]1,236,798 branch-misses # 0.20% of all branches [53.19%]0.933128299 seconds time elapsed

perf stat重点看的是instructions,判断CPU是否充分被利用,如果没有,说明系统有其他瓶颈,例如IO等待,或者其他等待。

4. 采样跟踪


NAMEperf-record - Run a command and record its profile into perf.dataSYNOPSISperf record [-e | --event=EVENT] [-l] [-a] perf record [-e | --event=EVENT] [-l] [-a] — []DESCRIPTIONThis command runs a command and gathers a performance counter profile from it, into perf.data - without displaying anything.This file can then be inspected later on, using perf report.-A, --appendAppend to the output file to do incremental profiling.-o, --output=Output file name.-e, --event= event来自perf list的输出Select the PMU event. Selection can be a symbolic event name (use perf list to list all events) or a raw PMU event (eventsel+umask) in the form of rNNN where NNN is a hexadecimal event descriptor.-a, --all-cpusSystem-wide collection from all CPUs.-g, --call-graphDo call-graph (stack chain/backtrace) recording.-v, --verboseBe more verbose (show counter open errors, etc).-s, --stat 相对的是默认的per cpu modePer thread counts.-G name,..., --cgroup name,... 如果你只想跟踪某一些进程的统计信息,可以将这些进程放到一个cgroup中,跟踪这个cgroup的。 monitor only in the container (cgroup) called "name". This option is available only in per-cpu mode. The cgroup filesystem must be mounted. All threads belonging to container "name" are monitored when they run on the monitored CPUs. Multiple cgroups can be provided. Each cgroup is applied to the corresponding event, i.e., first cgroup to first event, second cgroup to second event and so on. It ispossible to provide an empty cgroup (monitor all the time) using, e.g., -G foo,,bar. Cgroups must have corresponding events, i.e., they always refer to events defined earlier on the command line.



perf record -avg -- sleep 10[ perf record: Woken up 142 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 37.111 MB perf.data (~1621415 samples) ]

5. 生成报告

前面使用perf record收集了统计信息到perf.data,接下来就对perf.data进行分析,输出报告。

NAMEperf-report - Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display the profileSYNOPSISperf report [-i | --input=file]DESCRIPTIONThis command displays the performance counter profile information recorded via perf record.-i, --input=Input file name. (default: perf.data)-v, --verboseBe more verbose. (show symbol address, etc)-n, --show-nr-samplesShow the number of samples for each symbol--showcpuutilizationShow sample percentage for different cpu modes.-T, --threadsShow per-thread event counters-U, --hide-unresolvedOnly display entries resolved to a symbol.-s, --sort=Sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent.-g [type,min], --call-graphDisplay call chains using type and min percent threshold. type can be either:· flat: single column, linear exposure of call chains.· graph: use a graph tree, displaying absolute overhead rates.· fractal: like graph, but displays relative rates. Each branch of the tree is considered as a new profiled object.Default: fractal,0.5.--stdioUse the stdio interface.--tuiUse the TUI interface, that is integrated with annotate and allows zooming into DSOs or threads, among other features. Use of --tui requires a tty, if one is not present, as when piping to othercommands, the stdio interface is used.


输入E全展开,输入C全收敛。 展开后可以使用键盘的上下键进行浏览。
[.] 表示userspace
[k] 表示kernel1.39% 0.00% 0.01% 15 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x524e3a d [.] AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1186
1.29% 0.00% 0.01% 22 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x83127 B [.] __memset_sse2
1.25% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x57831d d [.] LWLockAcquire.constprop.931
1.24% 0.00% 0.05% 107 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x574751 d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.928
1.07% 0.00% 0.00% 2 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2c946f d [.] LWLockRelease
1.01% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x574035 d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.930
0.98% 0.00% 0.03% 74 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x334832 d [.] PostgresMain
0.94% 0.00% 0.02% 49 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2db87b d [.] GetSnapshotData
0.94% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e8b1 k [k] _spin_lock
0.83% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150edb0 k [k] page_fault
0.81% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x88aa0 B [.] memcpy
0.77% 0.00% 0.22% 465 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x533939 d [.] hash_seq_search
0.75% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x454ac B [.] __GI_vfprintf
0.75% 0.00% 0.03% 59 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x579b1d d [.] LWLockAcquire.constprop.932
0.73% 0.00% 0.02% 42 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2df3ab d [.] LockAcquireExtended
0.67% 0.00% 0.00% 2 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x1c66f9 d [.] hash_any
0.65% 0.00% 0.02% 49 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2ba33a d [.] _bt_compare
0.63% 0.00% 0.00% 3 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0xee632 d [.] XLogInsertRecord
0.62% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x53d5e1 d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
0.59% 0.00% 0.59% 1318 pgbench /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x47956 B [.] __GI_vfprintf
0.57% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x131aa7 B [.] __strlen_sse42
0.55% 0.00% 0.55% 1241 pgbench /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/pgbench 0x85b3 d [.] doCustom.lto_priv.13
0.55% 0.00% 0.03% 55 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2c8327 d [.] PinBuffer.isra.3.lto_priv.2340
0.54% 0.00% 0.02% 35 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x25059f d [.] pgstat_report_activity
0.53% 0.00% 0.02% 43 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x78462 B [.] _int_malloc
0.52% 0.00% 0.01% 33 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x426a36 d [.] SearchCatCache
0.47% 0.00% 0.00% 3 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81272a1c k [k] radix_tree_lookup_slot
0.45% 0.00% 0.01% 27 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0xfbe51 d [.] CommitTransaction.lto_priv.2946
0.44% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x5776f5 d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.929
0.43% 0.00% 0.01% 30 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x38a044 d [.] ExecModifyTable
0.41% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150bef4 k [k] schedule
0.40% 0.00% 0.01% 22 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2c86c2 d [.] LWLockWaitListLock.lto_priv.1265
0.40% 0.00% 0.01% 29 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2d2b2d d [.] LockReleaseAll
0.40% 0.00% 0.01% 12 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x538a11 d [.] AllocSetFree.lto_priv.1187
0.39% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8111e567 k [k] find_get_page
0.39% 0.01% 0.00% 24 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8148d1f8 k [k] tcp_sendmsg
0.39% 0.00% 0.01% 34 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0xef545 d [.] XLogInsert
0.39% 0.00% 0.01% 25 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x32623 B [.] __GI___sigsetjmp
0.38% 0.00% 0.38% 860 pgbench /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/pgbench 0xb3f3 d [.] threadRun.lto_priv.20
0.38% 0.00% 0.01% 33 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x77cf2 B [.] _int_free
0.38% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x13cb10 B [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
0.38% 0.00% 0.02% 36 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3c762f d [.] ExecInitExpr
0.36% 0.36% 0.00% 816 pgbench [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8119f950 k [k] do_select
0.36% 0.00% 0.00% 4 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x21e005 d [.] ReadBuffer_common.lto_priv.1215
0.36% 0.00% 0.01% 28 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x1e5e50 d [.] _bt_doinsert
0.35% 0.00% 0.01% 16 postgres [vdso] 0x7fffb61ff8b0 ! [.] 0x7fffb61ff8b0
0.35% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres /lib64/libc-2.12.so 0x9b6db B [.] gettimeofday
0.35% 0.00% 0.35% 775 pgbench /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/lib/libpq.so.5.9 0x18057 d [.] pqParseInput3
0.32% 0.00% 0.01% 18 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2f9979 d [.] expression_tree_walker
0.31% 0.00% 0.01% 18 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x306a5c d [.] socket_putmessage.lto_priv.1817
0.31% 0.31% 0.00% 702 pgbench [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8148c9be k [k] tcp_sendmsg
0.31% 0.00% 0.01% 17 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x38891e d [.] ExecInitModifyTable
0.31% 0.00% 0.00% 1 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81057ff7 k [k] update_curr
0.31% 0.01% 0.00% 27 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81494ea6 k [k] tcp_ack


- 1.39% 0.00% 0.01% 15 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x524e3a d [.] AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1186- AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1186 - 33.72% MemoryContextAlloc - 27.57% MemoryContextCreate - AllocSetContextCreate.constprop.955 - 43.77% StartTransaction.lto_priv.2177 start_xact_command.part.3 PostgresMain ServerLoop PostmasterMain main __libc_start_main - 16.08% CreatePortal.constprop.203 PostgresMain ServerLoop PostmasterMain main __libc_start_main - 14.06% MakePerTupleExprContext ExecInsertIndexTuples.constprop.430 ExecModifyTable ExecProcNode standard_ExecutorRun pgss_ExecutorRun ProcessQuery PortalRunMulti PortalRun PostgresMain ServerLoop PostmasterMain main __libc_start_main - 13.35% CreateExecutorState standard_ExecutorStart pgss_ExecutorStart ProcessQuery PortalRunMulti PortalRun PostgresMain ServerLoop PostmasterMain main __libc_start_main - 12.74% ExecInitResult ExecInitNode ExecInitModifyTable ExecInitNode standard_ExecutorStart pgss_ExecutorStart ProcessQuery PortalRunMulti PortalRun PostgresMain ServerLoop ...................略................


#perf report -v -n --showcpuutilization -g --stdio# Events: 224K cycles
# Overhead Samples sys us Command Shared Object
(全局开销占比) (采样) (系统开销占比, 系统开销耗时us) (命令) (共享对象)
# ........ .......... .............. ............................................... ........................................................
#1.39% 0.00% 0.01% 15 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x524e3a d [.] AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1186|--- AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1186| |--33.72%-- MemoryContextAlloc| | | |--27.57%-- MemoryContextCreate| | AllocSetContextCreate.constprop.955| | | | | |--43.77%-- StartTransaction.lto_priv.2177| | | start_xact_command.part.3| | | PostgresMain| | | ServerLoop| | | PostmasterMain| | | main| | | __libc_start_main| | | | | |--16.08%-- CreatePortal.constprop.203| | | PostgresMain| | | ServerLoop| | | PostmasterMain| | | main| | | __libc_start_main| | | | | |--14.06%-- MakePerTupleExprContext| | | ExecInsertIndexTuples.constprop.430| | | ExecModifyTable| | | ExecProcNode| | | standard_ExecutorRun| | | pgss_ExecutorRun| | | ProcessQuery| | | PortalRunMulti| | | PortalRun| | | PostgresMain| | | ServerLoop| | | PostmasterMain| | | main| | | __libc_start_main| | | | | |--13.35%-- CreateExecutorState| | | standard_ExecutorStart| | | pgss_ExecutorStart| | | ProcessQuery| | | PortalRunMulti| | | PortalRun| | | PostgresMain| | | ServerLoop| | | PostmasterMain| | | main| | | __libc_start_main

perf report输出为本文,可以较为详细的进行代码瓶颈的分析。

6. 生成火焰图

如果你觉得perf report的文本输出不够直观,可以生成火焰图,就更加直观了。

生成火焰图需要将perf record的原始数据弄出来,然后绘图。

perf.data的原始数据perf script即可输出。


# git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph # or download it from github
# mv perf.data FlameGraph/
# cd FlameGraph
# perf script | ./stackcollapse-perf.pl > out.perf-folded
# cat out.perf-folded | ./flamegraph.pl > perf-kernel.svg





perf top|stat|record 都支持通过-e指定事件进行跟踪。


perf listcpu-cycles OR cycles [Hardware event]stalled-cycles-frontend OR idle-cycles-frontend [Hardware event]stalled-cycles-backend OR idle-cycles-backend [Hardware event]instructions [Hardware event]cache-references [Hardware event]cache-misses [Hardware event]branch-instructions OR branches [Hardware event]branch-misses [Hardware event]bus-cycles [Hardware event]


perf top -ag -e xfs:xfs_attr_list_sf,skb:kfree_skb,block:*,irq:softirq*No CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS=y kernel support configured? 编译内核是需要配置CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS=y

perf stat -e xfs:xfs_attr_list_sf,skb:kfree_skb,block:*,irq:softirq* -- sleep 10Performance counter stats for 'sleep 10':0 xfs:xfs_attr_list_sf 0 skb:kfree_skb 0 block:block_rq_abort 0 block:block_rq_requeue 0 block:block_rq_complete 0 block:block_rq_insert 0 block:block_rq_issue 0 block:block_bio_bounce 0 block:block_bio_complete 0 block:block_bio_backmerge 0 block:block_bio_frontmerge 0 block:block_bio_queue 0 block:block_getrq 0 block:block_sleeprq 0 block:block_plug 0 block:block_unplug_timer 0 block:block_unplug_io 0 block:block_split 0 block:block_remap 0 block:block_rq_remap 0 irq:softirq_entry 0 irq:softirq_exit 0 irq:softirq_raise 10.001021697 seconds time elapsed

perf record -avg -e xfs:xfs_attr_list_sf,skb:kfree_skb,block:*,irq:softirq* -- sleep 10perf report -vg --stdio# Events: 17 skb:kfree_skb
# Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
# ........ .............. ........................................... ................
#35.29% init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8103c94b k [k] native_safe_halt|--- native_safe_halt11.76% syslog-ng /lib64/libpthread-2.12.so 0xea10 B [.] __recvmsg|--- __recvmsg

kernel source 动态跟踪

如果perf list列出的事件不能满足跟踪需求,你可以自行添加任意代码进行跟踪。

这个功能需要perf和内核的支持,详见《Linux 性能诊断(profiling) perf使用指南》

1. Listing variables available for tcp_sendmsg():# perf probe -V tcp_sendmsg
Available variables at tcp_sendmsg@size_t sizestruct kiocb* iocbstruct msghdr* msgstruct sock* sk2. Creating a probe for tcp_sendmsg() with the "size" variable:# perf probe --add 'tcp_sendmsg size'
Added new event:probe:tcp_sendmsg (on tcp_sendmsg with size)3. You can now use it in all perf tools, such as: perf record -e probe:tcp_sendmsg -aR sleep 1

PostgreSQL source 动态跟踪

这个功能需要perf和软件编译时的支持,详见《Linux 性能诊断(profiling) perf使用指南》

sudo perf record -g dwarf -e block:block_rq_*,syscalls:sys_enter_write,syscalls:sys_enter_fsync -p 4495

sudo perf probe -x `which postgres` XLogFileInit
sudo perf probe -x `which postgres` XLogFileOpen
sudo perf probe -x `which postgres` XLogFlush

sudo perf probe -lprobe_postgres:XLogFileInit (on 0x000000000009a360)probe_postgres:XLogFileOpen (on 0x000000000009a860)probe_postgres:XLogFlush (on 0x00000000000a0670)

sudo perf record -g dwarf -u postgres -e probe_postgres:XLogFileInit,probe_postgres:XLogFileOpen,probe_postgres:XLogFlush

sudo perf stat -e probe_postgres:XLogFileInit,probe_postgres:XLogFileOpen,probe_postgres:XLogFlush -a -- /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pgbench -U postgres craig -c 2 -t 10000
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 100
query mode: simple
number of clients: 2
number of threads: 1
number of transactions per client: 10000
number of transactions actually processed: 20000/20000
tps = 715.854663 (including connections establishing)
tps = 716.092133 (excluding connections establishing)Performance counter stats for '/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pgbench -U postgres craig -c 2 -t 10000':64 probe_postgres:XLogFileInit [100.00%]0 probe_postgres:XLogFileOpen [100.00%]55,440 probe_postgres:XLogFlush 27.987364469 seconds time elapsed


1. https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Profiling_with_perf

2. http://blog.2ndquadrant.com/tracing-postgresql-perf/

3. 《Linux 性能诊断(profiling) perf使用指南》

4. http://blog.2ndquadrant.com/testing-postgresql-vagrant-computer/

5. http://blog.2ndquadrant.com/devops-testing-postgresql-with-vagrant-on-your-computer-part-two/

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