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I have created a Github Pages site and put it on repository abc of github account with username xyz. So, my site is now live on xyz.github.io/abc I created a cname file with my custom domain, and configured my DNS with the settings said on Github pages. Now, my site is also live on mycustomdomain.com Now, I don't want my site to be live on xyz.github.io/abc . I want it to redirect to mycustomdomain.com or not accessible. Is there any way to do that? I know that I can create User Pages site (with username.github.io) which will automatically redirect to custom domain, but I want to create project site. Any suggestions?

我创建了一个Github Pages站点,并将其放在github帐户的存储库abc上,用户名为xyz。所以,我的网站现在在xyz.github.io/abc上。我使用自定义域创建了一个cname文件,并使用Gi​​thub页面上的设置配置了我的DNS。现在,我的网站也在mycustomdomain.com上发布。现在,我不希望我的网站在xyz.github.io/abc上发布。我希望它重定向到mycustomdomain.com或无法访问。有没有办法做到这一点?我知道我可以创建用户页面站点(使用username.github.io),该站点将自动重定向到自定义域,但我想创建项目站点。有什么建议?

2 个解决方案


A CNAME solution:


Sure. Github has a nice functionality for it.
When you create CNAME folder inside of your repo, you will be redirected: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-cname-file-to-your-repository/

当然。 Github有一个很好的功能。当您在回购中创建CNAME文件夹时,您将被重定向:https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-cname-file-to-your-repository/

Check out my Github Pages website: https://github.com/ondrek/ondrek.github.io
( you can browse ondrek.com, but it's impossible to browse ondrek.github.io )

查看我的Github Pages网站:https://github.com/ondrek/ondrek.github.io(您可以浏览ondrek.com,但无法浏览ondrek.github.io)

A JS solution:


If you want to redirect a custom page — the only possible solution will be Javascript redirection.

如果要重定向自定义页面 - 唯一可能的解决方案是Javascript重定向。

if (window.location.href==="https://xyz.github.io") {
    window.location.href = "https://mycustomdomain.com"; 

but it will not solve your problem with Google. You can solve this with correct using Google Webmaster Tools and tell to Google about the duplicate (for SEO purposes).



You could use Javascript to inspect the domain of the current page and redirect if necessary. If you go this route, the question and answer are already on SO:


Redirection based on URL - Javascript

基于URL的重定向 - Javascript

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