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  1. KeychainTouchID app was installed using Xcode and executed. The key was generated by pressing "Add protected key" and it was used by pressing "Use protected key". The key was generated using Secure Enclave.
  2. KeychainTouchID应用程序是使用Xcode安装并执行的。通过按“添加受保护的密钥”生成密钥,按“使用受保护的密钥”即可使用密钥。密钥是使用Secure Enclave生成的。

  3. Encrypted iPhone backup on the computer was made using iTunes. All content and settings where erased (Settings -> General -> Reset -> Erase All Content and Settings).
  4. 计算机上的加密iPhone备份是使用iTunes制作的。删除的所有内容和设置(设置 - >常规 - >重置 - >删除所有内容和设置)。

  5. Encrypted iPhone backup was restored to the same iPhone.
  6. 加密的iPhone备份已恢复到同一iPhone。

  7. Reinstallation for KeychainTouchID app needed to do as it was instaled using Xcode.
  8. 需要重新安装KeychainTouchID应用程序,因为它是使用Xcode进行的。

  9. KeychainTouchID app was executed.
  10. KeychainTouchID应用程序已执行。

  11. So after that:
  12. 那之后:

By pressing "Use protected key" returns -26276 (AAPLKeychainTestsViewController.m @ 288 function -> SecItemCopyMatching)

按“使用受保护的密钥”返回-26276(AAPLKeychainTestsViewController.m @ 288函数 - > SecItemCopyMatching)

By pressing "Delete protected key" reutrns -4 (AAPLKeychainTestsViewController.m @ 326 function -> SecItemDelete)

通过按“删除保护键”重新加速-4(AAPLKeychainTestsViewController.m @ 326功能 - > SecItemDelete)

By pressing "Add protected key" returns success, but deletion and usage is not possible.


I found here: errSecInternal = -26276, /* An internal error occured in the Security framework. */

我在这里找到:errSecInternal = -26276,/ *安全框架中发生内部错误。 * /

So in this case I can not access new added key.


  • Why after backup restore SecItemCopyMatching returns -26276?
  • 为什么在备份恢复后SecItemCopyMatching返回-26276?

  • Why it is not possible to delete this key, but it is possible to add?
  • 为什么不能删除此密钥,但是可以添加?

  • Dose sombody had this experience?
  • 剂量sombody有这种经历吗?

  • What is the way to go around this problem?
  • 解决这个问题的方法是什么?

I did post this issue to Apple team, but no answer for more than 1 month.


1 个解决方案



I would repost the question on the security list. That said, from my distant memory, those keys are likely marked with ACLs that prevent them from getting backed up, so you're encountering the equivalent of a dangling pointer in the keychain. If you re-add an item with matching name or whatever, it replaces that item, and it should work from that point on.


However, if deleting it and using it fails after re-adding the item, something very strange is going on, in which case I would file a bug. They'll probably ask you to install a configuration profile that enables a crapton of debugging, reproduce the error, and send them logs.


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