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My visual basic editor only allows me to type in one column. In other words, only one letter per line. Please see the image below. How do I fix this? (visual basic for mac)

我的visual basic编辑器只允许我键入一列。换句话说,每行只有一个字母。请看下面的图片。我该如何解决? (mac的visual basic)

one column visual basic editor

2 个解决方案



This is a bug in Excel. To fix this, you simply need to update Excel. Click "Help" > "Check for Updates", then close Excel. Next, click the "Check for Updates" button in the Microsoft AutoUpdate window, and select for Excel to update. After updating, when you reopen Excel the problem will be fixed.

这是Excel中的错误。要解决此问题,您只需更新Excel即可。单击“帮助”>“检查更新”,然后关闭Excel。接下来,单击Microsoft AutoUpdate窗口中的“检查更新”按钮,然后选择要更新的Excel。更新后,当您重新打开Excel时,问题将得到解决。



Never mind, found the answer here : http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/mac/forum/macoffice2016-macexcel/visual-basic-support-in-mac-2016/4afbba04-4435-4970-8b02-40da006a590e?auth=1

没关系,在这里找到答案:http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/mac/forum/macoffice2016-macexcel/visual-basic-support-in-mac-2016/4afbba04-4435-4970-8b02- 40da006a590e?AUTH = 1

MS has no plans to push the VB editor forward on the Mac...Wonder if they put that on the glossy brochure for office 2016?


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