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Given the following class:


Other = $Other;

    public function query ()
        $params = array(
            'key1' => 'Value 1'
            , 'key2' => 'Value 2'


And this testcase:


getMock('Other', array('post'));


        $Example = new Example($Mock);

How do I verify that $params (which is an array) and is passed to $Other->post() contains a key named 'key1' that has a value of 'Value 1'?

如何验证$ params(这是一个数组)并传递给$ Other-> post()包含一个名为'key1'的键,其值为'Value 1'?

I do not want to verify all of the array - this is just a sample code, in actual code the passed array has a lot more values, I want to verify just a single key/value pair in there.

我不想验证所有的数组 - 这只是一个示例代码,在实际代码中传递的数组有更多的值,我想在那里只验证一个键/值对。

There is $this->arrayHasKey('keyname') that I can use to verify that the key exists.

我可以使用$ this-> arrayHasKey('keyname')来验证密钥是否存在。

There is also $this->contains('Value 1'), which can be used to verify that the array has this value.

还有$ this-> contains('Value 1'),可用于验证数组是否具有此值。

I could even combine those two with $this->logicalAnd. But this of course does not give the desired result.

我甚至可以将这两个与$ this-> logicalAnd结合起来。但这当然不会产生预期的结果。

So far I have been using returnCallback, capturing the whole $params and then doing asserts on that, but is there perhaps another way to do what I want?

到目前为止,我一直在使用returnCallback,捕获整个$ params,然后对此进行断言,但是有没有其他方法可以做我想要的?

5 个解决方案



The $this->arrayHasKey('keyname'); method exists but its name is assertArrayHasKey :

$ this-> arrayHasKey('keyname');方法存在,但其名称为assertArrayHasKey:

// In your PHPUnit test method
$hi = array(
    'fr' => 'Bonjour',
    'en' => 'Hello'

$this->assertArrayHasKey('en', $hi);    // Succeeds
$this->assertArrayHasKey('de', $hi);    // Fails



In lieu of creating a re-usable constraint class, I was able to assert an array key's value using the existing callback constraint in PHPUnit. In my use case, I needed to check for an array value in the second argument to a mocked method (MongoCollection::ensureIndex(), if anyone is curious). Here's what I came up with:

代替创建可重用的约束类,我能够使用PHPUnit中的现有回调约束来声明数组键的值。在我的用例中,我需要在模拟方法的第二个参数中检查数组值(MongoCollection :: ensureIndex(),如果有人好奇的话)。这就是我想出的:

    ->with($this->anything(), $this->callback(function($o) {
        return isset($o['timeout']) && $o['timeout'] === 10000;

The callback constraint expects a callable in its constructor, and simply invokes it during evaluation. The assertion passes or fails based on whether the callable returns true or false.


For a large project, I'd certainly recommend creating a re-usable constraint (as in the above solution) or petitioning for PR #312 to be merged into PHPUnit, but this did the trick for a one-time need. It's easy to see how the callback constraint might be useful for more complicated assertions, too.




I ended up creating my own constraint class, based on the attribute one


cOnstraint= $constraint;
        $this->arrayKey    = $arrayKey;

     * Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other. Returns TRUE if the
     * constraint is met, FALSE otherwise.
     * @param mixed $other Value or object to evaluate.
     * @return bool
    public function evaluate($other)
        if (!array_key_exists($this->arrayKey, $other)) {
            return false;

        $this->value = $other[$this->arrayKey];

        return $this->constraint->evaluate($other[$this->arrayKey]);

     * @param   mixed   $other The value passed to evaluate() which failed the
     *                         constraint check.
     * @param   string  $description A string with extra description of what was
     *                               going on while the evaluation failed.
     * @param   boolean $not Flag to indicate negation.
     * @throws  PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException
    public function fail($other, $description, $not = FALSE)
        parent::fail($other[$this->arrayKey], $description, $not);

     * Returns a string representation of the constraint.
     * @return string
    public function toString ()
        return 'the value of key "' . $this->arrayKey . '"(' . $this->value . ') ' .  $this->constraint->toString();

     * Counts the number of constraint elements.
     * @return integer
    public function count ()
        return count($this->constraint) + 1;

    protected function customFailureDescription ($other, $description, $not)
        return sprintf('Failed asserting that %s.', $this->toString());

It can be used like this:


 ... ->with(new Test_Constraint_ArrayHas($this->equalTo($value), $key));



In case you wish to do some complex testing on the parameter, and also have useful messages and comparisons, there is always the option of placing assertions within the callback.




$clientMock->expects($this->once())->method('post')->with($this->callback(function($input) {
    $this->assertEquals($input, array(
    return true;

Notice that the callback returns true. Otherwise, it would always fail.




Sorry, I'm not an English speaker.


I think that you can test if a key exists in the array with the array_key_exists function, and you can test if the value exists with array_search


For example:


function checkKeyAndValueExists($key,$value,$arr){
    return array_key_exists($key, $arr) && array_search($value,$arr)!==false;

Use !== because array_search return the key of that value if exists and it may be 0.


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