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Description of how a webhook works from http://webhooks.pbwiki.com/ -

webhook的工作原理描述来自http://webhooks.pbwiki.com/ -

How do they work?


By letting the user specify a URL for various events, the application will POST data to those URLs when the events occur...Among other things, you can:

通过让用户为各种事件指定URL,应用程序将在事件发生时将数据POST到这些URL ...除此之外,您还可以:

  • create notifications to you or anybody via email, IRC, Jabber, ...
  • 通过电子邮件,IRC,Jabber,向您或任何人创建通知......

  • put the data in another app (real-time data synchronization)
  • 将数据放入另一个应用程序(实时数据同步)

  • process the data and repost it using the app's API
  • 处理数据并使用应用程序的API重新发布

  • validate the data and potentially prevent it from being used by the app
  • 验证数据并可能阻止应用程序使用它

Who is using web hooks?


DevjaVu, BitBucket, GitHub, Shopify, Versionshelf, PayPal (IPN), Jott (Links), IMified, PBwiki, Facebook (Platform, sort of), Mailhook.org, SMTP2Web, Astrotrain, Notifixious, Assembla, ZenDesk, Google Code

DevjaVu,BitBucket,GitHub,Shopify,Versionshelf,PayPal(IPN),Jott(链接),IMified,PBwiki,Facebook(平台,排序),Mailhook.org,SMTP2Web,Astrotrain,Notifixious,Assembla,ZenDesk,Google Code

Do you know of any good uses of webhooks?


8 个解决方案


AlertGrid is the webhook consumer. You can configure it to accept http calls from ANY source and raise alert (email, sms, phone) to a specified person or group of people (works worldwide!) whenever the parameters in the http callback meet your criteria or when the http call was expected but it didn't occur (kind of 'heartbeat' monitoring). There is a visual editor for you to easily create rules.


Apart from notifying people by sms or email it can also notify existing applications by sending the http requests to their APIs.


It can also visualise data received in http callbacks and show the history.



Unfortunately, the wiki is not the most up to date list of known implementations. I have my own list that I'll put on the wiki when I get around to reorganizing it. Some not mentioned in the current list:


  • Dropbox
  • Gnip
  • Google Code (Project Hosting)
  • Google代码(项目托管)

  • Checkout by Amazon (both for notifications and as actual callbacks with return data)
  • 亚马逊结账(包括通知和带有返回数据的实际回调)

  • Hubilicious
  • Beanstalk
  • Google Checkout
  • MailChimp
  • SurveyGizmo
  • Hey!Watch
  • MySpace (for app developers)
  • MySpace(面向应用开发者)


I know shopify is using webhooks quite successfully now. By extension so is fetchapp uses them as well. You either are sending an xml file, or receiving one and doing your own processing logic on it.


Oh and shopify's wiki in the link has a whole write up about how to implement it in your app.



OfficeAutopilot has an interesting version of webhooks.. they use their rule interface to trigger API posts. Can trigger in response to any system event.. email opens, clicks, page visits, purchases, etc, etc.



Kiln 1.2 uses webhooks much like GitHub, BitBucket, etc.

Kiln 1.2使用webhooks,就像GitHub,BitBucket等。

(Disclaimer: I'm a Kiln/FogBugz dev.)

(免责声明:我是Kiln / FogBugz dev。)


Say for example you want to get data from any API( eg. twitter, facebook etc.,). Instead of you polling the data for every few minutes/seconds, it POSTS the data to the specified URL, whenever it is available.


By using this, you will avoid unnecessary polling like say you poll and data is not there yet.



StorageRoom is a JSON-based CMS that supports webhooks, so that you can notify other services or kick of some manual processing on your own servers.


(Please note: I created the service myself)



If you want to connect one service that supports webhooks to another service's API, you can check out IronWorker's webhook support. Here's a blog post that walks through connecting github webhooks to HipChat:

如果要将支持webhook的一项服务连接到另一项服务的API,可以查看IronWorker的webhook支持。这是一篇博客文章,介绍了如何将github webhooks连接到HipChat:


There are some other examples here too, one that takes a chargify callback and posts to Campfire.


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