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First and foremost consider this:
  • Only RetroArch bugs should be filed here. Not core bugs or game bugs

  • This is not a forum or a help section, this is strictly developer oriented

This is probably exceptionally low priority and something i'll have to live with. Still - I wanted to make sure it was put out there. As of a few versions back, I am no longer able to stream RA properly, at least in the means I have for a long time now. Unfortunately I'm a serial updater, and ive had a good week off of playing, so i cant say exactly what or when caused the regression.

The short of it is this.

I have content directory shader presets set up. In this case, for beetle psx hw. I load a game from said playlist, config override kicks in and positions window properly/places within overlay, and shader preset kicks in which ties into the configured sizing present in the config.

this has stopped working if I am streaming and if im using my go-to shader that I have set up (ctr guest dr venom.) I stream via steam BPM via steam link app and if I load retroarch and load any playlist which uses that shader, I get a black screen with audio. This also happens with several other higher end crt shaders.

If i come back to my pc, the image is on the screen, but is without color. If i remove the shader preset, all is fine. If i load a basic shader such as Geom's as a preset, that works fine as well.

One other oddity. If i load a game via command line/shortcut direct from steam, it works fine. ONLY if i load it via retroarch itself does it fail.

Im not sure if something a few versions back changed the priority or order these things were drawn or loaded - but definitely puts a damper on my vastly preferred means of playing.

at current my options are command line shortcuts/launching of any game i want to play that uses that shader. The removal of those shader presets entirely from ~30 playlists and go with something basic like geoms, and resize all my config files to accomodate. Or, play exclusively from my pc.

This could very well stem elsewhere, however I did try several different gpu drivers just in case. Also tried removing curve to eliminate that as being a potential variable as i know royale fails when curve is added to the picture.

The strange part is, if i remove the preset, and load it manually after the game is loaded - it works just fine as well. its purely giving me hell when loaded automatically via content directory preset.

Expected behavior

The game to display alongside overlay AND shader, instead of overlay + black screen + audio.

Actual behavior

See above.

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Launch retroarch via (presumably) a steam link - or in my case the steam link app.

  2. Load a game from a playlist that uses crt-guest-dr-venom

  3. note everything loads, (can see overlay, audio is playing) the gameplay area is black.

Bisect Results

I cant say exactly, as ive been not playing (but updating) for the past week or so. But its very recent.


You can find this information under Information/System Information

  • RetroArch: 1.78 9a36851beb

Environment information

Windows 10


as for the video shader setting, I didnt realize it held onto the old shader and used it when u loaded something else. Never noticed but it didnt seem to.

Aka you mean if I loaded something via a playlist, we'll say beetle hw w/ the crt/venom shader. Closed it, then loaded something from a different playlist that didnt have an override, it would automatically load crt/venom?

So it was behaving like overlay settings still do (;p) Id say that was certainly good to remove then.


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