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I have been wondering if its possible to anonymize public URL. When user makes a request with this anonymized public URL, let Nginx decode, fetch and serve the URL.



Public URL http://amazon.server.com/location/file.html

公共URL http://amazon.server.com/location/file.html

Anonymized URL https://amazon.server.com/09872340-932872389-390643289/983724.html


Nginx decodes 09872340-932872389-390643289/983724.html to location/file.html

Nginx将09872340-932872389-390643289 / 983724.html解码为location / file.html

Added image below for further clarification. Nginx has a reverse logic to decode, whereas Remote Server has the logic to Anonymize URL.

添加了下面的图片以进一步说明。 Nginx具有解码的反向逻辑,而远程服务器具有匿名URL的逻辑。

enter image description here

Question All I need to know is how would Nginx decode anonymized URL? Nginx got anonymized URL request. There has to be a way to decode it.

问题我需要知道的是Nginx如何解码匿名URL? Nginx获得了匿名URL请求。必须有一种方法来解码它。

3 个解决方案



This is an answer to the updated question:


Question All I need to know is how would Nginx decode anonymized URL? Nginx got anonymized URL request. There has to be a way to decode it.

问题我需要知道的是Nginx如何解码匿名URL? Nginx获得了匿名URL请求。必须有一种方法来解码它。

Nginx would make a request to a script, e.g., either through proxy_pass or fastcgi_pass et al.


The script could decode the URL and provide the actual URL through a Location HTTP Response Header with a 302 Found HTTP Status.

该脚本可以解码URL并通过具有302 Found HTTP Status的Location HTTP Response Header提供实际的URL。

Nginx would then have the decoded URL stored in the $upstream_http_location variable. It could subsequently be used in another proxy_pass et al within a named location @named, to which you could redirect the processing of the original request from the user through error_page 302 = @named.

然后,Nginx将解码的URL存储在$ upstream_http_location变量中。它随后可以在命名位置@named内的另一个proxy_pass等中使用,您可以通过error_page 302 = @named将用户的原始请求的处理重定向到该位置。

In all, each user request would be processed twice within nginx, but it'll all be transparent to the user -- they simply receive the resource through the original URL, with all redirects being done internally within nginx.

总之,每个用户请求将在nginx中处理两次,但它对用户都是透明的 - 他们只是通过原始URL接收资源,所有重定向都在nginx内部完成。



Define Anonymize for a URL? You can use any of the same methods as URL shortners such as http://bitly.com. But that is not truely anonymous since there is a definite mapping between the shortened URL and the target public url. If you make this per user based there is still a mapping but it is user based.


Looks like what you are suggesting is a variation on the above scheme where instead of sending the user to the target URL via a redirect you want the your server to actually fetch the content and return to the user. You need to be aware of the linked content in the public URL such as style sheets and images and adjust them accordingly. Many of the standard proxies has this kind of functionality built in. Also take a look at




If you are planning to build your own these can serve as a base.




I think what you want to do here is somewhat similar to another question I've answered in the past, where for each request by the client, you effectively want to make two requests to two different upstreams under the hood (first one to an upstream capable of decoding the URL, second one to actually fetch said decoded URL), but, of course, only return one result.



As mentioned on serverfault, you could use error_page to process another request, after the first one is complete. You could then use $upstream_http_ to make the subsequent request based on the original one, for example, using $upstream_http_location.

正如在serverfault上提到的,在第一个请求完成后,您可以使用error_page处理另一个请求。然后,您可以使用$ upstream_http_根据原始请求生成后续请求,例如,使用$ upstream_http_location。

You might also want to look into X-Accel-Redirect header, introduced in this context at proxy_ignore_headers.


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