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New to the Twitter API, but need to choose between 3 different Actionscript libraries available for the Twitter API.

Twitter API新手,但需要在Twitter API中选择3种不同的Actionscript库。

Has anyone used either:


  • TwitterScript
  • SWX Twitter
  • Tweetr

What are the pros and cons of each?


1 个解决方案



I recently used Tweetr. I don't know if I can recommend it. Here's why:


1) - I don't think the events are specific enough. In his example code, every OAuth event is listened to by either an OAuthComplete or OAuthFail method. The same goes for Twitter events. I would have liked for the events to have more specific details so that I could handle them better.

1) - 我认为事件不够具体。在他的示例代码中,每个OAuth事件都由OAuthComplete或OAuthFail方法监听。 Twitter事件也是如此。我希望事件能有更具体的细节,以便我能更好地处理它们。

2) - It uses a PHP 5 proxy that requires mod-rewrite to be installed on the server. I'm running a project on an IIS machine that has an alternative to mod-rewrite, but I can't get the proxy working. However, when I tried installing it on a separate Apache machine with mod-rewrite, it still doesn't fully work. I've spent the better part of the last 6 hours trying to get working, and am now exploring alternate libraries.

2) - 它使用PHP 5代理,需要在服务器上安装mod-rewrite。我正在IIS机器上运行一个项目,它可以替代mod-rewrite,但是我无法让代理工作。但是,当我尝试在具有mod-rewrite的单独Apache机器上安装它时,它仍然无法完全正常工作。在过去的6个小时里,我花了大部分时间努力工作,现在正在探索备用库。

3) I followed his tutorial verbatim, and although I could connect to Twitter and fetch user info, I couldn't actually change my status. I didn't need that functionality for this project, but many other people do.


I'm actually looking at using this library for Flex (http://www.coderanger.com/blog/?p=59) but from within Flash.


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