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If you’re looking for cheap and reliable online storage—who isn’t?—you can score a year 20GB of online storage from Amazon for under a buck. How? Read on as we highlight the perks of Amazon’s Cloud Drive and how to get nearly-free storage.

如果您正在寻找便宜可靠的在线存储(不是?),您可以从亚马逊获得20GB的一年在线存储空间,而价格却不到1美元。 怎么样? 继续阅读,我们将重点介绍Amazon Cloud Drive的好处以及如何获得近乎免费的存储。

Sound too good to be true? 20 GB for a whole year for 89 cents? Amazon is in super promotion mode right now and willing to eat their costs to get your attention. Let’s take a peek at the new services they’ve rolled out and how you can benefit from their zealous promotional tactics.

听起来好得令人难以置信? 全年20 GB的费用为89美分? 亚马逊目前处于超级促销模式,愿意承担自己的费用以吸引您的注意力。 让我们看一看他们推出的新服务,以及您如何从他们的狂热促销策略中受益。

什么是Amazon Cloud Drive和Cloud Player? (What is Amazon Cloud Drive and Cloud Player?)


Amazon Cloud Drive is Amazon’s offering in the world of cloud-based storage. One of their best known competitors in this arena is the popular Dropbox. A free Amazon Cloud Drive account, no promotional tricks necessary, will net you 5GB of free storage. That’s on the generous end of the standard accounts offered by nearly all cloud-storage providers.

Amazon Cloud Drive是Amazon在基于云的存储世界中提供的产品。 在这个领域中最知名的竞争对手之一是流行的Dropbox。 一个免费的Amazon Cloud Drive帐户(无需促销手段)将为您提供5GB的免费存储空间。 这几乎是所有云存储提供商所提供的标准帐户的慷慨之举。

Where things get interesting is with the introduction of Amazon’s Cloud Player. The Cloud Player works from the web, from your desktop, and from Android devices. Any music you store in your Cloud Drive is automatically a part of your Cloud Player and you can use it to build playlists, listen to as singles, and enjoy it like you enjoy your music anywhere else. If you purchase music from Amazon it is automatically stored in your Cloud Drive account and, this is a great deal, it doesn’t count against your storage limit (MP3s you import from your computer into your Cloud Drive do, however).

有趣的地方是引入了Amazon的Cloud Player。 Cloud Player可通过Web,台式机和Android设备运行。 您存储在Cloud Drive中的任何音乐都会自动成为Cloud Player的一部分,您可以使用它来构建播放列表,单身聆听以及像在其他地方欣赏音乐一样欣赏音乐。 如果您从亚马逊购买音乐,则会自动将其存储在您的Cloud Drive帐户中,这很重要,它不计入您的存储限制(但是,从计算机导入到Cloud Drive中的MP3确实如此)。

Amazon is aggressively promoting their Cloud Drive and Cloud Player service in a bid to establish themselves as a major player in the Android ecosystem. A significant number of Android devices already come with the Amazon MP3 application, all it takes to turn that Android device into a member of the Amazon system is a simple login. Between their recent investment in an Android app store and now this music-centered push with the Cloud Player, it looks like Amazon is investing themselves in Android for good.

亚马逊正在积极推广其Cloud Drive和Cloud Player服务,以使自己成为Android生态系统的主要参与者。 Amazon MP3应用程序已经随附了大量的Android设备,只需要将简单的登录信息就可以将该Android设备变成Amazon系统的成员。 从最近对Android应用程序商店的投资到现在对Cloud Player的音乐中心推动,亚马逊似乎一直在向Android投资。

Now that we’re up to speed on what’s going on with the Cloud Drive and Cloud Player, let’s take a look at how you can score a year’s worth of 20GB storage for under a buck.

既然我们可以快速了解Cloud Drive和Cloud Player的运行情况,那么让我们看一下如何以不到1美元的价格获得一年的20GB存储容量。

利用亚马逊的几乎免费存储促销 (Taking Advantage for Amazon’s Almost-Free-Storage Promotion)


Right now Amazon is offering a killer promotion to up the adoption rate of their Cloud Player. If you buy a single MP3 album from Amazon between now and the end of the year you automatically get upgraded to the 20GB storage plan. The going rate for the 20GB plan is reasonable as is ($20 per year or a mere $1.67 a month), but getting a year for next to nothing is an even better deal. At first glance we assumed that you would have to buy an album above a certain price point (say, at least $10-15). It turns out you can buy any album and you’ll receive the automatic upgrade. Any album, you say? Yes, any album from the entire Amazon music store collection.

目前,亚马逊正在提供杀手级促销,以提高其Cloud Player的采用率。 如果您从现在到年底之间从亚马逊购买一张MP3专辑,您将自动升级到20GB存储计划。 20GB计划的现行费用是合理的(每年20美元,或每月仅1.67美元),但是一年几乎没有钱是更好的选择。 乍一看,我们假设您必须购买高于某个价格点的专辑(例如,至少10-15美元)。 事实证明您可以购买任何专辑,并且会自动升级。 你说专辑吗? 是的,整个亚马逊音乐商店收藏中的所有专辑。

We scanned the music store looking for something cheap and interesting (as tempting as it would be to buy The Greatest Hits of the Midwest Polka Kings just to get some free storage we were trying to at least pick an album we’d listen to). We opted to purchase Rain for Sleeping and Relaxation, a soothing sleep/relaxation album by Joe Baker. It’s a one track album that’s over an hour long, nothing but soothing rain storms to help you focus while you work or fall asleep. The album price? A mere $0.89—you can see the listing for the album and the purchase price in the screenshot above. We purchased it and Amazon immediately told us all about our automatic upgrade to the enhanced Cloud Drive account. No sweating or searching for the right link necessary! You’ll see a prompt button that encourages you to launch the Cloud Player that looks like so:

我们扫描了音乐商店,寻找便宜又有趣的东西(就像购买《中西部Polka Kings最伟大的专辑》那样吸引人,只是为了获得一些免费的存储空间,我们正试图至少挑选我们会听的专辑)。 我们选择购买Joe Baker发行的《 Rain for Sleeping and Relaxation》 ,这是一张舒缓的睡眠/放松专辑。 这是一首长达一个小时的单曲专辑,除了舒缓的暴风雨,它可以帮助您在工作或入睡时集中精力。 专辑价格? 仅$ 0.89,您可以在上面的屏幕快照中看到专辑的清单和购买价格。 我们购买了它,亚马逊立即向我们告知了我们如何自动升级到增强型Cloud Drive帐户。 无需流汗或寻找正确的链接! 您将看到一个提示按钮,鼓励您启动如下所示的Cloud Player:


Click on the “Launch Amazon Cloud Player” button to navigate to your Cloud Player and accompanying Cloud Drive. What does the Cloud Player look like? Like this, a simple and easy to navigate web-based music player.

单击“启动Amazon Cloud Player”按钮导航到您的Cloud Player和随附的Cloud Drive。 Cloud Player是什么样的? 像这样,一个简单易用的基于Web的音乐播放器。


That’s nice and all, but what about the real reason you’re likely even buying the album? Let’s take a look at the Cloud Drive. It too has a simple interface that lends itself to easy organization and file uploading:

很好,但您甚至可能会购买专辑的真正原因是什么? 让我们看一下Cloud Drive。 它还具有一个简单的界面,可以轻松组织和上传文件:


That’s it! Click the “Upload Files” button to start uploading files from your computer. You’re now the proud owner of a new 20GB Cloud Drive with nearly-free storage for the next 365 days.

而已! 单击“上传文件”按钮,开始从您的计算机上载文件。 您现在是新的20GB Cloud Drive的拥有者,并在接下来的365天拥有近乎免费的存储空间。

Have a tip, trick, or favorite application for taking advantage of Amazon’s Cloud Drive and Cloud Player service? Let’s hear about it in the comments.

是否有技巧,窍门或喜欢的应用程序来利用Amazon的Cloud Drive和Cloud Player服务? 让我们在评论中听到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/57382/how-to-get-20gb-of-amazon-cloud-storage-for-89-cents/


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