作者:jiho_b | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-17 12:36
I try to show the master of the SVC programmatically.
The app is universal. I have a TVC on the master and another TVC on the details. The cells on the detail-TVC can be deleted by the user. After the user deleted the last cell in the detail-TVC on iPhone (compact) the master should be shown. On iPad (regular) the next existing cell on the master-TVC is selected and shown (works fine!)
这个应用程序是通用的。我有一个TVC关于master,另一个TVC关于细节。用户可以删除细节- tvc上的单元格。在用户删除iPhone (compact)上的详细- tvc中的最后一个单元格后,应该显示主单元格。在iPad(常规)上,选择并显示master-TVC上的下一个现有单元格(工作正常!)
I tried to perform the displayModeButtonItem
's action manually but nothing happens:
extension UISplitViewController {
func toggleMasterView() {
let barButtOnItem= self.displayModeButtonItem()
UIApplication.sharedApplication().sendAction(barButtonItem.action, to: barButtonItem.target, from: nil, forEvent: nil)
For testing a added a "Show" button on the navigation-bar of the detail-TVC and performed the function above.
为了测试在细节- tvc的导航栏上添加的“Show”按钮,并执行上述功能。
@IBAction func do_ShowMaster(sender: BaseUIBarButtonItem) {
Thank you in advance.
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