粒子群优化(PSO)是一种基于群体智能的数值优化算法,由社会心理学家James Kennedy和电气工程师Russell Eberhart于1995年提出。自PSO诞生以来,它在许多方面都得到了改进,这一部分将介绍基本的粒子群优化算法原理和过程。
1.1 粒子群优化
1.1.1 算法思想
1.1.2 粒子群优化过程
对于D维搜索空间,在时间步t下群体中的第ith个粒子由D维向量x i t = ( x i 1 t , ⋯ , x i D t ) T x_i^t = {(x_{i1}^t, \cdots ,x_{iD}t)T}xit=(xi1t,⋯,xiDt)T来表示,其速度由另一个D维向量v i t = ( v i 1 t , ⋯ , v i D t ) T v_i^t = {(v_{i1}^t, \cdots ,v_{iD}t)T}vit=(vi1t,⋯,viDt)T表示。第ith个粒子访问过的最优解位置用p i t = ( p i 1 t , ⋯ , p i D t ) T p_i^t = {\left( {p_{i1}^t, \cdots ,p_{iD}^t} \right)^T}pit=(pi1t,⋯,piDt)T表示,群体中最优粒子的索引为“g”。第ith个粒子的速度和位置分别由下式进行更新:
v i d t + 1 = v i d t + c 1 r 1 ( p i d t − x i d t ) + c 2 r 2 ( p g d t − x i d t ) (1) v_{id}^{t + 1} = v_{id}^t + {c_1}{r_1}\left( {p_{id}^t - x_{id}^t} \right) + {c_2}{r_2}\left( {p_{gd}^t - x_{id}^t} \right)\tag 1vidt+1=vidt+c1r1(pidt−xidt)+c2r2(pgdt−xidt)(1)
x i d t + 1 = x i d t + v i d t + 1 (2) x_{id}^{t + 1} = x_{id}^t + v_{id}^{t + 1}\tag 2xidt+1=xidt+vidt+1(2)
1.1.3 解读更新等式
图2 粒子群优化过程中粒子移动的几何说明
1.2 粒子群优化中的参数
function [xOpt,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = ...
% Find the minimum of a function using Particle Swarm Optimization.
% This is an implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using
% the same syntax as the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, with some additional
% options specific to PSO. Allows code-reusability when trying different
% population-based optimization algorithms. Certain GA-specific parameters
% such as cross-over and mutation functions will not be applicable to the
% PSO algorithm. Demo function included, with a small library of test
% functions. Requires Optimization Toolbox.
% New features will be added regularly until this is made redundant by an
% official MATLAB PSO toolbox.
% Author: S. Samuel Chen. Version 1.31.2.
% Available from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25986
% Distributed under BSD license. First published in 2009.
% Syntax:
% psodemo
% pso
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon,options)
% x = pso(problem)
% [x, fval] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag,output] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag,output,population] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = pso(...)
% Description:
% psodemo
% Runs a demonstration of the PSO algorithm using test function specified
% by user.
% pso
% Runs a default demonstration using Rosenbrock's banana function.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars)
% Runs the particle swarm algorithm with no constraints and default
% options. fitnessfcn is a function handle, nvars is the number of
% parameters to be optimized, i.e. the dimensionality of the problem. x is
% a 1xnvars vector representing the coordinates of the global optimum
% found by the pso algorithm.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq)
% Linear constraints, such that Aineq*x <= bineq. Aineq is a matrix of size
% nconstraints x nvars, while b is a column vector of length nvars.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq)
% Linear equality constraints, such that Aeq*x = beq. 'Soft' or 'penalize'
% boundaries only. If no inequality constraints exist, set Aineq and bineq
% to [].
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB)
% Lower and upper bounds defined as LB and UB respectively. Both LB and UB,
% if defined, should be 1 x nvars vectors. Use empty arrays [] for Aineq,
% bineq, Aeq, or beq if no linear constraints exist.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon)
% Non-linear constraints. Nonlinear inequality constraints in the form c(x)
% <= 0 have now been implemented using 'soft' boundaries, or
% experimentally, using 'penalize' constraint handling method. See the
% Optimization Toolbox documentation for the proper syntax for defining
% nonlinear constraints. Use empty arrays [] for Aineq, bineq, Aeq, beq,
% LB, or UB if they are not needed.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon,options)
% Default algorithm parameters replaced with those defined in the options
% structure:
% Use >> optiOns= psooptimset('Param1,'value1','Param2,'value2',...) to
% generate the options structure. Type >> psooptimset with no input or
% output arguments to display a list of available options and their
% default values.
% NOTE: the swarm will perform better if the PopInitRange option is defined
% so that it closely bounds the expected domain of the feasible region.
% This is automatically done if the problem has both lower and upper bound
% constraints, but not for linear and nonlinear constraints.
% NOTE 2: If options.HybridFcn is to be defined, and if it is necessary to
% pass a non-default options structure to the hybrid function, then the
% options structure may be included in a cell array along with the pointer
% to the hybrid function. Example:
% >> % Let's say that we want to use fmincon to refine the result from PSO:
% >> hybridoptiOns= optimset(@fmincon) ;
% >> options.HybridFcn = {@fmincon, hybridoptions} ;
% NOTE 3:
% Perez and Behdinan (2007) demonstrated that the particle swarm is only
% stable if the following conditions are satisfied:
% Given that C0 = particle inertia
% C1 = options.SocialAttraction
% C2 = options.CognitiveAttraction
% 1) 0 <(C1 + C2) <4
% 2) (C1 + C2)/2 - 1
% converge to a stable equilibrium point. However, whether or not this
% point is actually the global minimum cannot be guaranteed, and its
% acceptability as a solution should be verified by the user.
% x = pso(problem)
% Parameters imported from problem structure.
% [x,fval] = pso(...)
% Returns the fitness value of the best solution.
% [x,fval,exitflag] = pso(...)
% Returns information on outcome of pso run. This should match exitflag
% values for GA where applicable, for code reuseability between the two
% toolboxes.
% [x,fval,exitflag,output] = pso(...)
% The structure output contains more detailed information about the PSO
% run. It should match output fields of GA, where applicable.
% [x,fval,exitflag,output,population] = pso(...)
% A matrix population of size PopulationSize x nvars, with the locations of
% particles across the rows. This may be used to save the final positions
% of all the particles in a swarm.
% [x,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = pso(...)
% Final scores of the particles in population.
% Bibliography
% J Kennedy, RC Eberhart, YH Shi. Swarm Intelligence. Academic Press, 2001.
% SM Mikki, AA Kishk. Particle Swarm Optimization: A Physics-Based
% Approach. Morgan & Claypool, 2008.
% RE Perez and K Behdinan. "Particle swarm approach for structural
% design optimization." Computers and Structures, Vol. 85:1579-88, 2007.
% See also:
if ~nargin % Rosenbrock's banana function by default, as a demonstration
fitnessfcn = @(x)100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2+(1-x(1))^2 ;
nvars = 2 ;
LB = [-1.5,-2] ;
UB = [2,2] ;
options.PopInitRange = [[-2;4],[-1;2]] ;
options.PlotFcns = {@psoplotbestf,@psoplotswarmsurf} ;
options.GeneratiOns= 200 ;
options.DemoMode = 'on' ;
options.KnownMin = [1 1] ;
options.OutputFcns = {} ;
options.COnstrBoundary= 'penalize' ;
options.UseParallel = 'never' ;
elseif isstruct(fitnessfcn)
nvars = fitnessfcn.nvars ;
Aineq = fitnessfcn.Aineq ;
bineq = fitnessfcn.bineq ;
Aeq = fitnessfcn.Aeq ;
beq = fitnessfcn.beq ;
LB = fitnessfcn.LB ;
UB = fitnessfcn.UB ;
nOnlcon= fitnessfcn.nonlcon ;
if ischar(nonlcon) && ~isempty(nonlcon)
nOnlcon= str2func(nonlcon) ;
optiOns= fitnessfcn.options ;
fitnessfcn = fitnessfcn.fitnessfcn ;
elseif nargin <2
msg = 'PSO requires at least two input arguments' ;
error('%s, or a problem structure. Type >> help pso for details',...
end % if ~nargin
if ~exist('options','var') % Set default options
optiOns= struct ;
end % if ~exist
optiOns= psooptimset(options) ;
options.Verbosity = 1 ; % For options.Display == 'final' (default)
if strcmpi(options.Display,'off')
options.Verbosity = 0 ;
elseif strncmpi(options.Display,'iter',4)
options.Verbosity = 2 ;
elseif strncmpi(options.Display,'diag',4)
options.Verbosity = 3 ;
if ~exist('Aineq','var'), Aineq = [] ; end
if ~exist('bineq','var'), bineq = [] ; end
if ~exist('Aeq','var'), Aeq = [] ; end
if ~exist('beq','var'), beq = [] ; end
if ~exist('LB','var'), LB = [] ; end
if ~exist('UB','var'), UB = [] ; end
if ~exist('nonlcon','var'), nOnlcon= [] ; end
% Check for swarm stability
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if options.SocialAttraction + options.CognitiveAttraction >= 4 && ...
options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Warning: Swarm is unstable and may not converge ' ;
msg = [msg 'since the sum of the cognitive and social attraction'] ;
msg = [msg ' parameters is greater than or equal to 4.'] ;
msg = [msg ' Suggest adjusting options.CognitiveAttraction and/or'] ;
sprintf('%s options.SocialAttraction.',msg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check for constraints and bit string population type
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strncmpi(options.PopulationType,'bitstring',2) && ...
(~isempty([Aineq,bineq]) || ~isempty([Aeq,beq]) || ...
~isempty(nonlcon) || ~isempty([LB,UB]))
Aineq = [] ; bineq = [] ; Aeq = [] ; beq = [] ; nOnlcon= [] ;
LB = [] ; UB = [] ;
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = sprintf('Constraints will be ignored') ;
msg = sprintf('%s for options.PopulationType ''bitstring''',msg) ;
warning('%s',msg) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Change this when nonlcon gets fully implemented:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ~isempty(nonlcon) && strcmpi(options.ConstrBoundary,'reflect')
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Non-linear constraints don''t have ''reflect'' boundaries' ;
msg = [msg, ' implemented.'] ;
'%s Changing options.ConstrBoundary to ''penalize''.',...
options.COnstrBoundary= 'penalize' ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Is options.PopInitRange reconcilable with LB and UB constraints?
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Resize PopInitRange in case it was given as one range for all dimensions
if size(options.PopInitRange,1) ~= 2 && size(options.PopInitRange,2) == 2
% Transpose PopInitRange if user provides nvars x 2 matrix instead
options.PopInitRange = options.PopInitRange' ;
elseif size(options.PopInitRange,2) == 1 && nvars > 1
% Resize PopInitRange in case it was given as one range for all dim
options.PopInitRange = repmat(options.PopInitRange,1,nvars) ;
elseif size(options.PopInitRange,2) ~= nvars
msg = 'Number of dimensions of options.PopInitRange does not' ;
msg = sprintf('%s match nvars. PopInitRange should be a',msg) ;
error('%s 2 x 1 or 2 x nvars matrix.',msg) ;
% Check initial population with respect to bound constraints
% Is this really desirable? Maybe there are some situations where the user
% specifically does not want a uniform inital population covering all of
% LB and UB?
if ~isempty(LB) || ~isempty(UB)
options.LinearConstr.type = 'boundconstraints' ;
if isempty(LB), LB = -inf*ones(1,nvars) ; end
if isempty(UB), UB = inf*ones(1,nvars) ; end
LB = reshape(LB,1,[]) ;
UB = reshape(UB,1,[]) ;
options.PopInitRange = ...
psocheckpopulationinitrange(options.PopInitRange,LB,UB) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check validity of VelocityLimit
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if all(~isfinite(options.VelocityLimit))
options.VelocityLimit = [] ;
elseif isscalar(options.VelocityLimit)
options.VelocityLimit = repmat(options.VelocityLimit,1,nvars) ;
elseif ~isempty(length(options.VelocityLimit)) && ...
msg = 'options.VelocityLimit must be either a positive scalar' ;
error('%s, or a vector of size 1xnvars.',msg)
end % if isscalar
options.VelocityLimit = abs(options.VelocityLimit) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup for parallel computing
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmpi(options.UseParallel,'always')
if strcmpi(options.Vectorized,'on')
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Both ''Vectorized'' and ''UseParallel'' options have ' ;
msg = [msg 'been set. The problem will be computed locally '] ;
warning('%s using the ''Vectorized'' computation method.',...
msg) ;
elseif isempty(ver('distcomp')) % Check for toolbox installed
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Parallel computing toolbox not installed. Problem' ;
warning('%s will be computed locally instead.',msg) ;
options.UseParallel = 'never' ;
poolalreadyopen = false ;
if isempty(gcp('nocreate'))
poolobj = parpool ;
addAttachedFiles(poolobj,which(func2str(fitnessfcn))) ;
poolalreadyopen = true ;