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iOS 9 introduces App Transport Security (ATS) to encourage the use of secure connections.

iOS 9引入了App Transport Security(ATS)以鼓励使用安全连接。

This is great, but what if my app has a built in web browser that the user should be able to use to connect to any website? For example, the Facebook app allows stories to contain links to external websites. When the user taps such a link, rather than launching Safari, it launches an in-app browser.


How can I get this same behavior without enabling the global NSAllowArbitraryLoads flag?


I want all the benefits of enforcing https usage, but want to disable this check in my internal browser. In an ideal world, Apple would allow me to specify a property on my UIWebView to allow it to load insecure URLs, rather than it being all or nothing. There is no way I can whitelist every single domain, since I have no idea which URLs my users will load. I'm looking for a solution that is compatible with iOS 8.

我想要强制执行https使用的所有好处,但想要在我的内部浏览器中禁用此检查。在一个理想的世界中,Apple允许我在我的UIWebView上指定一个属性,以允许它加载不安全的URL,而不是全部或全部。我无法将每个域列入白名单,因为我不知道用户将加载哪些URL。我正在寻找与iOS 8兼容的解决方案。

2 个解决方案



In this case you will need to disable ATS generally, by setting NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to true. If you have specific URLs that you know can support HTTPS (such as your own servers or API servers that you use in the app outside of the UIWebView) then you can create an exception and set NSExceptionsAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads to false for those exceptions




Rather than enabling NSAllowsArbitraryLoads, a more secure solution is to conditionally use SFSafariViewController, which allows arbitrary loads.


If the class exists, then present it, otherwise, present your own UIViewController (which contains a UIWebView).


UIViewController *webBrowser;
if ([SFSafariViewController class] != nil) {
    webBrowser = [[SFSafariViewController alloc] initWithURL:url];
} else {
    webBrowser = [[ABCWebBrowserController alloc] initWithURL:url];

[self presentViewController:webBrowser animated:YES completion:nil];

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