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地址 https:leetcode-cn.comproblemscan-convert-string-in-k-moves给你两个字符串 s 和 t ,你的目标是在k 次操作以内把

| |
| Bash History Cheat Sheet |
| |
| Created by Peter Krumins (peter@catonmat.net, @pkrumins on twitter) |
| www.catonmat.net -- good coders code, great coders reuse |
| |
| Released under the GNU Free Document License |
===================== Emacs Keyboard Shortcut Summary =====================
| | |
| Shortcut | Description |
| | |
| C-p | Fetch the previous command from the history list. |
| C-n | Fetch the next command from the history list. |
| M-<| Move to the first line in the history. |
| M-> | Move to the end of the input history. |
| C-r | Search backward starting at the current line (incremental) |
| C-s | Search forward starting at the current line (incremental). |
| M-p | Search backward using non-incremental search. |
| M-n | Search forward using non-incremental search |

======================= Vi Keyboard Shortcut Summary ======================
| | |
| Shortcut | Description |
| | |
| k | Fetch the previous command from the history list. |
| j | Fetch the next command from the history list. |
| /string or | Search history backward for a command matching string. |
| CTRL-r | |
| ?string or | Search history forward for a command matching string. |
| CTRL-s | (Note that on most machines Ctrl-s STOPS the terminal |
| | output, change it with `stty (Ctrl-q to resume)). |
| n | Repeat search in the same direction as previous. |
| N | Repeat search in the opposite direction as previous. |
| G | Move to history line N (for example, 15G). |

======================== History Expansion Summary ========================

Event Designators:
| | |
| Designator | Description |
| | |
| ! | Start a history substitution. |
| !! | Refer to the last command. |
| !n | Refer to the n-th command line (try `history command). |
| !-n | Refer to the current command line minus n. |
| !string | Refer to the most recent command starting with string. |
| !?string? | Refer to the most recent command containing string. |
| ^str1^str2^ | Quick substitution. Repeat the last command, replacing |
| | str1 with str2. |
| !# | Refer to the entire command line typed so far. |

Word Designators:
(Word designators follow the event designators, separated by a collon
| | |
| Designator | Description |
| | |
| 0 | The zeroth (first) word in a line (usually command name). |
| n | The n-th word in a line. |
| ^ | The first argument (the second word) in a line. |
| $ | The last argument in a line. |
| % | The word matched by the most recent string search. |
| x-y | A range of words from x to y (-y is synonymous with 0-y). |
| * | All words but the zeroth (synonymous with 1-$). |
| x* | Synonymous with x-$ |
| x- | The words from x to the second to last word. |

Modifiers (modifiers follow word designators, separated by a colon):
| | |
| Modifier | Description |
| | |
| h | Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving the head. |
| t | Remove all leading pathname component, leaving the tail. |
| r | Remove a trailing suffix of the form .xxx, leaving the |
| | basename. |
| e | Remove all but the trailing suffix. |
| p | Print the resulting command but do not execute it. |
| q | Quotes the substituted words, escaping further |
| | substitutions. |
| x | Quotes the substituted words, breaking them into words at |
| | blanks and newlines. |
| s/old/new/ | Substitutes new for old. |
| & | Repeats the previous substitution. |
| g | Causes s/old/new/ or & to be applied over the entire |
| | event line. |

============ History Behavior Modification via Shell Variables ============
| | |
| Shell Variable | Description |
| | |
| HISTFILE | Controls where the history file gets saved. |
| | Set to /dev/null not to save the history. |
| | Default: ~/.bash_history |
| HISTFILESIZE | Controls how many history commands to keep in HISTFILE |
| | Default: 500 |
| HISTSIZE | Controls how many history commands to keep in the |
| | history list of current session. |
| | Default: 500 |
| HISTIGNORE | Controls which commands to ignore and not save to the |
| | history list. The variable takes a list of |
| | colon separated values. Pattern & matches the previous |
| | history command. |

============ History Behavior Modification via `shopt Command ============

| | |
| shopt Option | Description |
| | |
| histappend | Setting the variable appends current session history to |
| | HISTFILE. Unsetting overwrites the file each time. |
| histreedit | If set, puts a failed history substitution back on the |
| | command line for re-editing. |
| histverify | If set, puts the command to be executed after a |
| | substitution on command line as if you had typed it. |

shopt options can be set by a `shopt
-s option and
can be unset by a `shopt -u option.
=============================== Examples ==================================
echo a b c d e (executes `echo ab c d e`)
a b c d e
echo !!:3-$ (executes `echo c d e`)
c d e
echo !-2:*:q (executes `echo a b c d e`)
a b c d e
echo !-3:1:2:4:x (executes `echo a b d`)
a b d
echo !-4:1-3:s/a/foo/:s/b/bar/:s/c/baz/ (executes `echo foo bar baz`)
foo bar baz
tar -xzf package-x.y.z.tgz
$ cd
!-1:$:r (executes `cd package-x.y.z`)
-x.y.z $

ls -a /tmp
file1 file2 file3 ...
^-a^-l^ (executes `ls -l /tmp`)
-rw------- 1 user user file1
| Created by Peter Krumins (peter@catonmat.net, @pkrumins on twitter) |
| www.catonmat.net -- good coders code, great coders reuse |


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