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I have just started to look at .NET 3.5 so please forgive me if this type of question have been asked before. I am struggling with a decent usage for extension methods, in that I have just downloaded suteki shop an MVC ecommerce offering. In this project there is a pretty standard Repository pattern that extends IRepository.

我刚刚开始研究.NET 3.5,如果之前已经提出这类问题,请原谅我。我正在努力使用扩展方法,因为我刚刚下载了suteki商店的MVC电子商务产品。在这个项目中,有一个非常标准的Repository模式,它扩展了IRepository。

In order to extend the basic functionality exposed by this interface, extention methods are used i.e.:


public static class CategoryRepositoryExtensions
    public static Category GetRootCategory(this IRepository categoryRepository)
     return categoryRepository.GetById(1);

Now this is all well and good, but Interfaces, as far as I am concerned act as contracts to the objects that implement them.


The fact that the repository has been interfaced out suggests an attempt at a data layer agnostic approach. That said, if I were to create my own data layer I would be confused as to what extension methods I would have to create to ensure I have fulfilled the contractual requirement I have to the classes that implement my repository classes.


It seems that the older way of creating an IRepository and then extending that allows a much better visibility of what is required e.g.


ICategoryRepoitory : IRepository
     Category GetRootCategory();

So I guess my question is does this use of Extention methods seem wrong to anyone else? If not, why? Should I not be moaning about this?



The above example does seem to be a good example of why extention methods can be very helpful.


I suppose my issue is if data access specific implementations were stuck in the extention method in the data access mechanisms assembly.


That way if I were to swap it out for another mechanism I would have to create a similar extention method in that assembly.


4 个解决方案



The point is that if you've implemented all of IRepository appropriately, you (as the data layer implementor) don't have to know about root categories at all. For the scope of this extension method, it is assumed that any repository of categories will have a root category of ID 1. That may well be a perfectly reasonable assumption, and a useful one: no-one has to build a derived class (which may well be impractical - the data layer may have factories etc which make it tricky to derive from the implementations).

关键是如果你已经适当地实现了所有的IRepository ,你(作为数据层实现者)根本不必知道根类别。对于此扩展方法的范围,假设任何类别的存储库都将具有ID 1的根类别。这可能是一个非常合理的假设,并且是一个有用的假设:没有人必须构建派生类(其中可能是不切实际的 - 数据层可能有工厂等,这使得从实现派生出来很棘手)。

Now, the extension method is only applicable if its scope is appropriate - if it's in a namespace (or closely related one) where that assumption about root categories will be valid.

现在,扩展方法仅适用于其范围适当的情况 - 如果它位于命名空间(或密切相关的范围)中,其中关于根类别的假设将是有效的。

I don't think the "older" way would really be an interface extending IRepository - it would be a normal static method taking IRepository. That's where extension methods just make life more pleasant. If you really would have used inheritance instead, it may well be appropriate to do so now as well. Unfortunately we don't know enough about the architecture of your system to say that for sure.

我不认为“较旧”的方式实际上是扩展IRepository 的接口 - 它将是一个采用IRepository 的常规静态方法。这就是扩展方法让生活更愉快的地方。如果你真的会使用继承,那么现在也可以这样做。遗憾的是,我们对您系统的架构知之甚少。



Extension methods concept is just syntactic sugar as some authors call it. It makes the code more readable though less understandable. Ultimately extension methods are just static ones which are the heritage of the procedural paradigm. They make the code tightly-coupled and less cohesive, harder to test and reuse.


I am biased against this tendency of the C# programming language. This feature is attractive but it doesn't bring any benefits, quite the contrary it increases the complexity of the code.




It's not the same thing. An extension method is a syntactic convenience, nothing more, and certainly not a contractual requirement. You don't "implement" them on your own classes. For your example above:


using CategoryRepositoryExtensions;
Category c = r.GetRootCategory();

is exactly the same as:


Category c = CategoryRepositoryExtensions.GetRootCategory(r);

and therefore there is no additional requirement on the implementer of the interface.




Yes in the example you mentioned it does seem counter-intuitive and the reason is because you are working with a single object at a single level. I find that extension methods are most useful when you are working with IQueryable / IEnumerable collections.

是的,在您提到的示例中,它看起来似乎是违反直觉的,原因是因为您在单个级别上处理单个对象。当您使用IQueryable / IEnumerable集合时,我发现扩展方法最有用。

For eg. lets consider 2 scenarios:


  • Scenario 1: get list of all orders which contain product x


  • Scenario 2: get list of all orders which contain product x and have been shipped to zipcode y

    场景2:获取包含产品x并已发送到zipcode y的所有订单的列表

If you were using the traditional/interface driven approach you might define 2 be tempted to define 2 different interfaces. If you use extension methods, you could use something like the following


Scenario 1

 orders1Enumerable = OrderRepository.GetAllOrders()

Scenario 2

 orders2Enumerable = OrderRepository.GetAllOrders()

When you do this, the framework creates the appropriate SQL on the fly by chaining these extension methods


Hope this helps


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