I'm having the same issue. Here's what I'm currently working on:
Option 1: use a single image for both nginx and the app
This way, I can build the image once (with the app, precompiled assets and nginx), then run two instances of it: one running the app server, and another for the nginx frontend:
docker build -t hello .
docker run --name hello-app hello rackup
docker run --name hello-web -p 80:80 --link hello-app:app hello nginx
Not pretty, but very easy to set up and upgrade.
Option 2: use a shared volume, and precompile assets as a job
Shared volumes cannot be updated in the build process, but can be updated by a container instance. So we can run our rake task to precompile the assets just before running our app:
docker build -t hello .
docker run -v /apps/hello/assets:/app/public/assets hello rake assets:precompile
docker run --name hello-app hello rackup
docker run --name hello-web -p 80:80 --link hello-app:app -v /apps/hello/assets:/usr/share/nginx/html/assets nginx
This looks like a more robust option, but will require a more complex instrumentation. I'm leaning towards this option, however, since we'll need a separate job for database migrations anyway.
Option 3: distribute the assets to a CDN on build-time
Your Dockerfile can upload the resulting assets directly to a CDN. Then you configure your Rails app to use it as the asset_host
. Something like:
RUN rake assets:precompile && aws s3 sync public/assets s3://test-assets/
I'm currently experimenting with this option. Since I'm using Amazon CloudFront, looks like I can just sync the resulting assets to S3 using the AWS CLI. There's also a gem for that (asset_sync), but it looks stale.
我正在尝试这个选项。由于我使用的是Amazon CloudFront,看起来我可以使用AWS CLI将生成的资产同步到S3。还有一个宝石(asset_sync),但它看起来很陈旧。
The downside is that you'll have to send the needed AWS credentials to the build context or the Dockerfile itself – this might need committing them to your source repository, if you're using an automated build.
缺点是您必须将所需的AWS凭证发送到构建上下文或Dockerfile本身 - 如果您使用的是自动构建,则可能需要将它们提交到源存储库。