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I need a program that is able to launch a set of processes according to a schedule/configuration; the program would run in the background and restart the processes in case they crash.


There are standard tools for this kind of task on both windows and unix - what I need is a cross platform program which could run on different operating systems using the same configuration.

在windows和unix上都有用于此类任务的标准工具 - 我需要的是一个跨平台程序,它可以使用相同的配置在不同的操作系统上运行。

Any portable C/C++ library which implements the basic functionality (i.e. create processes, signal process termination events etc) would be ok too.

任何实现基本功能的便携式C / C ++库(即创建进程,信号进程终止事件等)都可以。

4 个解决方案


What about installing ssh servers on all those platforms and handle the start/stop of processes by means of every platform own command line tools?


To be able to access without prompt authentication I would use asymmetric key authentication without password so access would be immediate from a controlling machine to all the hosts managed.


So my solution would be a home-made one consisting of a bunch of scripts (.bat or .sh or whatever scripting language you want) and several ssh servers.



If you're willing to go all Unix-centric, Cygwin comes with a version of cron that can be run as a service on Windows. Then, you could use a common crontab file across your platforms. See http://www.noah.org/ssh/cygwin-crond.html.



You'd probably have to write that yourself. Its a lot of icky portability hacks for no (real) glorious purpose ... i.e. a lot of work to accomplish something that could be accomplished via other means.


Getting something to work on *nix, *bsd and MacOS would not be too terribly hard. Crafting / generating a parser to handle some kind of easy rule based configuration file would not be too hard. Adding the final Windows spice to the mix would be a royal pain in the rear. Then off you go to learn some new Python based build configuration system since not every Windows user has cygwin and a shell ... then off you go finding people to help you find bugs.

获得一些工作* nix,* bsd和MacOS不会太难。制作/生成解析器以处理某种基于规则的简单配置文件并不会太难。添加最终的Windows香料混合将是后方的皇家痛苦。然后你去学习一些新的基于Python的构建配置系统,因为不是每个Windows用户都有cygwin和shell ...然后你去寻找帮助你找到bug的人。

After a few hundred hours, you'd begin to wonder if it was really worth writing. In 2 - 3 hours, you could have cygwin, ssh and some handy shell scripts doing the job just fine.


It is said that most really useful programs are a direct result of a programmer scratching a personal itch. So .. if this is something you really need and have time to do, I'd say go for it. Surely, it would become rather popular. Barring that, for the reasons above, I suspect such a program would remain unwritten for quite some time to come.



How about a cron implementation in Golang?



It's cross platform and issues your commands when you need it too. It distributes as a small executable. No dependencies necessary. It allows you to add crons, but funny enough, remove isn't built in.


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