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  • 形容词和副词能够有充当的成分
    • 1.形容词adj.
      • 放在系动词之后做表语
      • 放在名词之前做定语
    • 2.副词adv. (无论放在哪都是做状语)
      • 修饰实意义动词
      • He cried sadly.
      • 修饰形容词
      • He looks very beautiful.
      • 修饰副词
      • He cried very sadly.
      • 修饰句子
      • Actually, he cried.
  • 什么是状语?
    • 就是在一个句子中用来修饰实义动词、形容词、副词或整个句子的成分。
    • 状语在句子中,除了名词不能修饰,什么都可以修饰。
    • 什么词可以做状语?
      • 副词做状语
        • She cried sadly.
      • 副词短语做状语
        • He tried again and again.
      • 介词短语做状语
        • She cried like a boy losing his toy.
      • 分词、不定式作状语
        • She cried, sitting there.
      • 从句作状语
        • She cried when she sat there.
    • 状语的位置(随便放)
  • 状语从句
    • 构成
    • 引导词的分类标准
      • 状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的意思分的类,一共把引导词分成九类。
    • 1.时间状语从句
      • 常见引导词
        • when=while=as当...时候
          • 当while翻译成“当...的时候”时,后面要跟进行时态。
        • before
        • after
        • since
          • 主要一句话带since,主句一定是完成时
          • I have fallen in love with you since I met you.
        • by the time
        • the moment=as soon as
        • until
        • not ... until
          • 直到...才
      • 状语从句的时态(在所有状语从句中,如果主句的动作和从句的动作都尚未发生的话,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来)
        • 当爱来临的时候我要牵住他的手。
        • When romance approaches, I will hold his hands.
        • 当爱来临的时候,我没有牵到他的手。
        • When love came, I failed to hold her hands.
      • 区别until和not...until
        • I will wait here until you come.
        • I will not leave until you come.
        • ★区别:看主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词还是延续性动词。如果是延续性动词用until,如果是瞬间动词就用not...until
        • 直到我长大,我才意识到母亲的伟大。
        • I didn't realized the greatness of mothers until I grew up.
      • when引导的时间状语从句省略的情况
        • ★when引导的时间状语从句,如果主句和从句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语中有be动词,此时从句的主语和be动词可以同时省略。
        • 当我是一个小孩子的时候,我喜欢唱歌。
        • When I was a kid, I enjoyed singing songs. (可以省略I was)
    • 2.地点状语从句
      • 常见引导词:where
      • 做地点状语的通常是介词短语,很少是从句。
      • 这种树在潮湿的地方生长得很好。
      • The kind of trees grow well in moist places.
      • The kind of trees grow well where it is moist.
    • 3.原因状语从句
      • 星号“*”表是考研英语中用的多,引导词如下:引导词、连词、介词短语
      • because* 后面放句子
      • as*
      • since
      • in that*
      • saying that
      • considering that
      • now that
      • given that
      • for 后面放句子
      • because of 后面放名词
      • due to
      • owing to
      • thanks to
      • for the sake of
      • as a result of
      • 因为他粗心,他出了一场事故。
      • He had a car accident because he was careless.
      • He had a car accident for he was careless.
      • He had a car accident because of carelessness.
      • 引导词可以随便放,连词后面只能跟句子。
    • 4.目的状语从句
      • 表目的但不是状语从句:后面跟动词原形
      • to
      • in order that 后面加句子
      • so as to
      • 常见引导词:
      • so that 表示目的通常放在句末不放句首
      • in order that 随便放
      • 为了看得更远,我们跑得更高。
      • We will assend higher in order to overlooK further.
      • We will assend higher in order that we overlook farther.
      • further抽象距离的远,虽然睡在一张床上,但我感觉我们的距离越来越远了
    • 5.结果状语从句
      • 引导词:
      • so...that (so后面跟的是形容词或副词)
        • It feels so hot today that I wear my dress.
        • My mom proves so kind that she is respected by all colleagues.
        • 用so...that代替very
        • 作文中只要见到形容词或副词的地方,都可以写成so...that
      • such...that (such后面跟的是名词)
    • 6.让步状语从句
      • 常见引导词:前四个可以随便放
      • although
        • Raising pets can cultivate the loving heart of kids although they might be injurious to their families or neighbors.
      • though
      • even though
      • even if
      • as
        • as引导的让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首构成部分倒装。
        • As I love you.(love是实义动词写不成倒装)
        • As I seem ugly, I keep gentle. (有虽然的时候不能用但是,因为but是连词,也不能用however,与“虽然”语义重复。前面是从句,后面是主句,不能用but连接)
        • Ugly as I seem, I keep gentle.
        • Simple as the chart looks, the outlook behind proves far-reaching—— domestic products become increasingly popular with Chinese customer. 这个图表虽然看起来简单,但它向我们传达了一个道理——国货越来越受中国人的欢迎。
      • while
        • ★特殊用法:翻译成“虽然...尽管...”只能放在句首不能放在句中。
        • 翻译成“但是”只能放在句中间。
        • 翻译成“当...时候”后面只能跟进行时态。
      • 只要我翻译成“虽然...尽管...”都是让步状语从句。让步就是往后退一步,说话不要那么冲。
    • 7.方式状语从句
      • 常见引导词:
      • as
      • the way
      • as if/though
      • 这三个都是“好像;似乎”
      • She looks as if she were made of ice.(were虚拟语气,表示与事实相反)
      • She talks with me as if she were my mother.
      • by/through/by means of/in...way/in...manner(介词短语作状语)
    • 8.条件状语从句
      • 常见引导词:除了“unless”都翻译成“如果”
      • supposed that
      • supposing that
      • if
      • unless(=if not)
      • provided that
      • as long as
      • so long as
      • 只要有一丝希望,我也不会放弃。
      • If there seems a ghost of hope, I will never give up.
    • 9.比较状语从句
      • 常见引导词:
      • as...as比较结构(as后面跟从句)
      • 你看起来像我一样漂亮。
      • You are as beautiful as me.
      • You are as beautiful as I (am beautiful).
  • 状语和状语从句的考点分析——写作
    • 1.写作
    • 作文中因任何一句话的旁边都可以加一个状语把句子拉长😎
      • 我爱你。
      • I love you for my whole life.
      • Since last time I met you, I have loved you.
      • 你可以像猪一样生活,但是你永远不会像猪一样快乐。
      • One can live as if he were a pig conversely, he can never be as delighted as a pig.
    • 2.长难句分析
    • 第1步找主句谓语动词,第2步找连词看有无省略,第3步找定语,第4步找状语。
    • 能够快速识别状语,并且能够通顺的把它翻译出来🥳
      • 如何识别状语?
      • 一句话当中除了句子主干和定语以外,其他部分都可以认为是状语。只要在句子中见到以下一坨东西就是状语:副词、比较、条件、结果、原因、让步、目的、原因、方式、伴随
      • 如果时间出现在实义动词的后面,一定是状语。在分析长难句的时候,如果见到“名词 + 时间/地点”就要区别是定语还是状语。
      • I love a boy in Zhejiang University.
      • 在浙江大学,我爱上了一个男生。
      • ★在无法确定是定语还是状语的时候:定语优先原则。定语考得特别多,定语考得特别难。
      • The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.
      • 希腊人认为语言的结构和思维的过程有关系,早在人们意识到语言的多样性之前,这种观点在欧洲就扎根了。
      • Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.
      • 社会科学是一个知识研究的分支,这个分支试图理性、有序、系统以及冷静的方式来研究人类和他们的行为,这种方式也是科学家用来研究自然现象的。
      • The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.
      • 行为科学在乎缓慢地发展,部分是因为一些解释好像能够直接的观察到,部分还因为其他种类的解释很难找到。
      • Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such situations as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.
      • 传统上来说,在这些机构中,法律的学习被认为是律师所特有的行为,而不是一个受教育的人,知识储备的必备部分。
      • While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition(情感), it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.
      • 虽然我们在和年轻人接触的时候容易忽略我们的行为对他们情感的影响,但在和成年人接触的时候就不容易忽略我们的行为对他们情感的影响。
  • 句子所有成分大总结
    • 主干成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语
    • 修饰成分:同位语、定语、状语、补语
    • ★非谓语动词能够充当的成分从句都能充当,除了谓语不能充当什么都可以充当。
    • ★主语、宾语、同位语的句子成分一样。
    • ★介词短语可以做表语、定语、状语,看它在句子里面的位置。
    • ★可怜的副词只能做状语。
    • 举例:
    • 我妈妈是一个美丽的女人。
    • My mother is an elegant lady.
    • My mother is a lady of elegance.
    • My mother is a lady as elegant as a Lily.
    • My mother is a lady looking as elegant as a Lily.
    • My mother is a lady who looks as elegant as a Lily.
    • 她杀死了他的老公。
    • She killed her husband with a sharp knife.
    • She, applying a sharp knife, killed her husband.
    • When she applied a sharp knife, she killed her husband.
    • She killed her husband cruelly.
    • 我遇见你是我的荣幸。
    • It is my honor that I met you.
    • Meeting you is my honor.
    • 我的梦想是通过研究生考试。
    • My dream is passing the examination of postgraduates.
    • My dream is to pass the examination of postgraduate.
    • My dream is that I can pass the examination of post graduate.
    • 英语长难句的模样
      • (状语), 主语 (定语/同位语/状语) 谓语 宾语 (定语/同位语/状语)
      • ★as引导的定语从句也可以放在主语之前
      • 练习:拉长句子
      • 英语很重要。 English is vital.
      • 自己写:English is extremely vital for all the college students.
      • English, a universal language throughout the world, is vital although it is hard to recite those words.
      • 我要给你推荐一个旅游景点。 I will recommend you a tourist attraction.
      • 自己写: I, a college student, will recommend you a tourist attraction which is famous throughout the world.
      • I, a college student in this university, will recommend you a tourist attraction which keeps popular with Chinese travelers.
      • 例子:We are singing songs.
      • While we feel quite exhausted, we, as a matter of fact a group of vigorous university students who will take an important examination from Beijing University, are singing songs " If I were a Boy" because today is our teacher's birthday.
  • 比较结构的特殊用法(补充内容)★
    • as专题
    • as意思总结
      • as + n.:作为...
      • v. + ... + as:(例:look He as my teacher)此时as的意思取决于前面名词的意思
      • as + 句子 :as的意思可能是(as. + 句子,也可能是定语从句)
        • “当...的时候”
        • “因为...”
        • “虽然...;尽管...”
        • “好像/似乎...”
    • 练习
      • As a logical consequence of this development, separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership.
      • 作为这种发展的合理结果,不同的期刊现在主要要么以专业读者,要么是业余读者为目标。
      • As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States.
      • I shall define him as an individual who has elected (the activity of thinking in a Socratic way about moral problems) as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in a Socratic(苏格拉底的) way about moral problems.
      • 我将要把知识分子定义为一类人,这类人选择以苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题的活动,作为他生活中首要的责任和乐趣。
      • Tylor defined culture as “...that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”
      • 泰勒把文化定义成一个复杂的整体,这个整体包括了作为社会的成员,人所获得的信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗和任何其他的能力和习惯。
      • As is true of any development society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.(as相当于which,指后面的句子)
      • 就像在任何的发达国家一样,在美国一个文化信号、假设和传统的复杂体,构成了所有的社会关系。
      • Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients(接收者) lose interest as they plough through them.
      • ......当他们的接受者翻阅这些东西的时候,他们就失去兴趣了。
      • With other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent(愤恨) an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman.
      • 对于其他的听众,你不能用幽默打断他们的谈话,因为他们不喜欢一个外来人做出一些评论。
      • New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.
      • 将来,就像他们在过去一样,新的思维方式和新的思维主题,一定会出现,从而产生新的优雅的标准。
    • than专题
    • 1)not so much as = not even “甚至不/没有”
      • He cannot so much as spell a word.
        • 他甚至都不会拼写一个单词。
      • He did not so much as ask me to sit down.
        • 他甚至都没邀请我去坐一下。
    • 2)not so much A as B “与其说 A 倒不如说 B”
      • He is not so much a teacher as a poet.
        • 与其说他是一个老师,倒不如说他是一个诗人。
    • 3)more A than B “与其说 B 不如说 A ”
      • He is more a poet than a teacher.
        • 与其说他是一个诗人,不如说是一个老师。
    • 4)more than… 后加名词 “不仅仅是”
      • more than… 后加形容词/副词 “非常的”
      • more than… 后加数词 “多余” :30岁多余
    • 综合练习
    • 教师节就要来了,我借这次机会向给予我帮助的老师表示衷心的感谢。
    • Teacher's day approaching, I express my sincere appreciation to teachers who have given me assistance by this chance.
    • 生命很短暂这个事实已经被很多人接受了。
    • The truth has been a accepted by the maSS(普通人) that life become so short that every day should be valued.
    • 上课不集中精力而又希望通过考试的学生,往往会发现结果不令人满意。
    • Students who failed to concentrate in class but wish to pass examinations perceive that the consequence proves less impressive.
    • 为了实现我的梦想,我一直在思考我应不应该和男朋友分手。
    • I, in order to realize my dream, am considering whether I should depart with my boyfriend.
    • 在有学校的地方,司机应该缓行。
    • Where there exists a school, drivers should go slowly.

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  • http:my.oschina.netleejun2005blog136820刚看到群里又有同学在说HTTP协议下的Get请求参数长度是有大小限制的,最大不能超过XX ... [详细]
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    本文详细解释了Linux中的环境变量函数getenv、putenv、setenv和unsetenv的用法和功能。通过使用这些函数,可以获取、设置和删除环境变量的值。同时给出了相应的函数原型、参数说明和返回值。通过示例代码演示了如何使用getenv函数获取环境变量的值,并打印出来。 ... [详细]
  • Spring常用注解(绝对经典),全靠这份Java知识点PDF大全
    本文介绍了Spring常用注解和注入bean的注解,包括@Bean、@Autowired、@Inject等,同时提供了一个Java知识点PDF大全的资源链接。其中详细介绍了ColorFactoryBean的使用,以及@Autowired和@Inject的区别和用法。此外,还提到了@Required属性的配置和使用。 ... [详细]
  • SpringMVC接收请求参数的方式总结
    本文总结了在SpringMVC开发中处理控制器参数的各种方式,包括处理使用@RequestParam注解的参数、MultipartFile类型参数和Simple类型参数的RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver,处理@RequestBody注解的参数的RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor,以及PathVariableMapMethodArgumentResol等子类。 ... [详细]
  • Android实战——jsoup实现网络爬虫,糗事百科项目的起步
    本文介绍了Android实战中使用jsoup实现网络爬虫的方法,以糗事百科项目为例。对于初学者来说,数据源的缺乏是做项目的最大烦恼之一。本文讲述了如何使用网络爬虫获取数据,并以糗事百科作为练手项目。同时,提到了使用jsoup需要结合前端基础知识,以及如果学过JS的话可以更轻松地使用该框架。 ... [详细]
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