作者:888真人游戏官网1 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-18 11:56
I've looked at Blueprint, Less, and SCSS and none of them appear to do what I want. I find this difficult to believe because handling vendor prefixes is the most frustrating part of writing CSS, so it would appear to be to be the first problem anyone who writes a CSS framework ought to address.
I want to know, is there a framework (or rails gem) that I can use, that allows me to write border-radius:5px
and then let's me assume that it will create a rule with all the proper vendor prefixes?
我想知道,是否有一个框架(或rails gem)可以让我编写border-radius:5px,然后假设它将创建一个包含所有适当的供应商前缀的规则?
2 个解决方案