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superGlobalVar = $superGlobalVar;
        $this->authorReferrer = $authorReferrer;
        $this->dateReferrer   = $dateReferrer;
        $this->searchReferrer = $searchReferrer;
        $this->taxReferrer    = $taxReferrer;

     * Setter setSuperGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $superGlobalVar
     * @return $this
    public function setSuperGlobalVar($superGlobalVar)
        $this->superGlobalVar = $superGlobalVar;
        return $this;

     * Returns an array of super global variables.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->superGlobalVar
    public function getSuperGlobalVar()
        return $this->superGlobalVar;

     * Setter setAuthorReferrer
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $authorReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setAuthorReferrer($authorReferrer)
        $this->authorReferrer = $authorReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $authorReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->authorReferrer
    public function getAuthorReferrer()
        return $this->authorReferrer;

     * Setter setDateReferrer.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $dateReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setDateReferrer($dateReferrer)
        $this->dateReferrer = $dateReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $dateReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->dateReferrer
    public function getDateReferrer()
        return $this->dateReferrer;

     * Setter setSearchReferrer.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $searchReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setSearchReferrer($searchReferrer)
        $this->searchReferrer = $searchReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $searchReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->searchReferrer
    public function getSearchReferrer()
        return $this->searchReferrer;

     * Setter setTaxReferrer.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $taxReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setTaxReferrer($taxReferrer)
        $this->taxReferrer = $taxReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $taxReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->taxReferrer
    public function getTaxReferrer()
        return $this->$taxReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isAuthorReferrer()
        if ($this->authorReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->authorReferrer])) { 
            $isAuthorReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isAuthorReferrer = false;
        return $isAuthorReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isDateReferrer()
        if ($this->dateReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->dateReferrer])) { 
            $isDateReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isDateReferrer = false;
        return $isDateReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isSearchReferrer()
        if ($this->searchReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->searchReferrer])) { 
            $isSearchReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isSearchReferrer = false;
        return $isSearchReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isTaxReferrer()
        if ($this->taxReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->taxReferrer])) { 
            $isTaxReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isTaxReferrer = false;
        return $isTaxReferrer;

     * Conditional which check if the current post is a referred post.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isReferredPost()
        if ($this->isAuthorReferrer() || $this->isDateReferrer() || $this->isSearchReferrer() || $this->isTaxReferrer()) {
            $isReferredPost = true;
        } else {
            $isReferredPost = false;
        return $isReferredPost;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * an author archive page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $authorReferrerValue
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isAuthorReferrer()) {
            $authorReferrerValue = [$this->authorReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->authorReferrer]];
        } else {
            $authorReferrerValue = null;
        return $authorReferrerValue;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * a date archive page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $dateReferrerValue
    public function hasDateReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isDateReferrer()) {
            $dateReferrerValue = [$this->dateReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->dateReferrer]];
        } else {
            $dateReferrerValue = null;
        return $dateReferrerValue;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * a search page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $searchReferrerValue
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isSearchReferrer()) {
            $searchReferrerValue = [$this->searchReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->searchReferrer]];
        } else {
            $searchReferrerValue = null;
        return $searchReferrerValue;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * a taxonomy archive page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $taxReferrerValue
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isTaxReferrer()) {
            $taxReferrerValue = [$this->taxReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->taxReferrer]];
        } else {
            $taxReferrerValue = null;
        return $taxReferrerValue;



$b = new RequestReferrerHandler($_GET, 'aq', 'dq', 'sq', 'tq');
hasAuthorReferrerValue()); ?>
hasDateReferrerValue()); ?>
hasSearchReferrerValue()); ?>
hasTaxReferrerValue()); ?>

出于测试目的,您可以将类似的东西注入['aq' => '1']到类中而不是$_GET






handler = $handler;

    public function santizeAuthor() 
        $author = $this->handler->hasAuthorReferrerValue(); // Value will be either null or single key/value pair array. Example ['aq' => '1']

        if ($author) {
            $author = array_values($author);
            $author = ['author' => (int)htmlspecialchars($author[0])]; //Will output ['author' => 1]

        return $author; //Returns null or the array ['author' => 1]

    public function santizeDate() 
        $date = $this->handler->hasDateReferrerValue();

        if ($date) {
            // @TODO Still to work out

        return $date;


    public function queryArguments() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryArgs = null;

        if ($this->santizeAuthor()) {

            $queryArgs = $this->santizeAuthor();

        } elseif ($this->santizeDate) {

            $queryArgs = $this->santizeDate();

        } // etc
        return $queryArgs; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true



handler = $handler;

    public function santizeAuthor() 
        $author = $this->handler->hasAuthorReferrerValue(); // Value will be either null or single key/value pair array. Example ['aq' => '1']

        if ($author) {
            foreach ($author as $k=>$v)
                $author[htmlspecialchars($k)] = (int)htmlspecialchars($v);

        return $author; //Returns null or the array ['aq' => 1]

    public function santizeDate() 
        $date = $this->handler->hasDateReferrerValue();

        if ($date) {
            // @TODO Still to work out

        return $date;


    public function queryVars() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryVars = null;

        if ($this->santizeAuthor()) {

            $queryVars = $this->santizeAuthor();

        } elseif ($this->santizeDate) {

            $queryVars = $this->santizeDate();

        } // etc
        return $queryVars; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true





1> Crackertasti..:

查看您的代码,您肯定是一个良好的开端.在OOP编程时,您已经使用了一个好的经验法则 - 编程到接口,而不是实现. 通过术语接口,我不是仅指实际接口,而是指抽象类.


interface RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue();
    public function hasDateReferrerValue();
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue();
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue();

So long as this interface is implemented by the RequestReferrerHandler you can type hint the interface as the constructor requirements for ClassA and ClassB. But this isn't anything new because you were already doing this.

There are two things in particular that stand out at me as potential sore thumbs. First, since you want the responsibilities of your classes to be small, you should take the responsibility of providing data to the RequestReferrerHandler away from itself and give it to your Controller. In other words, do not inject $_GET into your class. Make sure your Controller has all the information it needs to properly create the RequestReferrerHandler Let's take a look at your RequestReferrerHandler class, flushed with all of the methods it will need.

class RequestReferrerHandler implements RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    private $author;
    private $date;
    private $search;
    private $tax;

    public function __construct($author = null, $date = null, $search = null, $tax = null)

    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue()
        return $this->author !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasDateReferrerValue()
        return $this->date !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasSearchReferrerValue()
        return $this->search !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasTaxReferrerValue()
        return $this->tax !== null ? true : false;

    public function getAuthorReferrer()
        return $this->author;

    public function getDateReferrer()
        return $this->date;

    public function getSearchReferrer()
        return $this->search;

    public function getTaxReferrer()
        return $this->tax;

    public function setAuthorReferrer($author)
        $this->author = $author;

    public function setDateReferrer($date)
        $this->date = $date;

    public function setSearchReferrer($search)
        $this->search = $search;

    public function setTaxReferrer($tax)
        $this->tax = $tax;

第二件事就是santize()方法.你看他们是如何在这两个复制ClassAClassB?该sanitizeAuthor()是两个阶级之间的不同,但对其余的怎么样?这是DRY (不要重复自己)原则可以帮助的情况.由于多个类可能必须以类似的方式清理数据,因此从类中抽象出来是有意义的.


interface SanitizerInterface
    public function sanitizeAuthor();
    public function sanitizeDate();
    public function sanitizeSearch();
    public function sanitizeTaxonomy();


abstract class AbstractSanitizer implements SanitizerInterface
    protected $handler;

    public function __construct() {}

    public function setHandler(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler)
        $this->handler = $handler;

    /* For this example we are saying that sanitizeDate(), sanitizeTaxonomy() and
     * sanitizeSearch() will be the same no matter what.  So let's implement them 
     * and leave the child classes to implement sanitizeAuthor(). 
     * Implement the details of the sanitizer function to fit your needs.

    public function sanitizeDate()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the date
            $sanitized = strtoupper($this->handler->getDateReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeSearch()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the search
            $sanitized = strtolower($this->handler->getSearchReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeTaxonomy()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the taxonomy
            $sanitized = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->handler->getTaxReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.\n";


Some things to take note of right off the bat. First, you'll notice there is the setHandler() method which accepts an instance of the RequestReferrerHandlerInterface. Why is this there? Convenience for the most part. Since we have taken the sanitizing behavior and encapsulated it into its own class it would be nice it we gave the sanitizer a way to update the concrete RequestReferrerHandler it is using with the updated output from a sanitize method.


interface RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue();
    public function hasDateReferrerValue();
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue();
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue();
    public function getAuthorReferrer();
    public function getDateReferrer();
    public function getSearchReferrer();
    public function getTaxReferrer();
    public function setAuthorReferrer($author);
    public function setDateReferrer($date);
    public function setSearchReferrer($search);
    public function setTaxReferrer($tax);


class SanitizerForClassA extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassA will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassA
            $sanitized = array("author" => $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassA makes author an array.\n";

class SanitizerForClassB extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassB will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassB
            $sanitized = new stdClass();
            $sanitized->author = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassB makes author an object property. \n";


继续,让我们来看看规格ClassAClassB.我们知道ClassA将需要该方法queryArguments(),ClassB将需要该方法,queryVars()并且这两个类将需要允许和实例a RequestReferrerHandlerInterfaceSanitizerInterface在其构造函数中.我们将使用一个接口处理构造函数需求,然后另外两个接口将扩展它以提供ClassA和所需的所有方法需求ClassB.

interface SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer);

interface QueryVarsInterface extends SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function queryVars();

interface QueryArgumentsInterface extends SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function queryArguments();


class ClassA implements QueryArgumentsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryArguments() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryArgs = null;
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryArgs; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true


class ClassB implements QueryVarsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryVars() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryVars = null;
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryVars; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true

There you have it, the ground work is built. You'll notice that in the constructors properties are set for the handler and sanitizer class that was given and then the sanitizer is given the reference to the handler. (Remember, the sanitizers have a reference to the handler so that sanitized properties in the handler are automatically updated. The individual classes don't need to worry about that now.)

So now the million dollar question is how to use this. Well, you need a controller that can accept ClassA and ClassB. We will type hint these by their respective interfaces as well.

class Controller
    public function __construct() {}

    public function doStuff(QueryArgumentsInterface $argsClass, QueryVarsInterface $varsClass)

在您的版本queryArguments()queryVars()您期望的退货值的清理数据.让我们插入一些数据,看看我们得到了什么. (注意:正如您已经发现我使用的所有消毒方法都没有做您正在做的事情,它们只是说明性的.)


//Create a controller that will use the classes
$cOntroller= new Controller();

//Now make use of your new shiny handlers and sanitizers
    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassB())


Sanitize author -> ClassA makes author an array.
array (size=1)
  'author' => string 'Mark Twain' (length=10)
Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.
string 'JANUARY 1ST, 1999' (length=17)
Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.
string 'ok google now!' (length=14)
Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.
string 'Super_Awesome_Taxonomy_Tables' (length=29)
Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.
string 'JANUARY 1ST, 1999' (length=17)
Sanitize author -> ClassB makes author an object property.
  public 'author' => string 'Mark Twain' (length=10)
Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.
string 'Super_Awesome_Taxonomy_Tables' (length=29)
Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.
string 'ok google now!' (length=14)

那么所有这些都让你付出了代价呢?简短的回答 - 复杂性.它花了4个接口,1个抽象类和一些具体的类来向屏幕输出一些数据.

What do you gain? Short answer - flexibility. In the future you may wish to add more classes that implement either the QueryVarsInterface or QueryArgumentsInterface. Consider these classes ClassC, ClassD and ClassE. All of these classes will need a sanitizer class to go with them (that is if SanitizerForClassA or SanitizerForClassB do not fit the bill) and it would be tedious to keep having to write sanitizer classes. Well, good thing for you, since you were programming to an interface all along, you won't have that problem. You can easily make a GenericSanitizer with a default implementation of the sanitizeAuthor() method. Use can use this class with Controller::doStuff() in any case where you don't need a specialized sanitizer class. You could just as easily implement different concrete classes of QueryArgumentInterface or QueryVarsInterface to test out experimental features you want to add without tampering with your current classes.

Hopefully this has given you some insight on some OOP principles. Here is a complete copy of all of the code above. Slap this in an empty PHP file and run it to see everything in action. Happy programming!

    handler = $handler;

    /* For this example we are saying that sanitizeDate(), sanitizeTaxonomy() and
     * sanitizeSearch() will be the same no matter what.  So let's implement them 
     * and leave the child classes to implement sanitizeAuthor(). 
     * Implement the details of the sanitizer function to fit your needs.

    public function sanitizeDate()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the date
            $sanitized = strtoupper($this->handler->getDateReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeSearch()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the search
            $sanitized = strtolower($this->handler->getSearchReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeTaxonomy()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the taxonomy
            $sanitized = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->handler->getTaxReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.\n";



class RequestReferrerHandler implements RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    private $author;
    private $date;
    private $search;
    private $tax;

    public function __construct($author = null, $date = null, $search = null, $tax = null)

    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue()
        return $this->author !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasDateReferrerValue()
        return $this->date !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasSearchReferrerValue()
        return $this->search !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasTaxReferrerValue()
        return $this->tax !== null ? true : false;

    public function getAuthorReferrer()
        return $this->author;

    public function getDateReferrer()
        return $this->date;

    public function getSearchReferrer()
        return $this->search;

    public function getTaxReferrer()
        return $this->tax;

    public function setAuthorReferrer($author)
        $this->author = $author;

    public function setDateReferrer($date)
        $this->date = $date;

    public function setSearchReferrer($search)
        $this->search = $search;

    public function setTaxReferrer($tax)
        $this->tax = $tax;

class SanitizerForClassA extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassA will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassA
            $sanitized = array("author" => $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassA makes author an array.\n";

class SanitizerForClassB extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassB will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassB
            $sanitized = new stdClass();
            $sanitized->author = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassB makes author an object property. \n";

class ClassA implements QueryArgumentsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryArguments() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryArgs = null;
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryArgs; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true


class ClassB implements QueryVarsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryVars() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryVars = null;
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryVars; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true

class Controller
    public function __construct() {}

    public function doStuff(QueryArgumentsInterface $argsClass, QueryVarsInterface $varsClass)


//Create a controller that will use the classes
$cOntroller= new Controller();

//Now make use of your new shiny handlers and sanitizers
    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassB())

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  • 向QTextEdit拖放文件的方法及实现步骤
    本文介绍了在使用QTextEdit时如何实现拖放文件的功能,包括相关的方法和实现步骤。通过重写dragEnterEvent和dropEvent函数,并结合QMimeData和QUrl等类,可以轻松实现向QTextEdit拖放文件的功能。详细的代码实现和说明可以参考本文提供的示例代码。 ... [详细]
  • android listview OnItemClickListener失效原因
    最近在做listview时发现OnItemClickListener失效的问题,经过查找发现是因为button的原因。不仅listitem中存在button会影响OnItemClickListener事件的失效,还会导致单击后listview每个item的背景改变,使得item中的所有有关焦点的事件都失效。本文给出了一个范例来说明这种情况,并提供了解决方法。 ... [详细]
  • 本文主要解析了Open judge C16H问题中涉及到的Magical Balls的快速幂和逆元算法,并给出了问题的解析和解决方法。详细介绍了问题的背景和规则,并给出了相应的算法解析和实现步骤。通过本文的解析,读者可以更好地理解和解决Open judge C16H问题中的Magical Balls部分。 ... [详细]
  • 在说Hibernate映射前,我们先来了解下对象关系映射ORM。ORM的实现思想就是将关系数据库中表的数据映射成对象,以对象的形式展现。这样开发人员就可以把对数据库的操作转化为对 ... [详细]
  • 本文讨论了一个关于cuowu类的问题,作者在使用cuowu类时遇到了错误提示和使用AdjustmentListener的问题。文章提供了16个解决方案,并给出了两个可能导致错误的原因。 ... [详细]
  • 在重复造轮子的情况下用ProxyServlet反向代理来减少工作量
    像不少公司内部不同团队都会自己研发自己工具产品,当各个产品逐渐成熟,到达了一定的发展瓶颈,同时每个产品都有着自己的入口,用户 ... [详细]
  • 个人学习使用:谨慎参考1Client类importcom.thoughtworks.gauge.Step;importcom.thoughtworks.gauge.T ... [详细]
  • springmvc学习笔记(十):控制器业务方法中通过注解实现封装Javabean接收表单提交的数据
    本文介绍了在springmvc学习笔记系列的第十篇中,控制器的业务方法中如何通过注解实现封装Javabean来接收表单提交的数据。同时还讨论了当有多个注册表单且字段完全相同时,如何将其交给同一个控制器处理。 ... [详细]
  • 前景:当UI一个查询条件为多项选择,或录入多个条件的时候,比如查询所有名称里面包含以下动态条件,需要模糊查询里面每一项时比如是这样一个数组条件:newstring[]{兴业银行, ... [详细]
  • 本文讨论了在手机移动端如何使用HTML5和JavaScript实现视频上传并压缩视频质量,或者降低手机摄像头拍摄质量的问题。作者指出HTML5和JavaScript无法直接压缩视频,只能通过将视频传送到服务器端由后端进行压缩。对于控制相机拍摄质量,只有使用JAVA编写Android客户端才能实现压缩。此外,作者还解释了在交作业时使用zip格式压缩包导致CSS文件和图片音乐丢失的原因,并提供了解决方法。最后,作者还介绍了一个用于处理图片的类,可以实现图片剪裁处理和生成缩略图的功能。 ... [详细]
  • 在springmvc框架中,前台ajax调用方法,对图片批量下载,如何弹出提示保存位置选框?Controller方法 ... [详细]
  • CEPH LIO iSCSI Gateway及其使用参考文档
    本文介绍了CEPH LIO iSCSI Gateway以及使用该网关的参考文档,包括Ceph Block Device、CEPH ISCSI GATEWAY、USING AN ISCSI GATEWAY等。同时提供了多个参考链接,详细介绍了CEPH LIO iSCSI Gateway的配置和使用方法。 ... [详细]
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