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First, I have checked these answers that do not help me : Swift JSON error, Could not cast value of type '__NSArrayM' (0x507b58) to 'NSDictionary' (0x507d74)


Get data from Firebase


When retrieving data from Firebase (3.x), I have an error that occurs which is :


Could not cast value of type '__NSArrayM' (0x10ca9fc30) to 'NSDictionary' (0x10caa0108).

with this code and tree :


Tree :

enter image description here

Retrieving function :


func retrievePlanes() {

    print("Retrieve Planes")

    ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference(withPath: "results")

    ref.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in

        var newItems: [Planes] = []

        for item in snapshot.children {
            let planesItem = Planes(snapshot: item as! FIRDataSnapshot)

        self.planes = newItems



Planes.swift - To manage the data

Planes.swift - 管理数据

import Foundation
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase

struct Planes {

    let key: String!
    let name: String!
    let code:String!
    let flightRange: Int?
    let typicalSeats: Int?
    let maxSeats: Int?
    let wingSpan: String!
    let takeoffLength: Int?
    let rateClimb: Int?
    let maxCruiseAltitude: Int?
    let cruiseSpeed: String!
    let landingLength: Int?
    let engines: String!
    let votes: Int?
    let data: String!
    let imagePlane:String!
    let imageTakenFrom: String!
    let ref: FIRDatabaseReference?

    init(name: String, code: String, flightRange: Int, typicalSeats: Int, maxSeats: Int, wingSpan: String, takeoffLength: Int, rateClimb: Int, maxCruiseAltitude: Int, cruiseSpeed: String, landingLength: Int, engines: String, votes: Int, data: String, imagePlane: String, imageTakenFrom: String, key: String = "") {

        self.key = key
        self.name = name
        self.code = code
        self.flightRange = flightRange
        self.typicalSeats = typicalSeats
        self.maxSeats = maxSeats
        self.wingSpan = wingSpan
        self.takeoffLength = takeoffLength
        self.rateClimb = rateClimb
        self.maxCruiseAltitude = maxCruiseAltitude
        self.cruiseSpeed = cruiseSpeed
        self.landingLength = landingLength
        self.engines = engines
        self.votes = votes
        self.data = data
        self.imagePlane = imagePlane
        self.imageTakenFrom = imageTakenFrom
        self.ref = nil


    init(snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) {

        ref = snapshot.ref
        key = snapshot.key
        let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]
        name = snapshotValue["name"] as! String
        code = snapshotValue["code"] as! String
        flightRange = snapshotValue["intFlightRange"] as? Int
        typicalSeats = snapshotValue["intTypicalSeats"] as? Int
        maxSeats = snapshotValue["intMaxSeats"] as? Int
        wingSpan = snapshotValue["wingSpan"] as! String
        takeoffLength = snapshotValue["intTakeoffLength"] as? Int
        rateClimb = snapshotValue["intRateClimb"] as? Int
        maxCruiseAltitude = snapshotValue["intMaxCruiseAltitude"] as? Int
        cruiseSpeed = snapshotValue["cruiseSpeed"] as! String
        landingLength = snapshotValue["intLandingLength"] as? Int
        engines = snapshotValue["engines"] as! String
        votes = snapshotValue["votes"] as? Int
        data = snapshotValue["data"] as! String
        imagePlane = snapshotValue["planeImage"] as! String
        imageTakenFrom = snapshotValue["imageTakenFrom"] as! String

on the line : let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]

在线:让snapshotValue = snapshot.value为! [字符串:AnyObject]

I suppose that is due to the snapshot value that can't be retrieved under [String:AnyObject] because of the Int below. (It is working when I only have String in another case).

我想这是由于在[String:AnyObject]下无法检索的快照值,因为下面的Int。 (当我在另一个案例中只有String时,它正在工作)。

I also know that Firebase "converts" the JSON tree to these objects [link]:


  • NSString
  • NSNumber
  • NSArray
  • NSDictionnary

but I can't figure out what has to be changed in the snapshot.value line to make it work.


Thanks for your help.


EDIT : I just sent a troubleshooting request. Will post updates. EDIT 2: See Jay's answer. In my case the tree was wrong.


4 个解决方案



I took your code and shrunk it down a bit for testing, and it's working. (note Firebase 2.x on OS X and Swift 3 but the code is similar)

我拿了你的代码并将其缩小了一点以进行测试,并且它正在工作。 (注意OS X和Swift 3上的Firebase 2.x,但代码类似)

Firebase structure:

  "what-am" : {
    "results" : [ {
      "code" : "738/B738",
      "data" : "Boeing",
      "engines" : "Rolls"
    }, {
      "code" : "727/B727",
      "data" : "Boeing",
      "engines" : "Pratt"
    } ]

Here's the Planes struct


struct Planes {

    var code:String!
    var data: String!
    var engines: String!

    init(code: String, data: String, engines: String ) {

        self.code = code
        self.data = data
        self.engines = engines

    init(snapshot: FDataSnapshot) {

        let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]

        code = snapshotValue["code"] as! String
        data = snapshotValue["data"] as! String
        engines = snapshotValue["engines"] as! String

and then the code that reads in two planes, populates and array and then prints the array.


let ref = self.myRootRef.child(byAppendingPath: "what-am/results")!

ref.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in

        if ( snapshot!.value is NSNull ) {
            print("not found")
        } else {

            var newItems: [Planes] = []

            for item in (snapshot?.children)! {
                let planesItem = Planes(snapshot: item as! FDataSnapshot)

            self.planes = newItems


and finally the output


[Swift_Firebase_Test.Planes(code: 738/B738, data: Boeing, engines: Rolls),
 Swift_Firebase_Test.Planes(code: 727/B727, data: Boeing, engines: Pratt)]

Key and name are nil as I removed then from the Planes structure.


The line you asked about


let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]

is valid as the snapshot contains a series of key:value pairs so String:AnyObject works.


This line changed due to Swift 3

由于Swift 3,此行已更改

for item in (snapshot?.children)!

but other than that, the code works.


Try this to ensure you are reading the correct node. This reads the above structure and prints out each engine type. (tested and works)

试试这个以确保您正在读取正确的节点。这将读取上述结构并打印出每种引擎类型。 (测试和工作)

 let ref = self.myRootRef.child(byAppendingPath: "what-am/results")!
 ref.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
      if ( snapshot!.value is NSNull ) {
           print("not found")
      } else {
           for child in (snapshot?.children)! {
                let snap = child as! FDataSnapshot
                let dict = snap.value as! [String: String]
                let engines = dict["engines"]



I think you are having an extra array in your results key-value on the firebase data.


  • You should try removing that array or


  • You may retrieve dictionary from first index of the array like;


    // .. your code
    let snapshotValue = (snapshot.value as! [AnyObject])[0] as! [String:AnyObject];
    // .. your code



In your struct class make sure of these things:-

在你的struct类中确保这些东西: -

  • Avoid declaring your variables as :Int? because that's practically nil, change them to :Int!


  • Your key in your firebase is an Int and you are declaring your key in struct as let key: String!, Change it to let key: Int!

    你的firebase中的密钥是一个Int,你在struct中声明你的密钥,因为let:String !,把它更改为let key:Int!

  • Prefer your snapshot dictionary declaration as let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [AnyHashable:Any] (as per swift 3)

    首选快照字典声明,因为snapshotValue = snapshot.value为! [AnyHashable:Any](根据swift 3)

Then your init function to :-

然后你的init函数: -

Just change the line


let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]


let snapshotValue = (snapshot.value as! NSArray)[0] as! [String:AnyObject]



update FIRDataSnapshot to DataSnapshot Swift 4

将FIRDataSnapshot更新为DataSnapshot Swift 4

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