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This question already has an answer here:


  • Java : how to add 10 mins in my Time 8 answers
  • Java:如何在我的Time 8答案中添加10分钟

  • How can I read and parse a date and time in Android? 2 answers
  • 如何在Android中阅读和解析日期和时间? 2个答案

I am calling an API and as per the guidelines calling it every time is inefficient as the data does not change that regularly. They recommend calling it once and then not polling until 10 minutes has passed.


I am calling this from an Android app and so I want to store the current date plus 10 minutes. I do this like so:


Date forecastRefreshDate = new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 10);
editor.putString("ForecastRefreshDate", forecastRefreshDate.toString());

So now when this code is run again it needs to check if the current time (new Date()) is > the value saved in the cache/app file.

所以现在再次运行此代码时,需要检查当前时间(new Date())是否>缓存/ app文件中保存的值。

How do I create a Date variable equal to the value stored in the cache as a String?


5 个解决方案


Convert date to epoch time, which is a number of milliseconds stored as a long. Store long as string and parse back into long when needed.


long epoch = date.getTime(); //where date is your Date
String yourString = Long.toString(epoch); //to string for storage
long time = Long.valueOf(yourString).longValue(); ; //back to epoch
Date originaldate = new Date(Long.parseLong(time)); //back to date


When dealing with time, which is needed only internally to measure time periods, It is much better to store timestamps as long value (millis sicne 1.1.1970 UTC).

处理时间时,只需要在内部测量时间段,最好将时间戳存储为长值(millis sicne 1.1.1970 UTC)。

Use long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()

使用long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()

If a String storage is neccesary simply convert the Long to a String.


String timeStampStr = String.parseLong(timeStamp);

Do not use Date.toString for other things than for logging or debugging. The toString() representation may be different in other countries. If a human readable timestamp string is needed you have to specify a Specific DateFormat, see also DateFormatter.

除了记录或调试之外,不要使用Date.toString。 toString()表示在其他国家可能有所不同。如果需要人类可读的时间戳字符串,则必须指定特定的DateFormat,另请参见DateFormatter。


Parsing a long it the most efficent way, however there may be cases that you have already formatted a date to some other format and want to parse that. Then you should use this


private static final String format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
private static final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.ENGLISH);
private Calendar dateTime = Calendar.getInstance();

public void setDateTime(String dateTimeString) {
    try {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
         // Dummy handled exception

Parse a long containing milliseconds since epoch


Date date = new Date(Long.parseLong(timeInMillisecondsString));


For date conversions you can use DateFormat class - read about parse method

对于日期转换,您可以使用DateFormat类 - 阅读有关解析方法的信息


Since you're using a plain toString() it should be coverable using a SimpleDateFormat.


Try this:

DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat();
Date myDate = dateFormat.parse(myDateString);

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