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I am trying to set the array keys as a strings like in the example below, but inC#.


6 个解决方案



The closest you get in C# is Dictionary:

最接近c#的是Dictionary :

var dict = new Dictionary();
dict["key_name"] = "value1";

Note that a Dictionary is not the same as PHP's associative array, because it is only accessible by one type of key (TKey -- which is string in the above example), as opposed to a combination of string/integer keys (thanks to Pavel for clarifying this point).

注意,Dictionary 与PHP的关联数组不同,因为它只能由一种类型的键(TKey——在上面的示例中是字符串)访问,而不是字符串/整数键的组合(感谢Pavel澄清了这一点)。

That said, I've never heard a .NET developer complain about that.


In response to your comment:


// The number of elements in headersSplit will be the number of ':' characters
// in line + 1.
string[] headersSplit = line.Split(':');

string hname = headersSplit[0];

// If you are getting an IndexOutOfRangeException here, it is because your
// headersSplit array has only one element. This tells me that line does not
// contain a ':' character.
string hvalue = headersSplit[1];



Uhm I'm guessing you want a dictionary:


using System.Collections.Generic;

// ...

var dict = new Dictionary();
dict["key_name1"] = "value1";
dict["key_name2"] = "value2";
string aValue = dict["key_name1"];



You could use a Dictionary:

可以使用字典 :

Dictionary dictiOnary= new Dictionary();
dictionary["key_name"] = "value1";



Try a dictionary:


var dictiOnary= new Dictionary();
dictionary.Add("key_name", "value1");



You can also use a KeyedCollection http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms132438%28v=vs.110%29.aspx where your value is a complex type and has a unique property.

您还可以使用KeyedCollection http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms132438%28v=vs.110%29.aspx,其中您的值是复杂类型并具有惟一属性。

You have your collection inherit from KeyedCollection, example ...


    public class BlendStates : KeyedCollection

This requires you to override the GetKeyForItem method.


    protected override string GetKeyForItem(BlendState item)
        return item.DebugName;

Then, in this example, the collection is indexed by string (the debug name of the BlendState):


    OutputMerger.BlendState = BlendStates["Transparent"];



Since everyone else said dictionary, I decided I would answer with 2 arrays. One array would be an index into the other.


You didn't really specify the data type that you would find at a particular index so I went ahead and chose string for my example.


You also didn't specify if you wanted to be able to resize this later. If you do, you would use List instead of T [] where T is the type and then just expose some public methods for add for each list if desired.

您也没有指定是否要在以后调整大小。如果您这样做,您将使用List 而不是T[],其中T是类型,然后如果需要,只需公开一些公共方法来为每个列表添加。

Here is how you could do it. This could also be modified to pass in the possible indexes to the constructor or make it however you would do it.


class StringIndexable
//you could also have a constructor pass this in if you want.
       public readonly string[] possibleIndexes = { "index1", "index2","index3" };
    private string[] rowValues;
    public StringIndexable()
        rowValues = new string[ColumnTitles.Length];

    /// Will Throw an IndexOutofRange Exception if you mispell one of the above column titles
    public string this [string index]
        get { return getOurItem(index); }
        set { setOurItem(index, value); }


    private string getOurItem(string index)
        return rowValues[possibleIndexes.ToList().IndexOf(index.ToLower())];

    private void setOurItem(string index, string value)
        rowValues[possibleIndexes.ToList().IndexOf(index.ToLower())] = value;


You would then call it like so :


  StringIndexable YourVar = new YourVar();
  YourVar["index1"] = "stuff";
  string myvar = YourVar["index1"];

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