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Is there a way to detect if a key is currently down in Javascript?


I know about the "keydown" event, but that's not what I need. Some time AFTER the key is pressed, I want to be able to detect if it is still pressed down.


P. S. The biggest issue seems to be that after some period of time the key begins to repeat, firing off keydown and keyup events like a fiend. Hopefully there is just a simple isKeyDown(key) function, but if not then this issue will need to be overcome / worked around.


11 个解决方案



Is there a way to detect if a key is currently down in Javascript?


Nope. The only possibility is monitoring each keyup and keydown and remembering.


after some period of time the key begins to repeat, firing off keydown and keyup events like a fiend.


It shouldn't. You'll definitely get keypress repeating, and in many browsers you'll also get repeated keydown, but if keyup repeats, it's a bug.


Unfortunately it is not a completely unheard-of bug: on Linux, Chromium, and Firefox (when it is being run under GTK+, which it is in popular distros such as Ubuntu) both generate repeating keyup-keypress-keydown sequences for held keys, which are impossible to distinguish from someone hammering the key really fast.




In addition to using keyup and keydown listeners to track when is key goes down and back up, there are actually some properties that tell you if certain keys are down.


window.Onmousemove= function (e) {
  if (!e) e = window.event;
  if (e.shiftKey) {/*shift is down*/}
  if (e.altKey) {/*alt is down*/}
  if (e.ctrlKey) {/*ctrl is down*/}
  if (e.metaKey) {/*cmd is down*/}

This are available on all browser generated event objects, such as those from keydown, keyup, and keypress, so you don't have to use mousemove.


I tried generating my own event objects with document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') and document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') and looking for e.shiftKey and such, but I had no luck.


I'm using Chrome 17 on Mac

我在Mac电脑上使用Chrome 17



My solution:


var keys = {};
window.Onkeyup= function(e) { keys[e.keyCode] = false; }
window.Onkeydown= function(e) { keys[e.keyCode] = true; }

I can now check if any key is pressed anywhere else in the script by checking


keys["code of the key"]

If it's true, the key is pressed.




I don't believe there is anything like an isKeyDown function, but you could write your own.


Basically, create an array whose length is the number of keys you want to monitor. Then using the documents/pages/controls keyUp and keyDown events, update the array with that key's state.

基本上,创建一个数组,它的长度是要监视的键的数量。然后使用document /pages/controls keyUp和keyDown事件,使用该键的状态更新数组。

Then write a function that checks if a certain key is down and returns a bool.


var keyEnum = { W_Key:0, A_Key:1, S_Key:2, D_Key:3 };
var keyArray = new Array(4);

function onKeyDown()
    // Detect which key was pressed
    if( key == 'w' )
        keyArray[keyEnum.W_Key] = true;
    // Repeat for each key you care about...

function onKeyUp()
    // Detect which key was released
    if( key == 'w' )
        keyArray[keyEnum.W_Key] = false;
    // Repeat for each key you care about...

function isKeyDown(key)
    return keyArray[key];

That should accomplish what you want.




Other people have asked this kind of question before (though I don't see any obvious dupes here right now).


I think the answer is that the keydown event (and its twin keyup) are all the info you get. Repeating is wired pretty firmly into the operating system, and an application program doesn't get much of an opportunity to query the BIOS for the actual state of the key.


What you can do, and perhaps have to if you need to get this working, is to programmatically de-bounce the key. Essentially, you can evaluate keydown and keyup yourself but ignore a keyupevent if it takes place too quickly after the last keydown... or essentially, you should delay your response to keyup long enough to be sure there's not another keydown event following with something like 0.25 seconds of the keyup.


This would involve using a timer activity, and recording the millisecond times for previous events. I can't say it's a very appealing solution, but...




Tracks what keys are currently down on the keyboard

function keyboard_module(onUpdate){
    var kb = {};
    var unicode_mapping = {};
    document.Onkeydown= function(e){
        var unicode=e.charCode? e.charCode : e.keyCode
        var key = getKey(unicode);
        kb[key] = true;

    document.Onkeyup= function(e){
        var unicode=e.charCode? e.charCode : e.keyCode
        var key = getKey(unicode);
        delete kb[key];

    function getKey(unicode){
            var key = unicode_mapping[unicode];
            var key= unicode_mapping[unicode] = String.fromCharCode(unicode);
        return key;
    return kb;

function testing(kb){
    console.log('These are the down keys', kb);

var keyboard = keyboard_module(testing);

//somewhere else in the code
if(keyboard['K']){/*do something special */}



The following code is what I'm using:


var altKeyDownCount = 0;
window.Onkeydown= function (e) {
    if (!e) e = window.event;
    if (e.altKey) {
        if (30 

When the user keeps holding down the Alt key for some time (about 2 seconds), a group of labels (class='key hidden') appears. When the Alt key is released, the labels disappear. jQuery and Bootstrap are both used.

当用户按住Alt键一段时间(大约2秒)时,会出现一组标签(class='key hidden')。当Alt键被释放时,标签就会消失。jQuery和Bootstrap都使用过。



Look at this answer, and use onkeyup and onkeydown. Here is more specific info about those events.




I know this is very old question, however there is a very lightweight (~.5Kb) Javascript library that effectively "patches" the inconsistent firing of keyboard event handlers when using the DOM API.

我知道这是一个非常古老的问题,但是有一个非常轻量级(~. 5kb)的Javascript库,它在使用DOM API时有效地“修补”了键盘事件处理程序不一致的触发。

The library is Keydrown.


Here's the operative code sample that has worked well for my purposes by just changing the key on which to set the listener:


kd.P.down(function () {
  console.log('The "P" key is being held down!');

kd.P.up(function () {

// This update loop is the heartbeat of Keydrown
kd.run(function () {

I've incorporated Keydrown into my client-side Javascript for a proper pause animation in a Red Light Green Light game I'm writing. You can view the entire game here. (Note: If you're reading this in the future, the game should be code complete and playable :-D!)


I hope this helps.




Ended up here to check if there was something builtin to the browser already, but it seems there isn't. This is my solution (very similar to Robert's answer):


"use strict";

let is_key_down = (() => {
    let state = {};

    window.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => state[e.key] = false);
    window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => state[e.key] = true);

    return (key) => state.hasOwnProperty(key) && state[key] || false;

You can then check if a key is pressed with is_key_down('ArrowLeft').




$('#mytextbox').keydown(function (e) {
            if (e.keyCode == 13) {
                if (e.altKey) {
                    alert("alt is pressed");

if you press alt + enter, you will see the alert.

如果你按alt + enter,你会看到警报。

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