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a7f4a3f590493a1e451dd952a488fd7c.gif 计算机科学概论(第9版)Lecture_slide07.ppt




19.9 积分

Software EngineeringChapter 7(from text book)Why Software Engineering?Software development is hard !Important to distinguish “easy” systems (one developer, one user, experimental use only) from “hard” systems (multiple developers, multiple users, products)Experience with “easy” systems is misleadingOne person techniques do not scale upAnalogy with bridge building:Over a stream = easy, one person jobOver River Severn … ? (the techniques do not scale) Why Software Engineering ?The problem is complexityMany sources, but size is key:UNIX contains 4 million lines of codeWindows 2000 contains 108 lines of codeSoftware engineering is about managing this complexity.Recommended Course TextbooksSommerville I. (2001,2004) Software Engineering 6th or 7th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, Essex,UKStevens P. with Pooley, R. (2000) Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, Essex, UKIntroducing Asml (2001) Microsoft corporation  Sommerville + StevensBundleFAQs about software engineeringWhat is software?software process?software engineering?software process model?What is software engineering?What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?between software engineering and system engineering?What is software?Computer programs and associated documentationSoftware products may be developed for a particular customer or may be developed for a general marketSoftware products may beGeneric - developed to be sold to a range of different customersBespoke (custom) - developed for a single customer according to their specification What is software engineering?Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software productionSoftware engineers should adopt a systematic and organised approach to their work use appropriate tools and techniques depending on the problem to be solved, the development constraints and the resources availableWhat is the difference between software engineering and computer science?Computer ScienceSoftware Engineeringis concerned withComputer science theories are currently insufficient to act as a complete underpinning for software engineering, BUT it is a foundation for practical aspects of software engineering theory fundamentalsthe practicalities of developingdelivering useful softwareWhat is the difference between software engineering and system engineering?Software engineering is part of System engineeringSystem engineering is concerned with all aspects of computer-based systems development including hardware, software and process engineeringSystem engineers are involved in system specification, architectural design, integration and deploymentWhat is a software process?A set of activities whose goal is the development or evolution of softwareGeneric activities in all software processes are:Specification - what the system should do and its development const。省略部分。 Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other people’s computers. Computer misuse ranges from relatively trivial (game playing on an employer’s machine, say) to extremely serious (dissemination of viruses). ACM/IEEE Code of EthicsThe professional societies in the US have co-operated to produce a code of ethical practice.Members of these organisations sign up to the code of practice when they join.The Code contains eight Principles related to the behaviour of and decisions made by professional software engineers, including practitioners, educators, managers, supervisors and policy makers, as well as trainees and students of the profession. Code of ethics - principles1. PUBLIC Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest.2. CLIENT AND EMPLOYER Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest.3. PRODUCT Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible.Code of ethics - principles4,JUDGMENT Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgement.5. MANAGEMENT Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance.6. PROFESSION Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.Code of ethics - principles7. COLLEAGUES Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.8. SELF Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.Key pointsSoftware engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software production.Software products consist of developed programs and associated documentation. Essential product attributes are maintainability, dependability, efficiency and usability.The software process consists of activities which are involved in developing software products. Basic activities are software specification, development, validation and evolution.Methods are organised ways of producing software. They include suggestions for the process to be followed, the notations to be used, rules governing the system descriptions which are produced and design guidelines.Key pointsCASE tools are software systems which are designed to support routine activities in the software process such as editing design diagrams, checking diagram consistency and keeping track of program tests which have been run.Software engineers have responsibilities to the engineering profession and society. They should not simply be concerned with technical issues.Professional societies publish codes of conduct which set out the standards of behaviour expected of their members.Questions 关 键 词: 概论 slide07 slide 07 计算机科学 lecture

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