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But in my Index.js, the jQuery.mobile disappears:


require([], function (view) {
    console.log(jQuery.mobile === undefined && 'undefined!'); // prints 'undefined!'

How do I bring mobile back to jQuery ? (I obviously don't care about having some mobile in jQuery, but interested in using jQuery Mobile with RequireJS.. just to make it clear..)

如何将移动设备带回jQuery? (我显然不关心在jQuery中使用一些移动设备,但是对使用带有RequireJS的jQuery Mobile感兴趣...只是为了说清楚..)

Edit 1:

I tried to add require to Index.js:


console.log(jQuery.mobile === undefined && 'undefined!'); // prints 'undefined!'
require(['/Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js', '/Scripts/jquery.mobile-1.2.0.min.js'],
    function (jQuery,jqm, view) {

    console.log(jQuery.mobile === undefined && 'undefined!'); // prints 'undefined!'

4 个解决方案



How did you manage to load index.js?
RequireJS adds .js to a file so instead of /comp/pages/Index.js you should use /comp/pages/Index:

你是如何设法加载index.js的? RequireJS将.js添加到文件中,而不是/comp/pages/Index.js,你应该使用/ comp / pages / Index:



I'm assuming you've setup RequireJS and jQuery correctly.


In your Index.js file you need to require the jQuery and jQuery mobile files; for example:


require ("/Scripts/jquery");
require ("/Scripts/jquery.mobile");

I will also point out that you should rename your files so that version numbers are not included in the filename - this will allow you to update to newer releases without having to change your code.

我还要指出,您应该重命名文件,以便版本号不包含在文件名中 - 这样您就可以更新到更新的版本,而无需更改代码。



Try an older version of jQuery Mobile to start with.

尝试使用旧版本的jQuery Mobile。

jQuery 1.8.2 won't work with RequireJS, and it can be the case with the latest version of jQuery Mobile as well.

jQuery 1.8.2不能与RequireJS一起使用,并且最新版本的jQuery Mobile也是如此。

You also have to make sure you require the jQuery and jQuery mobile JS files in your code.

您还必须确保在代码中需要jQuery和jQuery mobile JS文件。

I think you should check out this thread: How do I use requireJS and jQuery together?





This is my workaround, since up to date, I found no solution to it: I save the global jQuery object/function right after including it in the HTML, in a global variable myGlobalObject:


And then I define new file, jq.js, that returns this global object in the form that RequireJS is familiar with:


    return myGlobalObject.jQuery;

And whenever I need it, I use this "intermediate" module:


require(['/content/jq.js'], function ($) {

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