3、 安装数据库,26.137 --> mysql 5.7 下载后数据库文件为: jeesns\jeesns-web\database\jeesns.sql
#创建数据库和导入sql语句 mysql -uroot -p -e &#39;create database jeesns character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;&#39; mysql -uroot -p jeesns < /root/downloadFile/jeesns.sql
&#61;分割线 如果构建的时候报错ERROR: Failed to parse POMs&#xff0c; java.io.IOException: Cannot run program “java” (in directory “/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/hellomaven”): error&#61;2, No such file or directory 参考《Jenkins编译过程中出现ERROR_ Failed to parse POMs错误》https://www.cnblogs.com/douyi/p/11584513.html 在全局变量中添加java_home的环境变量即可。
安装插件Deploy to container Plugin
如果不用shell的scp传文件到tomcat下的webapps &#xff0c;可使用Deploy to container Plugin 。
This post discusses an issue encountered while using the @name annotation in documentation generation, specifically regarding nested class processing and unexpected output. ...