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Java 中的 Java.net.Authenticator 类

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-net-authenticator-class-Java/


  1. 创建一个扩展验证器的类。让我们将其命名为 customAuth。

  2. 重写 getPasswordAuthentication()方法。此方法包含获取请求身份验证的实体的详细信息的几种方法。所有这些方法将在后面详细讨论。

  3. Set the newly created subclass as the default authenticator to be used when a http server asks for authentcation, with setDefault(Authenticator a) method of Authenticator class.


    1. 设置默认值(认证者 a) : 设置当 HTTP 服务器需要认证时使用的认证者。

      Syntax : public static void setDefault(Authenticator a)
      throws SecurityException
      Parameter :
      a : authenticator to be set as default
      Throws :
      SecurityException : if security manager doesn't allow
      setting default authenticator


    2. requestPasswordAuthentication() : Asks the authenticator registered with the system for password. Returns username/password or null if not found.

      Syntax :
      public static PasswordAuthentication requestPasswordAuthentication(
      InetAddress addr,
      int port,
      String protocol,
      String prompt,
      String scheme)
      Parameter :
      addr : Inet address of the site asking for authentication
      port : port of requesting site
      protocol : protocol used for connection
      prompt : message for the user
      scheme : authentication scheme
      Throws :
      SecurityException : if security manager doesn't allow
      setting password authentication.


      另一种重载方法,可以在 inetaddress 不可用时使用主机名的情况下使用。

      Syntax :
      public static PasswordAuthentication requestPasswordAuthentication(
      String host,
      InetAddress addr,
      int port,
      String protocol,
      String prompt,
      String scheme)
      Parameter :
      host : hostname of the site asking for authentication
      addr : Inet address of the site asking for authentication
      port : port of requesting site
      protocol : protocol used for connection
      prompt : message for the user
      scheme : authentication scheme
      Throws :
      SecurityException : if security manager doesn't allow
      setting password authentication.


      另一种重载方法,如果请求身份验证的站点的 URL 是已知的,而不是地址和主机名,则可以使用这种方法。

      Syntax :
      public static PasswordAuthentication requestPasswordAuthentication(
      String host,
      InetAddress addr,
      int port,
      String protocol,
      String prompt,
      URL url,
      String scheme)
      Parameter :
      host : hostname of the site asking for authentication
      addr : Inet address of the site asking for authentication
      port : port of requesting site
      protocol : protocol used for connection
      prompt : message for the user
      url : URL of the site requesting authentication
      scheme : authentication scheme
      Throws :
      SecurityException : if security manager doesn't allow
      setting password authentication.


    3. getRequestingHost() :返回请求身份验证的站点的主机名。

      Syntax : protected final String getRequestingHost()


    4. getRequestingSite() :返回请求认证的站点的地址。

      Syntax : protected final InetAddress getRequestingSite()


    5. getRequestingPort() :返回连接的端口。

      Syntax : protected final int getRequestingPort()


    6. getRequestingProtocol() :返回请求连接的协议。

      Syntax : protected final String getRequestingProtocol()


    7. getrequestingrompt():返回请求者提示的消息。

      Syntax : protected final String getRequestingPrompt()


    8. getRequestingScheme() :返回请求站点的方案。

      Syntax : protected final String getRequestingScheme()


    9. getpassword authentication():需要密码验证时调用此方法。所有子类都必须重写此方法,因为默认方法总是返回 null。

      Syntax : protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()


    10. getRequestingURL() :返回请求者的 URL。

      Syntax : protected final URL getRequestingURL()


    11. getRequestorType() :如果请求者是代理或者服务器,返回。

      Syntax : protected Authenticator.RequestorType getRequestorType()


    Java 实现:

    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.net.Authenticator;
    import java.net.InetAddress;
    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
    import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
    import java.net.URL;

    public class javanetauthenticator 
        public static void main(String[] args) 

    try {

    // setDefault() method
                // Sets the authenticator that will be used by the networking code
                // when a proxy or an HTTP server asks for authentication.
                Authenticator.setDefault(new CustomAuthenticator());

    URL url = new URL("http://securedwebsite.co.in/index.htm");

    // read text returned by server
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));

    String line;
                while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {

    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                System.out.println("Malformed URL: " + e.getMessage());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("I/O Error: " + e.getMessage());


    public static class CustomAuthenticator extends Authenticator 

    // getPasswordAuthentication() method
            // Called when password authorization is needed
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() 

    // requestPasswordAuthentication() method
                // uncomment this if default authenticator is registered with
                // the system
                // PasswordAuthentication pa=requestPasswordAuthentication
                // (inetaddr, port, protocol, prompt, scheme);

    // getRequestingPrompt() method
                String prompt = getRequestingPrompt();

    // getRequestingHost() method
                String hostname = getRequestingHost();

    // getRequestingSite() method
                InetAddress ipaddr = getRequestingSite();

    // getRequestingPort() method
                int port = getRequestingPort();

    // getRequestingProtocol() method
                String protocol = getRequestingProtocol();

    // getRequestingScheme() method
                String scheme = getRequestingScheme();

    // getRequestingURL() method
                URL u = getRequestingURL();

    // getRequestorType() method
                RequestorType rtype = getRequestorType();

    System.out.println("prompt:" + prompt);
                System.out.println("hostname:" + hostname);
                System.out.println("ipaddress:" + ipaddr);
                System.out.println("port:" + port);
                System.out.println("protocolo:" + protocol);
                System.out.println("scheme:" + scheme);
                System.out.println("URL:" + u);
                System.out.println("Requester Type:" + rtype);

    // hardcoded username and password to be used
                // this part can be replaced by an interactive code
                // to take uid and pwd form user
                String username = "admin";
                String password = "admin1";

    // Return the information (a data holder that is used by
                // Authenticator)
                return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray());



    注意:这个程序只是为了解释 Authenticator 类程序的流程。程序中使用的网址是随机选择的,不代表任何实际的网址。这个程序只是展示了如何使用 Authenticator 类的方法。通过将网址更改为需要验证才能进入的服务器来测试该程序。

    参考: 官方 Java 文档

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