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I prefer to use local variables rather than multiple calls to the same method.


 * I prefer this
Vehicle vehicle = person.getVehicle()
if (vehicle instanceof Car) {
   Car car = (Car) vehicle;
} else if (vehicle instanceof Bike) {
   Bike bike = (Bike) vehicle;
 * Rather than this
if (person.getVehicle() instanceof Car) {
   Car car = (Car) person.getVehicle();
} else if (person.getVehicle() instanceof Bike) {
   Bike bike = (Bike) person.getVehicle();
  • I believe that the first way is going to perform a tiny bit faster
  • 我相信第一种方法会更快一点。
  • I think the second way violates the DRY principle
  • 我认为第二种方法违反了干原则
  • I find the first way more readable and easier to debug (... OK negligible because I could step over)
  • 我发现第一种方法可读性更好,而且更容易调试(……)可以忽略,因为我可以跨过去)
  • I don't want to have to deal with the possibility of changed object state
  • 我不想讨论对象状态改变的可能性

Which do you prefer and why?


7 个解决方案



Yeah the first one is definitely better. I would never go for the second method. But you should think of using polymorphism more. Relying on instanceof so heavyly is not good OO design.




I prefer the first version for all the reasons you've mentioned. In particular (just to spell out your fourth point), it means you're definitely going to get consistent results... you could get horribly nasty results with the second version if getVehicle() returned a Car on the first call, then a Bike on the second...


The performance side doesn't bother me (I'll happily call List.size() repeatedly, for example) but readability, consistency and non-repeating are all much more important. Essentially the first snippet conveys the idea of "get a value, then use it" much more effectively than the second does.


So yes, I'm with you... is anyone recommending the second form to you?




I normally dislike the introduction of extra variables as every bit of added state makes a method more complex. But even I'd say that it's warranted in your example since the variable replaces 4 repetitions of identical code.


But the variable should definitely be final!




I agree, but I also try to reduce use of 'instanceof' too, at the class design level.




I personally think the first one is cleaner. However, provided the called method is not something computation intensive, it doesn't matter much.


Probably the second is a bit faster (if you use Java 1.6) because in the first example you make a copy of the variable, while the java VM will be likely to inline the function call in both examples. Of course optimization is never an argument with calls like this. The compiler does so many optimizations that we shouldn't bother (often it'll just reduce the speed because we dont' know it well enough).

可能第二个要快一点(如果您使用Java 1.6),因为在第一个示例中,您复制了变量,而Java VM很可能在两个示例中内联函数调用。当然,优化从来都不是像这样调用的参数。编译器做了太多的优化,所以我们不需要费心(通常它只会降低速度,因为我们不太了解它)。



As everybody that answered this question so far, I definitely prefer the first style. It can be even cleaner though:


Vehicle vehicle = person.getVehicle()
if (vehicle instanceof Car) {
   ((Car) vehicle).openSunroof();
} else if (vehicle instanceof Bike) {
   ((Bike) vehicle).foldKickstand();



Both examples need some work. Try to push the behavior into an abstract (or protected) method on Vehicle. If this is code you can't modify, use composition to put it inside of an interface in your code base so that you don't have to pollute the rest of your code with the poor design of the library you're using. This is definitely a code smell. See "Replace Conditional with Polymorphism" in Fowler's Refactoring book.


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