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The Adobe Integrated Runtime or AIR is a runtime environment for developing rich Internet applications. These applications can be deployed as a desktop applications. AIR applications can operate offline and can take advantage of additional functionality when connected to the Internet.

Getting Started

The Adobe AIR Page - adobe.com
Adobe AIR Language Reference for HTML Developers - adobe.com
Dreamweaver CS3 Extension - adobe.com
Developing Adobe AIR Applications with HTML and Ajax - adobe.com

Application Collections

10 Adobe AIR Must See Applications - webresourcesdepot.com
Adobe AIR Applications Wiki - pbwiki.com
Adobe AIR Marketplace - adobe.com
AIR Projects on RIAForge - riaforge.org
AIRpollo - apollohunter.com
O2Apps - o2apps.com


6 Adobe AIR ActionScript APIs explored, first up File System Access - seantheflashguy.com
6 Adobe AIR ActionScript APIs explored part II: Network Detection - seantheflashguy.com
Adobe AIR Apps Bloggers Will Love - readwriteweb.com
Adobe AIR is Killing Google Gears - whydoeseverythingsuck.com
Adobe AIR Resources for the Ajax Developer - snook.ca
Adobe AIR security concerns - itwriting.com
Adobe AIR vs Microsoft Silverlight: A developer’s perspective - blogspot.com
Adobe AIR/Apollo vs Ajax vs Gears vs Flash vs Silverlight vs JavaFX vs GWT - rdews.com
Adobe AIR: 10 reasons to love it, 10 reasons to hate it. - itwriting.com
AIR Goes Live: The Best Things About Adobe’s AIR Platform - readwriteweb.com
Building a visual performance app with Adobe AIR, Flex, and Flash - adobe.com
Comparing Adobe Flex and Ajax development models - adobe.com
Dealing with Asynchronous Queries in Adobe AIR - alternateidea.com
Introduction to SQLite in Adobe AIR - peterelst.com
Most of the Brands are using Adobe AIR applications - developersnippets.com
Query a Local Database in AIR’s Desktop RIA Environment - devx.com
Super-simple SQLite example for Adobe AIR 1 Beta -
Tips on getting a code signing certificate - macromedia.com
Using SQL with Adobe AIR - macromedia.com
You Too, Can be an AIR Developer! - blogspot.com


Christian Cantrell - macromedia.com
Daniel Dura - danieldura.com
Ethan Malasky - macromedia.com
Kevin Hoyt - kevinhoyt.org
Lee Brimelow - theflexblog.com
Mike Chambers - mikechambers.com
Mike Downey - madowney.com
Rich Tretola - everythingflex.com
Ryan Stewart - digitalbackcountry.com

Language-Specific Integration

Adobe AIR: Develop on Adobe AIR with HTML and Javascript - adobe.com
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) Resources Roundup for Ruby on Rails Developers - rubyinside.com
AIR for Linux - macromedia.com
CommandProxy: .NET / AIR Integration Proof of Concept - mikechambers.com
Extending Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR with C and C++ via ActionScript 3 - onflex.org
Javascript Language Reference for Adobe AIR - adobe.com

Popular Applications

Adobe Developer Connection Developer Desktop - adobe.com
Agile Agenda - adobe.com
AIR PressRich Blog Editor - airpress.org
AIR Talkr - airtalkr.com
AOL Top 100 Videos - adobe.com
Apprise RSS Reader - macromedia.com
CFDocs on AIR - brianflove.com
Chorducopia - adobe.com
Color Browser - adobe.com
DiggTop - adobe.com
eBay Desktop - ebay.com
Finetune Desktop - adobe.com
FotoBooth - adobe.com
Google Analytics Reporting Suite - adobe.com
GuitarScales V2 - adobe.com
Joom Edit - adobe.com
Klok - adobe.com
kuler desktop - adobe.com
MyDesktopNotes - adobe.com
MyStylez - adobe.com
NetBook - adobe.com
Ora Time and Expense - adobe.com
PasswordKeeper - adobe.com
Posty - spreadingfunkyness.com
Qoove Notes - apollohunter.com
RichFLV - adobe.com
SearchCoders Dashboard - adobe.com
Spazan - Twitter client - adobe.com
SQLite Admin for AIR 1.0 - coenraets.org
StockQ: A Stock Quotes application, built for Adobe AIR - adobe.com
StudioCloud PSG (Proofing, Sales, and Gallery Manager) - adobe.com
Tumbleweed - tumblr.com
Tweetr - adobe.com
twhirlTwitter client - twhirl.org
WebKut - adobe.com
World Weather - adobe.com
Xdrive - xdrive.com
Xe-MoviePlayer - adobe.com


The Flex Show Podcast - theflexshow.com
AdvancED AIR Applications (Advanced) Book - amazon.com
The On AIR Bus Tour - adobe.com
Adobe AIR Free Book Download - ajaxian.com
Tons of new Flex / AIR articles and videos online - mikechambers.com
Adobe AIR group on Facebook - facebook.com
ScaleNine - skins and themes - scalenine.com

Third Party Integration

AIR Cairngorm (AIR extensions for Cairngorm) - ericfeminella.com
Building a desktop application with Ext, AIR, Aptana and Red Bull - extjs.com
Code completion for Adobe AIR in Spket IDE - spket.com
Intro to using Adobe AIR with Aptana (Video) - bestechvideos.com


40 Adobe AIR code examples - kevinhoyt.org
Adobe AIR Tutorial for HTML / Javascript Developers - petefreitag.com
Adobe AIR and Flex - Getting Started - paranoidferret.com
Adobe AIR Tutorials - adobeairtutorials.com
AIR Tutorials - senocular.com
Adobe AIR Videos - youtube.com
Ajaxian Featured Tutorial: Build your first Adobe AIR app - ajaxian.com
Christmas Is In The AIR - 24ways.org

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