作者:我我檬檬我我186 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-07-24 12:55
I have been running GoPhish almost since it was released, and I have had real issues with speed. The actual UI performance is fine, but the emails take forever to send. We are talking over an hour to send 25. At first I thought it was my SMTP relay but after spinning up an Amazon SES instance with a 50000 a day email allowance and 14 emails per second, I realize this can't be it. Thoughts?
Great product though
There was a couple incidents where our server crashed and it made the sending process a lot slower each time we turned it back on. There are no errors being thrown.
That sounds like it might be some kind of issue with being rate limited by the receiving mail server. We also do an exponential backoff in the case of receiving errors when sending.
Without any log information it’s tough to say the actual cause. Do you see any errors being thrown?