作者:夜冷 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-10-12 00:05
第29期OSC源创会#南京#开始报名,AngularJS、Netty 等
Hy 是非常棒的,嵌入 Python 的 Lisp 方言。
Hy 可以转换 Lisp 代码为 Python 抽象语法树,你可以使用 Lisp 的形式在 Python 的世界里自由发挥。

Hy 0.10.1 发布,此版本现已提供下载,使用 Dockerized 作为官方库镜像,使用:
$ docker run -it --rm hylang
hy 0.10.1 在 Linux 上使用 CPython(default) 3.4.1 => ((lambda [] (print "Hello, World!")))
[ 语言改进 ]
* Implement raise :from, Python 3 only.
* defmain macro
* name & keyword functions added to core
* (read) added to core
* shadow added to core
* New functions interleave interpose zip_longest added to core
* nth returns default value when out of bounds
* merge-with added
* doto macro added
* keyword? to findout keywords
* setv no longer allows "." in names
[内部改进 ]
* Builtins reimplemented in terms of python stdlib
* gensyms (defmacro/g!) handles non-string types better
* Added hy2py to installed scripts
[ Misc. Fixes ]
* Symbols like true, false, none can't be assigned
* Set sys.argv default to [''] like Python does
* REPL displays the the python version and platform at startup
* Dockerfile added for https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/hylang/
[ Contrib changes ]
* Fix ap-first and ap-last for failure conditions