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I have a List with a custom ItemRenderer. The ItemRenderer contains a Checkbox and a Label. The component with the List has a 'select all' checkbox. When the 'select all' checkbox is checked, it dispatches an event that each item should listen to in order to select its own checkbox. The eventlistener is added on creationComplete of each item, and the event is dispatched correctly when the 'select all' checkbox is selected, but the listener in the custom ItemRenderer does not listen.

我有一个带有自定义ItemRenderer的List。 ItemRenderer包含一个复选框和一个Label。具有List的组件具有“全选”复选框。选中“全选”复选框后,它会调度每个项目应监听的事件,以便选择自己的复选框。 eventlistener将添加到每个项目的creationComplete上,并且在选中“全选”复选框时会正确调度该事件,但自定义ItemRenderer中的侦听器不会侦听。

How do I make the ItemRenderer listen to an event that is dispatched in its parent??


I'll add some code examples to clarify:


------- container ----------


------- renderer ----------



Please note that the users ArrayCollection or its containing user objects cannot be changed because I need the values later on. So when 'selectAll' is clicked, each checkbox in the list should also be checked.


4 个解决方案


Your custom ItemRenderers should not register an event listener with their parent, but with your "select all" checkbox, i.e.


theCheckbox.addEventListener(YourEvent.YOUR_EVENT, itemRendererSelectAllHandler);

Failing that, can you post your code which adds the event listener and which dispatches the event form the checkbox?



Here's your bug: In renderer's init(), you need to add an event listener not to the renderer, but to the container which dispatches the event. So make that a


container.addEventListener(Container.SELECT_ALL_USERS, selectAllHandler, false, 0, true);


Doing select all in flex is little complex but I will tell you the way we did it and it works great.


We created a List derived control called "ExList" which has a property "selectAllCB" which we bind it to existing check box which will work for select all logic. Please note, when we set selectAllCB property, we make ExList to listen to checkbox's events.

我们创建了一个名为“ExList”的List派生控件,它有一个属性“selectAllCB”,我们将它绑定到现有的复选框,该复选框适用于select all逻辑。请注意,当我们设置selectAllCB属性时,我们使ExList监听复选框的事件。

When checkbox is checked, we manually set selectedItems array to array of dataProvider and all items are selected.


Playing with itemRenderer doesnt work correctly because when you program your list again and again everytime you have to write so much of code.


I am attaching some sample code here below..

    public class ExList extends List 
        public function ExTileList()
            this.allowMultipleSelection = true;

        private var _selectAllCB:CheckBox = null;
        public function get selectAllCB():CheckBox
            return _selectAllCB;
        public function set selectAllCB(v:CheckBox):void
            _selectAllCB = v;
            v.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, handleAllChange,false, 0 , true);
            v.addEventListener("change", handleAllChange,false, 0 , true);

        private function handleAllChange(e:Event):void
                this.selectedItems = this.dataProvider.toArray();
                this.selectedItems = new Array();

And you can use it as...


// Please note its in curly braces


This is how I achieved the solution:





The simple solution is to use typed objects in the list of data you are presenting and then take advantage of databinding and the binding utils to capture changes to the underlying data property on the item renderer. Override the 'set data' function in the item renderer to do whatever you need when some property in the object gets changed to reflect the 'select all/de select all' state.


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