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How to install missing pthread manpages in Ubuntu?_孙建希_百度空间 How to i

How to install missing pthread manpages in Ubuntu?_孙建希_百度空间

How to install missing pthread manpages in Ubuntu?

Posted by Joys of Programming on in  C/C++

If you want to 

start programming in Ubuntu

, one of the major requirement is to 

install the man pages

. To start pthread programming in Ubuntu, you must require the pthread man pages.

If you check any pthread man page in a fresh Ubuntu system, you may encounter the following errors


$ man pthread_create 

No manual entry for pthread_create


To deal with this issue, you must install the pthread man pages

Install pthread man pages


sudo apt-get install manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev


Now you are able to refer any pthread documentation

How to install missing pthread manpages in Ubuntu?

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