作者:手机用户2502862581 | 来源:互联网 | 2024-12-21 16:33
“Hand in glove”这一短语形象地描述了手套与手之间的紧密贴合,几乎没有空隙。这种完美的契合不仅体现在物理层面,更常用于比喻人与人之间或组织间的高度协作。
Our two senators belong to different political parties. But I'm glad to say they always work together hand in glove when it comes to getting federal money for our state.
因此,“hand in glove”通常用来形容高度协调的合作关系。然而,在某些情况下,它也可以带有贬义,表示“勾结”或“串通”。例如:
Some of the employees are hand in glove with the security men at the gate and can walk out with things belonging to the company.
总之,“hand in glove”既可以用来赞美高效的合作,也可能揭示不正当的勾结行为。理解这一短语的双重含义有助于我们在不同情境下准确表达和解读。