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Counting bits set (naive way)

unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v

for (c = 0; v; v >>= 1)
  c += v & 1;

The naive approach requires one iteration per bit, until no more bits are set. So on a 32-bit word with only the high set, it will go through 32 iterations.

Counting bits set by lookup table

static const unsigned char BitsSetTable256[256] = 
#   define B2(n) n,     n+1,     n+1,     n+2
#   define B4(n) B2(n), B2(n+1), B2(n+1), B2(n+2)
#   define B6(n) B4(n), B4(n+1), B4(n+1), B4(n+2)
    B6(0), B6(1), B6(1), B6(2)

unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in 32-bit value v
unsigned int c; // c is the total bits set in v

// Option 1:
c = BitsSetTable256[v & 0xff] + 
    BitsSetTable256[(v >> 8) & 0xff] + 
    BitsSetTable256[(v >> 16) & 0xff] + 
    BitsSetTable256[v >> 24]; 

// Option 2:
unsigned char * p = (unsigned char *) &v;
c = BitsSetTable256[p[0]] + 
    BitsSetTable256[p[1]] + 
    BitsSetTable256[p[2]] +        

// To initially generate the table algorithmically:
BitsSetTable256[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <256; i++)
  BitsSetTable256[ i ] = (i & 1) + BitsSetTable256[i / 2];

On July 14, 2009 Hallvard Furuseth suggested the macro compacted table.

Counting bits set, Brian Kernighan's way

unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v
for (c = 0; v; c++)
  v &= v - 1; // clear the least significant bit set

Brian Kernighan's method goes through as many iterations as there are set bits. So if we have a 32-bit word with only the high bit set, then it will only go once through the loop.

Published in 1988, the C Programming Language 2nd Ed. (by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie) mentions this in exercise 2-9. On April 19, 2006 Don Knuth pointed out to me that this method "was first published by Peter Wegner in CACM 3 (1960), 322. (Also discovered independently by Derrick Lehmer and published in 1964 in a book edited by Beckenbach.)"

Counting bits set in 14, 24, or 32-bit words using 64-bit instructions

unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v

// option 1, for at most 14-bit values in v:
c = (v * 0x200040008001ULL & 0x111111111111111ULL) % 0xf;

// option 2, for at most 24-bit values in v:
c =  ((v & 0xfff) * 0x1001001001001ULL & 0x84210842108421ULL) % 0x1f;
c += (((v & 0xfff000) >> 12) * 0x1001001001001ULL & 0x84210842108421ULL) 
     % 0x1f;

// option 3, for at most 32-bit values in v:
c =  ((v & 0xfff) * 0x1001001001001ULL & 0x84210842108421ULL) % 0x1f;
c += (((v & 0xfff000) >> 12) * 0x1001001001001ULL & 0x84210842108421ULL) % 
c += ((v >> 24) * 0x1001001001001ULL & 0x84210842108421ULL) % 0x1f;

This method requires a 64-bit CPU with fast modulus division to be efficient. The first option takes only 3 operations; the second option takes 10; and the third option takes 15.

Rich Schroeppel originally created a 9-bit version, similiar to option 1; see the Programming Hacks section of Beeler, M., Gosper, R. W., and Schroeppel, R. HAKMEM. MIT AI Memo 239, Feb. 29, 1972. His method was the inspiration for the variants above, devised by Sean Anderson. Randal E. Bryant offered a couple bug fixes on May 3, 2005. Bruce Dawson tweaked what had been a 12-bit version and made it suitable for 14 bits using the same number of operations on Feburary 1, 2007.

Counting bits set, in parallel

unsigned int v; // count bits set in this (32-bit value)
unsigned int c; // store the total here
static const int S[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}; // Magic Binary Numbers
static const int B[] = {0x55555555, 0x33333333, 0x0F0F0F0F, 0x00FF00FF, 0x0000FFFF};

c = v - ((v >> 1) & B[0]);
c = ((c >> S[1]) & B[1]) + (c & B[1]);
c = ((c >> S[2]) + c) & B[2];
c = ((c >> S[3]) + c) & B[3];
c = ((c >> S[4]) + c) & B[4];

The B array, expressed as binary, is:

B[0] = 0x55555555 = 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101
B[1] = 0x33333333 = 00110011 00110011 00110011 00110011
B[2] = 0x0F0F0F0F = 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111
B[3] = 0x00FF00FF = 00000000 11111111 00000000 11111111
B[4] = 0x0000FFFF = 00000000 00000000 11111111 11111111

We can adjust the method for larger integer sizes by continuing with the patterns for the Binary Magic Numbers, B and S. If there are k bits, then we need the arrays S and B to be ceil(lg(k)) elements long, and we must compute the same number of expressions for c as S or B are long. For a 32-bit v, 16 operations are used.

The best method for counting bits in a 32-bit integer v is the following:

v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);                    // reuse input as temporary
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);     // temp
c = ((v + (v >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24; // count

The best bit counting method takes only 12 operations, which is the same as the lookup-table method, but avoids the memory and potential cache misses of a table. It is a hybrid between the purely parallel method above and the earlier methods using multiplies (in the section on counting bits with 64-bit instructions), though it doesn't use 64-bit instructions. The counts of bits set in the bytes is done in parallel, and the sum total of the bits set in the bytes is computed by multiplying by 0x1010101 and shifting right 24 bits.

A generalization of the best bit counting method to integers of bit widths upto 128 (parameterized by type T) is this:

v = v - ((v >> 1) & (T)~(T)0/3);                           // temp
v = (v & (T)~(T)0/15*3) + ((v >> 2) & (T)~(T)0/15*3);      // temp
v = (v + (v >> 4)) & (T)~(T)0/255*15;                      // temp
c = (T)(v * ((T)~(T)0/255)) >> (sizeof(v) - 1) * CHAR_BIT; // count

See Ian Ashdown's nice newsgroup post for more information on counting the number of bits set (also known as sideways addition). The best bit counting method was brought to my attention on October 5, 2005 by Andrew Shapira; he found it in pages 187-188 of Software Optimization Guide for AMD Athlon™ 64 and Opteron™ Processors. Charlie Gordon suggested a way to shave off one operation from the purely parallel version on December 14, 2005, and Don Clugston trimmed three more from it on December 30, 2005. I made a typo with Don's suggestion that Eric Cole spotted on January 8, 2006. Eric later suggested the arbitrary bit-width generalization to the best method on November 17, 2006. On April 5, 2007, Al Williams observed that I had a line of dead code at the top of the first method.

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