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I built my own UserControl (that I consume from a separate assembly) with its own customized events, in the parent project I want to use those events with Commands since it's an MVVM application, all by using the Behaviors SDK (XAML) for Visual Studio 2013, as follows :

我用自己定制的事件构建了自己的UserControl(我从另一个程序集中使用它),在父项目中,我希望使用这些事件和命令,因为它是一个MVVM应用程序,所有这些都是通过Visual Studio 2013的行为SDK (XAML)实现的,如下所示:


The problem is that the EventTriggerBehavior supports only some specific events as mentioned here, hence the commands I'm using on my events don't fire, now, what I want to do is, to build behaviors that provide the same experience, and that support my own event: I want them to look similar to this :



I've read many articles about implementing such behaviors, but I couldn't get it clear for me since it's the first time I deal with them this way, I would like if you show me how to do.


1 个解决方案



First of all you would normaly not add the behavior inside the UserControls XAML Page, you would add the Behavior on the XAML Page where you use the UserControl, so i think you will need something like this:

首先,你通常不会在UserControls XAML页面中添加行为,你会在使用UserControl的XAML页面中添加行为,所以我认为你需要这样的东西:

You can simply add a public event of type EventHandler e.g. "ForwardButtonClicked" to your Codebehind of your UserControl:

你可以简单地添加一个像EventHandler这样的公共事件。“forward dbuttonclick”到您的UserControl后面的代码:

public event EventHandler ForwardButtonClicked;

Then you must add a EventHandler Method too, to get your event fired when the button is clicked on the view. So you would add a eventhandlermethod inside the constructor of your usercontrol:


public PlayerControl()
  _forwardButton.Click += this.ForwardButtonClickedEventHandler;

The Eventhandler would look like:


private void ForwardButtonClickedEventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs eventArgs)
  if(this.ForwardButtonClicked != null)
    this.ForwardButtonClicked.Invoke(sender, new EventArgs());

Then you can add your UserControl to a XAML Page and add a EventTriggerBehavior for the ForwardButtonClicked Event of your UserControl. Since there is no support for Custom RoutedEvents in WinRT you may use a default clicked RoutedEventHandler instead of a normal C# EventHandler because you lack bubbleing and tunneling of events. But i don't know if this is working, i did not try it because i did not need bubbleing or tunneling yet. If someone has a better solution, i would much appreciate to read about it.

然后,您可以将您的UserControl添加到XAML页面,并为您的UserControl的forwardbuttonclick事件添加EventTriggerBehavior。因为在WinRT中没有对自定义的RoutedEvents的支持,所以您可能会使用默认的RoutedEventHandler,而不是正常的c# EventHandler,因为您缺少事件的冒泡和隧道。但我不知道这是否有效,我没有尝试,因为我还不需要气泡或隧道。如果有人有更好的解决方案,我将非常感激阅读它。

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