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I was looking into google.com's Net activity in firebug just because I was curious and noticed a request was returning "204 No Content."

我当时正在查看google。com在firebug中的网络活动,只是因为我很好奇,并注意到一个请求正在返回“204 No Content”。

It turns out that a 204 No Content "is primarily intended to allow input for actions to take place without causing a change to the user agent's active document view, although any new or updated metainformation SHOULD be applied to the document currently in the user agent's active view." Whatever.


I've looked into the JS source code and saw that "generate_204" is requested like this:


(new Image).src="http://clients1.google.com/generate_204"

No variable declaration/assignment at all.


My first idea is that it was being used to track if Javascript is enabled. But the "(new Image).src='...'" call is called from a dynamically loaded external JS file anyway, so that would be pointless.

我的第一个想法是,它是用来跟踪Javascript是否启用的。但“(新形象).src = '……无论如何,调用是从动态加载的外部JS文件中调用的,所以这是没有意义的。

Anyone have any ideas as to what the point could be?




"/generate_204" appears to be available on many google services/servers (e.g., maps.google.com/generate_204, maps.gstatic.com/generate_204, etc...).

“/generate_204”在许多谷歌服务/服务器上都可以使用(例如,maps.google.com/generate_204, maps.gstatic.com/generate_204,等等)。

You can take advantage of this by pre-fetching the generate_204 pages for each google-owned service your web app may use. Like This:


window.Onload= function(){
    var two_o_fours = [
        // google maps domain ...

        // google maps images domains ... 

        // you can add your own 204 page for your subdomains too!
    for(var i = 0, l = two_o_fours.length; i 

11 个解决方案



Like Snukker said, clients1.google.com is where the search suggestions come from. My guess is that they make a request to force clients1.google.com into your DNS cache before you need it, so you will have less latency on the first "real" request.


Google Chrome already does that for any links on a page, and (I think) when you type an address in the location bar. This seems like a way to get all browsers to do the same thing.




I found this old Thread while google'ing for generate_204 as Android seems to use this to determine if the wlan is open (response 204 is received) closed (no response at all) or blocked (redirect to captive portal is present). In that case a notification is shown that a log-in to WiFi is required...enter image description here




In the event that Chrome detects SSL connection timeouts, certificate errors, or other network issues that might be caused by a captive portal (a hotel's WiFi network, for instance), Chrome will make a COOKIEless request to http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 and check the response code. If that request is redirected, Chrome will open the redirect target in a new tab on the assumption that it's a login page. Requests to the captive portal detection page are not logged.


Font: Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper




Google is using this to detect whether the device is online or in captive portal.


Shill, the connection manager for Chromium OS, attempts to detect services that are within a captive portal whenever a service transitions to the ready state. This determination of being in a captive portal or being online is done by attempting to retrieve the webpage http://clients3.google.com/generate_204. This well known URL is known to return an empty page with an HTTP status 204. If for any reason the web page is not returned, or an HTTP response other than 204 is received, then shill marks the service as being in the portal state.

当服务转换到就绪状态时,Chromium OS的连接管理器Shill尝试检测在一个被捕获的门户内的服务。通过尝试检索网页http://clients3.google.com/generate_204,可以确定在被捕获的门户网站或在线状态。众所周知,这个众所周知的URL返回一个带有HTTP状态204的空页面。如果由于任何原因,web页面没有返回,或者接收到超过204的HTTP响应,则shill将服务标记为处于门户状态。

Here is the relevant explanation from the Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper:


In the event that Chrome detects SSL connection timeouts, certificate errors, or other network issues that might be caused by a captive portal (a hotel's WiFi network, for instance), Chrome will make a COOKIEless request to http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 and check the response code. If that request is redirected, Chrome will open the redirect target in a new tab on the assumption that it's a login page. Requests to the captive portal detection page are not logged.


More info: http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chromiumos-design-docs/network-portal-detection




204 responses are sometimes used in AJAX to track clicks and page activity. In this case, the only information being passed to the server in the get request is a COOKIE and not specific information in request parameters, so this doesn't seem to be the case here.


It seems that clients1.google.com is the server behind google search suggestions. When you visit http://www.google.com, the COOKIE is passed to http://clients1.google.com/generate_204. Perhaps this is to start up some kind of session on the server? Whatever the use, I doubt it's a very standard use.




This documents explains:




(Search for generate204)


Relevant section:


Among the different objects, a Javascript function triggers a generate204 request sent to the video server that is supposed to serve the video. This starts the video prefetch, which has two main goals: first, it forces the client to perform the DNS resolution of the video server name. Second, it forces the client to open a TCP connection toward the video server. Both help to speed-up the video download phase.


In addition, the generate204 request has exactly the same format and options of the real video download request, so that the video server is eventually warned that a client will possibly download that video very soon. Note that the video server replies with a 204 No Content response, as implied by the command, and no video content is downloaded so far.




I found this blog post which explains that it's used to record clicks. Without official word from Google it could be used any number of things.



http://mark.koli.ch/2009/03/howto -配置- apache - -返回- http - 204 -不-内容- - - - - - - ajax。



Many applications access this URL to determine if they have a connection that only leads to a captive portal.


The idea is that any captive portal thinks this is a "normal" website, and then redirects you to its portal site, which is returned with a status 200. If an application tries to access any normal website, it is confronted with a totally unexpected response and may have problems figuring out what's wrong. However, with this URL it's easy: If you get status 200, you are inside a captive portal, and you can tell your user to do something about it (usually either log in to the portal using a browser, or turn WiFi off and rely on 3G, if they are using a phone). If you get status 204, you got connected to Google, so your application is actually connected to the internet.

这个想法是,任何被囚禁的门户网站都认为这是一个“正常”的网站,然后将你重定向到它的门户网站,它的返回状态为200。如果一个应用程序试图访问任何正常的网站,它将面对一个完全出乎意料的响应,并且可能会发现问题。然而,这个URL很简单:如果你得到地位200年,你正在在一个被门户网站,你可以告诉你的用户做点什么(通常要么使用浏览器登录到门户,或者关闭WiFi和依靠3 g,如果他们使用的是电话)。如果你得到状态204,你就会连接到谷歌,所以你的应用程序实际上是连接到互联网上的。

Microsoft and Apple use a slightly different approach; they both have some URLs that return a very specific short text message with a status 200, so instead of accessing the Google url you can for example go to "captive.apple.com" and check for status 200 with data = "Success" and nothing else. If you get status 200 and not exactly that data then you are again in a captive portal.




with the massive remit by google to stop both spam and the scraping of their search database, I believe that this is part of the effort to track bots etc.


some simple anti bot pseudo could go like this.


On GET (google.*) Save RemoteEndPoint
    If RemoteEndPoint GETs (clients1.google.com/generate_204) Then
        Set botAlert_stage1 = false;
        Set botAlert_stage1 = true;
    End If

I also believe that the latest google frontpage 'theme' is also a new tool to help with the anti spam/bot activity.


** NOTE ** ipv6.google.com also includes this measure.


Just my unfounded unproofed two 2p.




The generate 204 might be dynamically loading the suggestions of search criteria. AS i can see from my load test script, this is seemingly responsible for every server call each time the user types into the text box




Well i have been looking at this for a few times and resulted that Google logs referer's where they come from first time visiting the google.com for ex; tracking with Google Chrome i have a 90% guess that its for Logging Referers, maybe User-Agent statistics well known when Google release its list of standards of browser usage:


  • Request URL: http://clients1.google.se/generate_204


  • Request Method: GET


  • Status Code: 204 No Content


Response Headers


  • Content-Length: 0
  • 内容长度:0
  • Content-Type: text/html
  • 内容类型:text / html
  • Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 17:06:24 GMT
  • 日期:2010年5月21日星期五17:06:24
  • Server: GFE/2.0
  • 服务器:GFE / 2.0

Here "Referer" under "^Request Headers" shows Googles statistics that many folks come from Microsoft.com, also parsing out the word "Windows 7" to help me focus on Windows 7 in my up-following searches that session

在“Request Headers”下的“Referer”显示了google的统计数据,很多人来自Microsoft.com,也分析了“Windows 7”这个词,以帮助我在接下来的搜索中关注Windows 7。


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