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My app is downloading base64 encoded content, in most cases PDF documents. It is transferred via web service and wrapped up in SOAP. The documents can reach sizes of up to 100 MB.

我的应用程序正在下载base64编码的内容,大多数情况下是PDF文档。它通过web服务传输,并包在SOAP中。这些文档的大小可以达到100 MB。

To store these files locally, I need to extract them from the SOAP envelop, decode the base64 string and write to storage.


Problem is, that a document of about 1 MB increases the temporary memory usage by 20-30 MB. When tracking allocations in Instruments, I can see those peaks. This isn't so much a problem. But a document of 60 MB increases memory by around 800 MB, and that's definitely too much for iOS devices.

问题是,一个大约1 MB的文档会增加20-30 MB的临时内存使用量。这不是什么大问题。但是一个60mb的文档会增加800 MB的内存,这对iOS设备来说显然是太多了。

I'm trying to change the app so that the peaks can be prevented or at least lowered. Alas, I don't exactly know which lines of code are responsible.


Is there a possibility to step through the code and also view current allocations or memory usage at the same time?


I know stepping through doesn't work when app is executed by Instruments. So, are there any other options?


Here is how Instruments looks like: enter image description here


Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案



To track allocations in a certain period of time, what I normally do is mark the start and end points in the timeline using the inspection range buttons:

为了在一定时间内跟踪分配情况,我通常使用inspection range按钮在时间轴上标记开始和结束点:

Instruments Inspection Range Buttons

That filters the allocations list and just shows you allocations done in that period of time. I normally sort by the "# living" column in order to find out what types of objects were allocated during that period. With the extended detail panel open, I select which ever suspicious object and click on the arrow by the class name:

它过滤了分配列表,只显示了在这段时间内完成的分配。我通常按“# living”列排序,以查明在此期间分配了什么类型的对象。打开扩展的细节面板,我选择任何可疑的对象,然后按类名单击箭头:

Instruments Allocations

That displays the list of instances of that type of object. Selecting one, will show you, in the extended panel, the stack trace. That information can already hint you how these objects are being allocated.


In addition, if you select a particular instance using the arrow by the class name again, you see that object's history in terms of memory events. Also, if you double click on a stack trace call it will show you the code where that memory event is happening:


Object Stack Trace

With this information you should be able to know what is going on. If the object you selected is not the culprit, you can continue inspecting the rest. In order to navigate back to the object list you can click on "Object Summary" in the navigation bar:


Allocation Instruments Navigation Bar

Good hunting.




check out this link that helps you understands heap allocations. It will help you track the allocations.Hope this helps. You can also use activity monitor which lets you track the memory consumed by an app at any particular time when using the app.

检查这个帮助您理解堆分配的链接。它将帮助您跟踪分配。希望这个有帮助。您还可以使用activity monitor来跟踪应用程序在使用该应用程序时在任何特定时间消耗的内存。

you can also check the code that is allocating memory , please find attached screen shot.enter image description here


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