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Bug Report

What's the issue you encountered?

[ Describe the issue in detail and what you were doing beforehand. ]
When launching Gear.Club Unlimited 2, version 1.7.0. The game loads the creator logos, then moves to the loading screen, the loading circle stops and it takes around 2-3 minutes before the game crashes with "The software was closed because an error occurred".
If you press the Switch Home button when the loading circle is frozen and close the game, the entire system lags tremendously: Game icons load very slowly, opening a new game takes around 3 minutes and runs slow, trying to launch homebrew applications can take up to 30 seconds. Only a system restart bring back things to normal.
If you wait until the game stops with an error when loading, no lag can be noticed in the system afterwards.

[ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? ]
No changes, vanilla Atmosphere.

[ If so, make sure to include details relating to what exactly you changed. ]

How can the issue be reproduced?

Just Launch the game Gear.Club Unlimited 2, Ver. 1.7.0. Note: The first-ever launch does not seem not crash.

Crash Report


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